Age difference, Snoring, and Dating

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Dean walked straight into his apartment to find Castiel slumped against the cushions on his couch. The tv was on too, playing on the screen was Gran Torino.

"Do Walt and Thao become friends?" The teen muttered, his blue eyes were glued to the movie playing on the screen. A simple yes came from Dean, who was kicking off his shoes and moving towards the couch.

"Move over." Dean nudged him and Castiel pulled his legs closer to himself. The elder fell onto the couch with a loud sigh then threw his legs onto the coffee table.

"I texted my friend, told her where I am by the way." Castiel glanced over at Dean who was distracted by his thoughts. 

There was this odd feeling of attraction towards Castiel that Dean often felt and he blamed it on that dream he had. Dean admired those icy blue eyes, damn it, he admired everything about him- The way Castiel spoke, the way he laughed, and the way he smiled. This boy sat beside him and he was so beautiful. That's all Dean could think as he turned to meet Castiel's gaze.

"I'll take you home in a bit, I'm tired." He spoke in a whisper. A grin appeared on Castiel's face as he lightly kicked Dean with his foot, "Aw, Dean's tired."

A little smile appeared on the elder's face, "I am actually. I didn't get much sleep last night, mostly because you took up most of the bed."

"Hey! At least I don't snore." Castiel stuck his tongue out at him and stretched his legs out across Dean's lap.

In that moment the elder casually rested his hand on Castiel's leg. His face suddenly grew hot; it's not like Dean was touching him sexually, but any physical contact Castiel had with Dean Winchester left him completely flustered.

"This is my favorite part!" Dean cheered at tv while Castiel still stared at the hand lazily placed on his knee.

So often Castiel imagined being more than friends with Dean Winchester, if that was even possible, but there were so many risks. There age difference wasn't vast, but enough to get people's attention. Enough to get them in trouble.
Him only being seventeen when Dean was twenty two. Okay maybe it was a huge difference, but Castiel argued to himself that he was almost eighteen sorta and more than mature for his age.

The teenager shook his head, because it couldn't happen. It wouldn't. Or so he thinks.

"Do you think I'm mature?" Castiel randomly asked. It took a second for Dean to realize he was being asked a question, "Yes, I do. Half the kids your age are pretty obnoxious- Not that you aren't..."

Dean laughed as the teenager sat up straight and punched his shoulder weakly, "I'm not obnoxious or a kid."

Castiel bent his knees a little as he leaned forward.

"I guess you're right," The elder gazed into his eyes and squeezed his knee slightly. Castiel was first to gulp and break eye contact, which only made Dean chuckle. Neither of them was phased by how close to each other they were.

"If I was older would you date me? Metaphorically speaking of course." The teen asked ever so casually. That took Dean by surprise, "uh.....I've never dated a guy."

"Say you did date guys, would you date me then?" Castiel leaned slightly against Dean's touch.

"I didn't say I wouldn't date a guy." Dean titled his head and narrowed his eyes, "So would you, date me?"

"Will you hit me if I say no?" Dean laughed.

"No, idiot. I'm serious." Castiel laughed too.

"Okay, then yes....Would you date me?" The elder raised his eyebrows and on his face appeared a smug as he turned the question on him.

"Sure," the teen shrugged.

"Just sure? I gave you a solid yes asshat." Dean laughed, leaned back, and took his hand off Castiel.

"Yeah well, I mean, you're mature, you're pretty decent looking-"

"Decent looking..." Dean grumbled.

"And you're funny- actually, that's not true, but if I said that I'm sure it'd make you really happy."

The sass in his tone was absolutely clear and Dean hated it- not really.

"I am hilarious," "-Sure."

"Alright, that's it. I'm taking you home." The loud exaggerated sigh that came from Dean threw the teen into a fit of laughter as he turned the tv off.

On his feet, Dean walked to his shoes sitting by the door to put them on.
So of course Castiel walked out the front door to the car- behind him tired and flustered, Dean Winchester.


I KNOW, their ages were revealed! FINALLY. For those who didn't know, yes, Castiel and Dean are like around five years apart?
Also, YAY, finally some more low key flirting is occurring, but I think the big question is
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xo, G


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