Powerful poison

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It's been so long, I'm so sorry! I started college and I got caught up in the ridiculous amounts of homework. There will be more updates soon, I promise! This chapter really sucks because it's short and I had major writer's block. Ily sorry again for the long wait!


The second those three words left Castiel's mouth Dean felt a passion blazing inside his heart, "I love you too."

Castiel had no time to react, his own heart thumping, as the older boy pulled him in for a sweet kiss. Love, the most powerful poison he'd ever felt, raced through his veins and surged throughout his entire body. The feeling was new, even a bit overwhelming, but he liked it. Castiel stood on his toes as they began kissing slow and passionately. The fact that they had even argued earlier seemed ridiculous to him now, but forget that—this was more important at the moment.

Castiel started pulling Dean towards the bedroom. All he wanted was to be touched by the man he loved. The two stumbled into the room, undressing each other in the process. With clothes now scattered all over the floor, Dean gently pushed Castiel onto his bed with two hands. He covered Castiel's mouth with his for another desperate kiss. It was sloppier than the first, but still amazing. Their lips moved in perfect sync, never before had Castiel put so much love into a single kiss. "Dean?" The boy beneath him sighed into his mouth.

"Yeah?" Dean whispered, pulling away slightly. Castiel stared up at the freckled boy on top of him. "I love you." He smiled shyly, hand reaching up to tangle in Dean's dirty blonde hair. Those green eyes stared straight at him in pure admiration. Oh man, was this man absolutely breathtaking. How in the hell did I get this lucky? Castiel asked himself.

"I love you too." Dean pressed his pink lips to the boy's neck. The delicate touch of his lips caused Castiel to shiver, and the soft nips at his skin drove him mad. As a result he yanked on the short strands of Dean's hair. "Touch me," Castiel purred.

The hand Dean had on his back trailed lower and lower. Castiel felt himself melt. Being this close to Dean was enough to make Castiel feel truly loved, but all the kissing and touching made the experience much better. All the mistakes he's ever made, every bad thought, and every insecurity instantly disappeared when he was around Dean. Dean was all he wanted and no one would take that away from him.
I'm too lazy to include any smut so just imagine it yourself fellas whoops

"You should get a TV in here," Castiel combed his fingers through Dean's ruffled hair. He stared at the sweaty golden locks chaotically pushed into his face. With a soft nudge, Dean groggily replied. "Why would I do that?"

Castiel could feel the warmth of Dean's breath on his skin. A smile tugged at the sides of his lips, "Wouldn't it be nice to watch tv before bed?"

A grunt was Dean's only response. If he wasn't so tired Castiel would've continued talking, but instead he let Dean rest his pretty eyes. Castiel continued playing with his hair until he noticed Dean was asleep. His breathing was slow and calm. Seeing Dean in such a peaceful state while sleeping made the younger boy happy. Especially when knowing how hard he worked. He saw the monumental loads of stress Dean pushed through on a daily basis. Sometimes even Castiel would add to his exhaustion, but that didn't bother him as much as work did. It was a bit expected anyways, especially knowing how stubborn the younger boy got at times.

Aside from Dean's stress, Castiel also had his own sum of troubles. School being the first and his parents coming in at a close second. Speaking of his parents, Castiel had called them earlier to ask if he could spend the night at Dean's. Luckily, they said yes with the single thought in mind of Dean being a positive influence on Castiel. No suspicion at all, just delighted to know Castiel had a friend to lean on. After the accident, they feared the worst, and although he had gotten into some trouble it wasn't anywhere near what they imagined would happen. All in all, meeting Dean was the best possible thing to occur in Castiel's life. They knew that and so did Castiel.

Hello again. How are you guys? Last time we talked was around August. How's school and such?
I turned 18 in August, finally, so I'm quite happy about that.
Apart from the school related stuff and my birthday, I've gone to a few concerts recently. Saw All time low, Bleachers, Dreamcar, Blink-182, and Jon Bellion! :)
Have you guys been to any concerts recently? Are you seeing anyone?
Also can you believe it's almost Halloween!? So excited.
Love ya, I'll update soon!

Xo, Gabby

Undesired Hell [ Destiel AU ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن