Destroy a pretty face

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Dean felt sick to his stomach, his fingers slowly tracing the dark bruises appearing on Castiel's delicate skin. He'd taken a ruthless beating from Benny at the Christmas party that night and Dean was beyond upset; if he really wanted to, he could punch a hole in the wall. The anger—towards Benny—thriving inside him was indescribable.

Sheepishly observing Dean clench and unclench his jaw for the forth time, Castiel finally said something, "Stop looking at me like that. I'm fine."

"That is probably the stupidest thing you've ever said. Look at what that son of a bitch did to you!" Dean replied rather harshly.

Castiel mentally placed himself in his boyfriend's position and although he understood why Dean was so bent out of shape, he was downright tired and just needed some sleep.

"I'm over it okay. Can we just go to bed? It's late." Castiel impulsively swept Dean's hand away from his face and veered away from the couch he was just sitting on. The green eyed boy reluctantly followed Castiel into his bedroom where he silently began to take off his sweatshirt. His facial expression was jaded, eyes rapidly blinking to suppress tears and drowsiness. With a simple sigh, Dean inched forward, "I'm not angry at you, I'm pissed off at Benny and I hate that he did this to you. I could kill him."

In response, Castiel sighed loudly then meticulously reached forward to thread his fingers loosely through Dean's blonde hair—which he loved so much and found fairly calming. "I know Bean....The entire situation could've been easily avoided, but I just had to call him out for what he did to Meg."

"I understand that completely, just don't blame yourself for this. I know that look in your eyes, angel." Dean gazed into those blue eyes. They revealed a truth that his poker face could not hide, which was remorse. "Ugh, I just hate Benny."

"Me too. I'm gonna show him a whole world of pain, just you wait." The green eyed boy muttered against Castiel's cheek. His stubbled chin softly grazed Castiel's skin and his lips displayed a sluggish grin, "As much as I'd love to smother you with kisses, I think I'm about ready to pass out."

"Then how about I smother you with kisses instead?" Dean snaked an arm around his lover's waist then dragged his languid frame into bed. Given how tired he was, Castiel merely burst into a fit of giggles there in the comfort of Dean's warm embrace. He pressed the first kiss on his temple and continued up until the blue eyed boy was fast asleep in his arms. "I love you," Dean whispered quietly into his ear, like a calm breeze on a cold winter night.

Nothing was more reassuring then watching Castiel sleep peacefully after such a terrible night. So what Benny Lafitte was a teenager in high school! Dean wasn't gonna let that punk off the hook following the fall out at that party.

He rested his eyes for solely a second, but ended up falling asleep himself. With his face nestled against the back of Castiel's head, Dean's breaths curled against the skin just beneath his ear and Castiel instinctively sighed in his sleep, feeling safe.

Over the roar of music, Castiel weaved his way through the dance floor with Meg right beside him. The party had absolutely exceeded both Castiel and Meg's expectations.

More importantly, Benny had shown up with nothing except more harmful things to say about Meg. Castiel had been spending his time circling the party, deciding whether or not to say something—acting as if all was peachy. The last thing he wanted to do was confront Benny, because the guy—a total douchebag—welcomed all conflict towards him. There was something honestly wrong with him, and despite already knowing that, Benny didn't give a damn if spreading further rumors about Meg meant hurting her more.

Undesired Hell [ Destiel AU ]Where stories live. Discover now