Voluntarily Blind

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After a long lunch the two were on their way back to the car. Castiel was trailing slowly behind Dean, gaping up at the distracting sunset. The sun was setting and the sky was painted an array of pink, orange, and red. He stared at the clouds, watching the pale light of the moon that was blossoming over the horizon. It was beautiful; Cas smiled to himself then yawned into the sleeve of his sweatshirt as he got into the car.

Dean eyed him before turning on the radio, "Don't fall asleep in my car, kid."

Castiel ignored his hasty remark and turned over, resting his head against the window. Of course Dean continued to nag at him to keep his eyes open, but by the seventh time he was drifting off to sleep. The engine rumbling beneath their feet drowned out the sound of Castiel's silent snoring- so did Dean's dreadful singing.

The sun fell as the moon rose before Dean's eyes and that moment was lovely as he turned to look at the sleeping boy beside him. Castiel's chest rose and fell as he breathed, a restless sigh came from him and Dean turned back, smiling at the road ahead. From that moment he drove slow and avoided every bump in the road till they were parked at the front of the station, "Cas, wake up. We're here."

"Mmm, leave me in the car." Castiel murmured, face pressed against the glass. Dean chuckled softly.

"I can't. Trust me I would, you're annoying as hell."

"Asshole." Castiel grumbled in response to Dean's crappy humor.

"If you're really that tired I can drive you home. I don't need you falling asleep in my office."

"Please." Just at that moment Castiel turned his head to gaze at him, so a breath of air caught it Dean's throat. Castiel was staring at him, eyes heavy and glistening.

"Yeah, I'll drive you. Just tell me where to go."

Castiel was finally able to force his eyes completely open to give his attention to the road ahead. "Okay, drive towards the school, I live near it......You think Jody will be angry? I'm not supposed to leave early."

"Nah, I'll talk to her. It's almost time for you to go home anyways." They were back on the road.

"Will she be angry at you?"

"She's practically my second mother, so she's always angry at me. It'll be fine."

A short cut off voice came from Dean's police radio once they were near the school. Dean furrowed his brows at the unfathomable transmission; He then took a hand off the wheel to hold down one of the radio buttons, "What was that?"

"10-67, assistance needed." That time the transmission came through clearly and Castiel observed Dean with eyes full of interest.

"Alright, send me your location and request standby. I'm on my way as soon as I'm done here." Dean placed his hand back onto the wheel.

"Roger that."

"There's the school, where next?" Dean asked.

"Turn on Ambrose, fourth house down." Castiel pointed at his simple two story home.

"You don't look sleepy anymore." Dean lied.

"Trust me, I could fall asleep in seconds," Castiel grunted. The car came to a halt in front of his house and he hopped out. Finally he could rest his head on his pillow instead of a window.

"Thanks for driving me." Castiel forced a big smile while Dean nodded. He gaped at him for a few silent seconds then licked his pink lips, "stay safe."

"You too." Castiel replied. He got one last glance of Dean before he raced away in his police car. Castiel swallowed hard as a sudden familiar feeling washed over him; The feeling boiled in the pit of his stomach to an emotion which was hard to put into words... Thinking about it, he realized it was because there was always some sort of mutual compassion between them. Neither of them ever thought much about it, only the fact that it was because they were friends. Castiel was voluntarily blind to the fact that maybe it was because they fancied one another and the few times the thought did cross his mind, he denied it. A man like Dean Winchester would never take interest in him, or so he thought.

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