Goodnight, Robin

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Here's a short filler chapter because why not. Things are going to get more interesting in the next few chapters, I promise. Enjoy this short update!


A lazy Castiel walked into his house after Dean dropped him off. He closed the door behind him then walked past his mother and father in the kitchen to lay on the living room couch. He fell lazily onto the leather couch then reached for the remote on the floor in front of him; he surfed through the channels, hearing footsteps approaching him.

"Good day at the station today?" It was his father.

"For the most part." Castiel yawned still on the couch, as he dragged a blanket over his body. His father raised an eyebrow at him, "Your mother made dinner, she's waiting for you in the kitchen."

The boy groaned, but forced a small smile after his father ruffled his hair. Castiel tore the blanket off his body and tumbled off the couch onto his wobbly feet. He walked into the kitchen, "Hey Mom."

"Hungry?" She simply asked as he leaned on the counter beside her shaking his head no.

"Can I go upstairs?"

His mother's hand was against his forehead in a matter of seconds and Castiel leaned away from her touch.

"I'm not sick, Mom." He was a bit hungry, but he just wanted to go upstairs and finish the biology homework he still hadn't started started.

"Eat, then go upstairs." She handed him a small plate of food. Castiel's head hung low while he walked back to the couch and laid across it, face squished against a pillow.

Every few seconds he'd take a bite of his food, but for the most part laid there stabbing the food with a fork and thinking about Dean and that dream. It wasn't his fault he was maybe starting to like him...right?
Castiel rubbed his temples and heaved at the thought.

He set his plate in the kitchen, grabbed his backpack off the floor, then sprinted upstairs. In his room, he dropped his backpack near his bed and glanced at his reflection in the mirror. Castiel looked at himself from head to toe while an unamused look occupied his face. He wished Dean would like him.

A hushed beep came from his phone and caught his attention. Castiel grabbed the phone from the pocket of his jeans and and watched the screen light up.

Dean "You left your diary in my car."

Castiel's eyes lit up, Dean and him had exchanged numbers earlier, he had completely forgotten. The dimples in his cheeks appeared as he smiled.

Castiel "Ha Ha very funny. It's my school journal"

Dean "Yea whatever. Do I drop it off?"

Castiel "please"

Dean "okie dokie"

Castiel "okie dokie really?"

Dean "shut the hell up, I need to drive"

Castiel tried to suppress his giggling, but ended up bursting into loud laughter. He proceeded to get his backpack, but the phone beeped again before he could take a step towards his bed.

Dean "there's nothing wrong with okie dokie"

The teen rolled his eyes then finally got up to grab his backpack. He threw it onto the bed before taking off his shoes.

Castiel thought about earlier that day, he still couldn't believe they had pulled over Dean's dad or the fact that he was out of prison so soon. It really bothered Dean, in fact they spent a whole hour talking about it before Dean decided to drive Castiel home. As terrible as the entire ordeal was, Castiel couldn't help but realize the only positive thing- Dean had opened up to him again.

Dean "come get your diary"

Finally Dean had arrived, the teen bolted downstairs with his socks on. His parents were too busy eating dinner they barley noticed him walk out the front door and into the cold. Castiel instantly regretted not grabbing a jacket as he wandered towards the car where Dean stood. His eyes landed on Dean who was leaning against the vehicle, Castiel's heart stopped momentarily in my chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around himself, "Thanks for bringing my journal."

"It's no big deal. Aren't you cold?" Castiel bit his bottom lip as Dean handed him the ragged journal, "Yeah, I should get inside."

"Goodnight, Robin." Then in that instant Dean smiled and Castiel felt his entire body flush warm. Not only had he called him Robin again, but there was something about the way Dean smiled that made his heart swoon. The moonlight streamed down upon Dean's face, the shape of his lips reflecting the crescent above them.

"Night, Dean." A short nervous chuckle came from Castiel's lips before he turned around and quickly rushed back into his house. He closed the door and stood with his back against the wooden frame.

Castiel gave into the truth, he had a major crush on Dean Winchester.

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