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Castiel's mom had assured him a million times that their security system was working perfectly fine and that last nights incident was completely random

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Castiel's mom had assured him a million times that their security system was working perfectly fine and that last nights incident was completely random.

"A random accident" according to her, but a major haunting according to her over dramatic teenage son.

He used this as the perfect excuse to have Dean over again, which his parents did allow! Obviously they knew what he was up to and how nervous the whole accident left him—that part was very true—it scared the hell out of Castiel....So what better way to feel safe than having his boyfriend over?

A flickering flame from a candle, on the coffee table in front of the sofa, set the mood Castiel was aiming for. His ruffled hair was gently pushed back, black locks matted and fueled down the nape of his tan neck. The mirror that stood before him showed a simple boy the world saw, but inside he was filled with rage, ambition, fear, and love that they're too blind to see. Yet somehow, Dean saw it all, not just blue eyes reflecting the golden firelight of expectations and rumors everyone else had pinned to him.

Castiel forgot that sometimes, it'd become easier to forget that not everyone understood him all the time like his boyfriend did. For the teen, school alone was the most difficult to deal with. On days he dealt with whatever mess was scrambled in his mind, peers and teachers didn't care, so yeah—their ignorance was a blunt reminder of how he was perceived.

That's why being around Dean felt so good.

He always knew whenever things were off or how to deal with Cas when negative emotions got the best of him. Perhaps he could push all the stressful thoughts away for tonight to just give Dean all of his undivided love and attention, because he deserved it.

Swearing under his breath, he muttered "Okay, you've been around him a million times. Chill."

The random nerves sorta melted away after a tiny pep talk, and he spent the rest of his time trying to cook. A romantic gesture that he sucked at.

Key word was....trying.

"Preheat the oven temperature to 400 Fahrenheit...then place in the middle of the oven for about 45 minutes—or until golden brown on top?" Castiel looked back and forth between his phone and the cold lasagna he'd just prepared. If this went swimmingly, it'd be a miracle.

"It can't be that hard." After a moment's hesitation, he turned on the oven, already cringing, because he knew he didn't have time to wait for the oven to preheat. So with the first step already being fucked, Castiel decided to risk it all by placing the dish into the center of the oven then praying.

While a frantic Castiel lit more candles around the house, his boyfriend remained at work. His stomach ached from laughter, because Trenton had locked himself out of his charger during a pursuit. Two units were called in during a traffic stop and Trenton happened to be the primary officer on scene, but things quickly went south when the driver fled from them a few minutes in.

Undesired Hell [ Destiel AU ]Where stories live. Discover now