Catching Z's

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Hellooo. Before you start this chapter, I wanted to briefly ask you all to please take a moment to read what I've got to say at the end of this chapter! Ty xo

"We only have a few more hours of road to kill."

Amused eyes and smitten, Castiel lolled his in the direction of the driver's seat, "You say that so casually, as if we haven't already been in this car for seven hours."

Dean shrugged, biting his tongue. Five or four more hours and they'd be back home—back in Lawrence. No more over crowded streets smothered in people or traffic. No more euphoric nights tangled up in hotel bedsheets together. And although their short vacation couldn't stay a never ending dream forever, they missed Lawrence and everyone there.

"Do you think my mom would let me spend the night at yours?" Castiel used the pad of his thumb to stroke Dean's freckled cheek. His eyes were dead set on the road, barley resisting the urge to meet Castiel's gaze, "I'm sure she would, but you haven't seen her in days. She probably misses you like crazy, Cas."

Well, he's probably right—Castiel told himself shyly. He missed his parents too, but didn't wholeheartedly like the idea of going separate ways with Dean. Not since New Year's Eve night, because they'd gotten so much closer. However, they couldn't be together at all times and Castiel understood that, but on the contrary, Dean had more trouble accepting the idea.

"Yeah, you're probably right." 

"I'm always right." Dean's lips broke into a smirk, his laughter shortly disrupting the silence. The blue eyed boy pulled his hand back into his lap and shamelessly laughed himself, "Arrogant boy, you're so pretty."

Dean's heart fluttered when Castiel called him pretty, "God, you make it so hard to leave."

As cars raced past them on the highway and the radio played silent static, Castiel tried to understand; His head titling to the left in confusion, sorta of like a puppy. Dean meant what he'd said. Ever since that night he hated the thought of not being near Castiel. More than Castiel hated it actually.

That night was the closest they'd ever been, and Dean wanted that intimacy again. His heart ached at the thought of being apart, but he had to be realistic—they couldn't always be around each other.

"I never want to leave your side."

"Aw, baby..." Castiel cooed in admiration, purposefully babying him; Dean scoffed, "....whatever."

Castiel's smile widened as he leaned over to kiss the freckled boy's face, "So beautiful."

The sloppy kisses continued up and down the side of his face. Dean tried his hardest to bite back a smile, "lay off angel, I'm driving."

"You love me." Castiel's innocent kisses quickly turned heavy and hot, earning him a quiet protest from Dean, "Cas...not while I'm driving."

In truth, He loved it. Loved all the attention, all the love he got from his perfect boyfriend. Castiel alone was already distracting enough on a daily basis, but when he got all hot and worked up, Dean's self control downright crumbled.

Drawing back, Castiel slouched in his seat—roaring winds twirling in Castiel's dark hair. The sides of his lips tugged upwards into a smile as he chuckled, "I love you."

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