Loving Someone

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Dean's hand was in his hair, fingers pulling on the dark strands, and it was driving Castiel slowly insane

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Dean's hand was in his hair, fingers pulling on the dark strands, and it was driving Castiel slowly insane. He kissed him hard once more before pulling away for them to catch their breaths.

"This is wrong," The beautiful man before him with gold flecked green eyes whispered.

Castiel's eyes took in again every detail of his face– pink lips, freckles, soft skin, long curly lashes. He was falling incredibly fast for him, because he was the only person who saw past all of his flaws. This was perfect and he didn't want the intimate moment to end.

"It doesn't feel wrong." In an instant after Castiel replied, Dean yanked him carefully off the desk and onto his feet. He pressed him against the door and drew back into his lips, forgetting he ever mentioned it being wrong.

Their lips crushed together, god was it hot. Castiel's mouth was so warm, the caress of his rosy lips softer than Dean could have imagined. The movement of their lips and tongue were so fluent, Castiel nearly moaned as Dean pressed his tongue against his.

"Yes, I'll be right there Mick. I'm just gonna check up on Winchester." Jody was only a steps away from the door. Also the same door Dean had Castiel pinned against at the moment.

When she stoped talking, her footsteps grew closer and both boys ripped apart faster then they could blink. Castiel choked on his own breath, tumbling towards the bookshelf. His brain was screaming as he heard the doorknob turn and Dean was fidgeting nervously in his chair.

"Hey, You still feeling fine?" She smiled when she came in.

Anxiously, Dean replied. "Yes."

Jody didn't speak for a second, watching his body language in confusion. She leaned in to touch his forehead, "You sure– You feel a little hot?"

Castiel was behind her, still at the book shelf, grinning at Dean and biting his knuckles. More heat rose to Dean's face as he blushed. His eyes flickered away from the giggly Castiel behind Jody, "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Okay. If ya need anything, call my cell." She pointed to her phone then turned to leave, but Castiel interrupted. "Uh Jody, my mom was wondering if you and Dean would like to join us for Thanksgiving this year?"

"Oh wow, that sounds lovely. Of course we'd love to, tell your mom thank you and to call me so I know what to bring!" With a simple nod from Castiel she left the two boys alone again.

"Thanksgiving? Is that why your mom called." Dean leaned back in his chair.

"Yep. By the way, bring Bobby. You can't take Jody and not him." Dean smiled, "I will. I will."

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