Chapter 3

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I heard footsteps quickly approaching behind me, and I turned around to meet them. Two people walked into the cabin and I looked over at my mom, who had a giant smile plastered on her face. I turned back to the strangers and I studied them silently. The first stranger was a man who looked to be about twenty five. He had a clean, shaven face with gelled back raven hair and dark eyes. He was tall and slender and was draped in a black suit that looked a tad bit loose for him.

The second stranger I couldn't take my eyes off of. She was a woman who looked to be younger than the man. Her light platinum blonde hair was pulled back into a neat bun. Her eyes were not dark like the man's were. Instead, her eyes were an intricate hazel color. They were beautiful. I could see every spec of color that made up her eyes. I didn't want to look away. Her nicely maintained, arched brows complemented her eyes nicely. Both her eyelashes and eyebrows were thick and dark. Like the man, she also wore a dark black suit. Though, her suit was more fitted.

I was staring. I knew I was staring. It felt like forever before she finally said something.

"Hello, Mia." She spoke in a thick English accent. I felt my knees weaken. I couldn't say anything, so after a moment she continued.

"My name is Jamie. This is my older brother Jason. We are friends of Mr. James and we're sent here to make sure that you both arrive safely." She says before locking eyes with me.

"You alright, love?" She asked.

"Y-yes" I tried to sound cool, but I don't think it worked. She chuckled and slipped a hand into her pocket. She pulled out two pieces of jewelry. One was a necklace for my mom. It's a dainty gold locket that looks too small to actually fit a picture. Jamie hands the necklace to Jason go give to my mom, before making her way over to me.

She takes slow, deliberate steps and moves close to me. My breathe hitches in my throat and she notices. She brushes a strand of my dark brown hair behind my ear and proceeds to lean closer and whisper "calm down, love". She smoothly pulls a box out of her pocket that holds a dainty silver ring with a green gem in the middle. She slowly takes my hand in hers, and proceeds to slip the ring on my ring finger while looking directly into my eyes. Omg I am trying so hard not to faint. She takes a couple steps back and smirks at me. She resumes her formed position next to Jason and begins to speak once again.

"This is very important, ladies. Do not, under any circumstances, remove these accessories. They are special tracking devices, designed especially by Mr. James to ensure the both of you are kept very safe." Her eyes narrow at my mother and I to make sure we understand. This situation is just getting more and more confusing. Why the hell do we need tracking devices?

Before I have time to think any more about all of this, the guard who escorted us here comes back to tell us that we need to take our seats, as the plane is about to take off. My mother plops down in one of the four seats closer to the front. Jason takes a seat next to her. Great. I'm stuck next to the girl I can't even breathe next to. We both take the remaining seats.

As the plane begins to take off, I squeeze my eyes shut and grip the leather of the seat. I have never liked planes. They terrify me. Heights too. Once we're actual in the air, my heart is still beating quick, but I'm able to open my eyes. Once I do, I realized that Jamie has been staring at me this entire time. God, that's so embarrassing. I look at her mortified, and she just raises her eyebrows and chuckles, shrugging this awkward interaction off. I could already tell that this plane ride was going to be one to remember.

Always, Love (girlxgirl)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat