Chapter 30

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"Mia, just come out please", Jamie pleaded from the otherside of the bathroom door.

"I don't think so. You lied to me. I've been trusting you, and you lied to me."

"That's fair. I understand that you're upset. I didn't wish to have you look at me differently because one of my family members scorned you in the past. I'm not like her, Mia. I didn't want you to think less of me."

Her words penetrated my rapid thoughts. I suddenly felt kind of bad. I wouldn't want to be associated with someone who would do something similar to what I told jamie that she did.

"Please, just come speak with me."

I took pity and opened the door. I kept my small clutch held tight in my hands in front of me.

"Hi", she said with a grateful smile.


"Come, let's take a seat." She led us back over to the table that I was at previously and pulled my chair out for me. "I'd like to apologize, Mia. From now on, I will not disregard any bit of information in regards to you. You have my word."

"Thank you" I said before clearing my throat. I knew what she was going to ask next.

"Who told you?"

"Dana. I'm worried, Jamie."

"What did she tell you, love?"

"She said that it wasn't her that leaked my-" I whispered the next part. "-tape."

"Continue", she ushered.

"She said that Bella has more videos of me that she's planning on leaking. She was upset because Dana made her go back home. She threatened to release them all, Jamie." I noticed her jaw lock in place, but I continued speaking anyway. "Dana told me that she 'might not make it back home'. I think she's going to kill her."

"Oh, good", Jamie said with relief. "That problem's solved then."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Jamie, I said she's going to try to KILL her."

"Yes, I know. She seems to not have much to do with her life anyway. Recording and exposing sensitive tapes. Really? How bored does one have to be?"


"Mia, no. We are not going to interfere with this one. My job is to keep you safe. We don't need to be drawing that kind of attention to you. This girl is dangerous, she needs to be taken out. Death is a part of life. Accept it, because you're going to be seeing a lot of it here."

"Okay" I sighed. A part of me liked that Bella was going to be punished for the hell that she put me through. All of my senior year was hell. I was essentially shunned by absolutely everyone that I knew because of her.

"Where is Dana now?"

"I don't know. She gave me a pocket watch to keep in contact or something like that. I don't know, she disappeared right before you walked back through that door."

Realization hit her like a bus. "That's why Louis wanted to talk to me. That little snake. I knew something was off when he started rambling about Adam and Eve and Steve or whatever. I thought he was just being a homophobic dick." She brushed a loose strand of her white hair back into place. "Wow. What did Dana want?" She shifted closer to me with interest.

"She still loves me."

An awkward silence fell upon us very quickly. It seemed as if Jamie couldn't find the words to speak. After a few minutes, the silence was broken. "Do you still love her?" Jamie questioned softly.

I studied her face. She really cares. "No. I got over the two of them ages ago. I don't have romantic feelings for her anymore."

Jamie let go of the breath that she'd been holding in. "Okay" was all that she said, but I knew how relieved she was to know that I wasn't still tripping over Dana. I miss the friendship that we had, but I don't want to make Jamie worry or read too much into it. Our connection was in the past and I'd rather not relive the past.


"Will you dance with me?" Jamie asked over the classical music playing in the background. I smiled and nodded. She gives me a million butterflies in my stomach just about every time she opens her mouth.

"May I?" She asked before taking my hand in hers and leading me to the dance floor. The blush on my cheeks was apparent as she pulled me closer in one swift movement, connecting our bodies.

"You're gonna have to help me out here" I laughed. "I've never danced like this before."

"I lead, you follow. It's not so difficult once you get the hang of it." I looked at her skeptically. "Come, love. Let's give it a go, shall we?" Her hand made it's way further down my waist and her other hand was extended outwards with mine. She took a step forward and I took a step back. She took a step to the side and I followed. She took a step back and I took a step forward. We moved in a box-like rotation for a while. I could've danced with her for hours, just like this. However, our dance was interrupted.

"You look rather dashing tonight, sweetheart", a man said as he approached me.

"Ward" Jamie spit out.

"Hello, Miss Morelli. I was just admiring how ravishing your date looks tonight."

"Ward, behave yourself."

"Am I not allowed to say hello to the princess?"

"In fact, I'd prefer if you not."

"Jamie, dear. There's no reason to be rude."

Jamie shifted herself between me and the man and got into his face. By the sounds of it, she wasn't very happy.

"Luke, If you so much as breathe her way, I will rip out your larynx and shove it up your arse. Are we clear?"

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. The man walked away with a balled fist and stiff jaw. Jamie smiled at me and pulled me back in close to continue our dance. I shook the shock off of my face. "Who was that?" I asked her.

"No one important enough to speak of." She sighed and looked at me. "I wasn't being funny, love. If he gets too close to you, I will take him out. I don't want to scare you, but I have special orders that I must follow."

"I understand."

"It's just something to get used to I suppose- pardon..?"

"I said that I understand. I'm not scared of you."

She twirled me around and pulled me so close while leaning down to my eye level that I could feel her breath against my lips.

"Maybe you should be", she whispered. I could feel the blood rushing throughout my body. I know she's just trying to get a rise out of me, but it's working too well. I sucked in a sharp breath and shifted my eyes away from her. "I think I'm all danced out" I nervously laughed.

Jamie raised an eyebrow and moved her hand to my chin to guide my eyes to look at hers. "What's the matter, beautiful?"

An even deeper tinge of red spread across my face. "Uhh.." I couldn't find words. Jamie chuckled at this and dropped her hand back to her side. "You make it too easy, Mia", she imparted before taking my hand. "Let us go upstairs to my private sector."


"We are VIP members. Therefore, we have VIP access. It's less crowded, come." She ushered me to follow her.

There may or may not be smut in the next chapter. I haven't decided yet ;)

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