Chapter 14

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After 20 minutes of driving, we arrived back at the mansion. All I wanted to do was go back to my room and not have to deal with my mother or any random people. I was so exhausted. Jamie and I got out of the car.

"Can I just go back to my room?" I asked her quietly.

"Of course, love" she replied gently.

We walked over to the big doors and Jamie punched in a code and then scanned her handprint. The doors opened, and we were once again inside of this gorgeous estate. I walked behind Jamie, following her up the stairs, and then down the first hallway, before turning into the second. We finally arrived back at my room door. Jamie watched me open the door and go inside, and then turned to leave.

"Wait" I said, trying to stop her from leaving.

"Will you stay with me please?" I asked innocently.

"Of course, love" she answered sweetly.

I walked towards her and grabbed her hand. I led her over to my bed. I climbed into bed, and I opened the covers while batting my eyelashes, signaling her to come in. She climbed into bed after me, and kept the covers low on her body. The blanket stayed by her hips. She was leaning her head against the headboard. I didn't mind. I just leaned over and settled my head in her lap. I curled up and fell asleep with her playing with my hair.


"Wake up, love."

I groaned. "No thank you"

"Darling, dinner is to be served in just a couple of minutes."

I raised my head and looked at her. I lifted myself up and climbed into her lap. I rested my hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. I can't get over how mesmerizing they are. I slid my hands from her shoulders to the sides of her neck, and then up to her cheeks. She moved her hands to my waist. I loved the feeling of her touching me.

I leaned in closer and kissed her lips. She moved her hands under my shirt and gripped my bare waist. I didn't want to stop kissing her. She pulled away, but kept me close to her face.

"We must go now, love" she whispered against my lips.

I sighed. "Okay"

I pouted and she pulled me in for one last quick kiss. I smiled and she wrapped her arms around my waist and picked me up off of the bed. She carried me to the door, and then set me to my feet. We were about to leave, but then I realized I wasn't presentable. I was still wearing the outfit that I had on when I arrived to the airport. I wore blue skinny jeans, and a loose cropped yellow shirt with a smiley face design on the front.

"I need to change" I said looking down.

Jamie looked so good in her fitted black suit, and I looked like a hobo. Jamie sighed.

"Hurry. We are expected downstairs soon."

I took off running to the walk-in closet. My clothes that I hadn't seen since I arrived to the airport, were all pressed and hung up neatly on black velvet hangers. Though, when I stepped inside, I noticed that there were more clothes. There were beautiful dresses and designer pants and tops. I looked around at the full closet. There were a plethora of expensive looking shoes and heels, displayed on shelves. There were different colored handbags and clutches sitting on floating shelves as well.

I walked over to the drawers and started opening every one, looking for a fresh bra and underwear. I finally found the drawer I was looking for. There were the panties and bras that I brought, but there were mostly new ones filling the drawer. I picked out a matching set. The set was burgundy and really lacy. The panties were high waisted, and connected to a garter. I undressed and put them on. I looked at myself in the hanging mirror on the wall of my closet. The set really accentuated my curves. I am naturally very curvy, but they're normally hidden by baggy or loose clothes.

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