Chapter 13

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Lachlan walked back into the room with another man. He looked to be older. Maybe in his 50's? His skin was ghostly pale and his hair was grey. His skin looked pretty smooth for his age. He was wearing a white lab coat and carrying a large black case.

"This is Dr. Giovanni. He will be drawing your blood, if you feel comfortable. If not, he can swab your mouth." Lachlan said evenly.

I don't like needles, but I wanted this test to be as accurate as possible.

"I will have my blood drawn" I said shakily.

"Alright then. Dr. Giovanni, you may proceed with the test" he told the doctor.

The doctor pulled up a stool next to my chair, and began prepping my arm. He pulled up my sleeve and then grabbed rubbing alcohol and cotton out of his case. He began cleaning the area on the inside of my elbow. My breathing became a little shallow. I reached over and gripped Jamie's arm and squeezed. I closed my eyes and just waited for it to be over.

I heard the doctor shuffling things around before I heard the sound of a needle being uncapped. Not long after, he pinched my skin and then I felt a sharp stab. I squeezed Jamie's arm harder. The needle was only in my arm for a few seconds before the doctor pulled it out. I opened my eyes and watched as he capped a vial of dark red blood. Ew. That made me uneasy.

"Good job, Mia. Thank you. I know you've never liked needles" Lachlan said sympathetically.

"Of course, dad" I said and he smiled.

He looked genuinely happy. I can't beloved my mother kept him out of my life. I can already tell that he would've been such a good dad. It was his turn to get his blood drawn. He decided to have it done on the other side of the room while he talked privately with the doctor. I realized I was still squeezing Jamie's arm.

"Sorry" I said, panicky. I let go of her arm and brought my hand into my lap.

"That's alright, love" she said, completely unfazed.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked with concern.

Jamie laughed. "No, Mia. You did not hurt me." She smiled at me, but I still felt bad. "Truly, it's okay. I barely felt it. You don't have to worry so much, sweetheart."

I took a deep breath and looked to where Lachlan was. The doctor was finishing up packing away the second vile of blood. They both stood up and were talking as they were walking back over to the desk. I wasn't able to catch all of what they were talking about, but I heard the last part of what Mr. James said.

"Expedite this test through our lab. I want the results by tonight" he said to the doctor with the upmost seriousness. The doctor nodded and then left the room. Mr. James took resumed his position at his desk.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this day, Mia. I'm so glad to have you here in front of me again" he said with a smile.

I smiled back and he continued. "I have a meeting to attend, but I will be home for dinner in a few hours. Jamie will take good care of you in the meantime. Isn't that right, Jamie?"

"Yes, indeed. She is in good hands, Mr. James." She said in a serious tone.

"Good" he said and then smiled. "Come along, then."

We all stood up and Jamie and I left the office. We reached the elevator and were soon back down in the lobby. As we were walking, I looked over and realized that Claire was back. I froze. Claire spotted us and grinned.

"Oh, hello" Claire said, walking closer to us. "I was sad to see you go earlier, Jamie."

I was biting my tongue. My blood was boiling. Who the hell does she think she is? I will rock her ass again. Jamie grabbed my arm tightly to try to hold me in place.

"You know how much I like it when you come into the office" Claire said, batting her eyes. She walked closer and started tracing her fingers up Jamie's other arm. "I can make this trip worth while hun."

I was fuming. I tried to step forward, but Jamie yanked me back and then pulled her arm away from Claire's grasp.

"Step out of my way, Claire." Jamie said stiffly.

Claire's face turned sour. "You really want this little girl instead?" she seethed.

"Claire, step out of my way." Jamie said, starting to get upset.

Claire laughed and then took a step to the side so she was in front of me. She tried to bring her hand up to hit me, but Jamie caught her wrist and pulled her back in front of her.

"Don't touch her, Claire. Get out of my way now, before I'm forced to physically remove you." Jamie said through a clenched jaw.

Claire scoffed and stomped away to take her seat behind the desk once again. Jamie took a step in front of me, before turning around to face me. She grabbed my waist with one hand, and then used the other to tilt my chin up to her. She leaned down and kissed me, very passionately. She bit my bottom lip, and I parted them. She slipped her tongue into my mouth once again, and my body was set aflame. She moved her hand from my chin to the back of my hair. She gently tugged my hair back and my head went with it. My neck was exposed. Jamie placed her lips on my neck and began kissing and sucking on my neck. After a few minutes of this display, she pulled away, and I looked over to realize that Claire had been watching the whole time. I grinned slyly.

"Are you ready to go?" Jamie asked. I nodded my head and she took my hand and led me out of the building, and back to the busy street. The same car that dropped us off was once again pulled up in front of the building.

Jamie walked over to the back door and opened it, waiting for me to get in. We both entered the car, and Jamie signaled the driver to pull away.

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