Chapter 20

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"Where are we going?" I asked nonchalantly.

"You're about to see." Jamie glanced her eyes over at me before looking back out of her window.

I noticed that we were heading into a pretty woodsy area. "You're not going to try to kill me, are you?" I asked, half joking.

She burst out into laughter and turned to face me. "What kind of question is that?", she laughs.

"It looks like we're headed to the middle of the forest where no one will hear me scream."

Jamie stopped laughing and shot me a serious glance. "Why would I get rid of my biggest source of entertainment?"

"Are you calling me a toy?"

She raised a single "don't test me" eyebrow. "Sometimes", she chided before smirking and turning her head to look back out of the window.

The heat started to rise in my face. This woman is so fucking annoying. Can she please get the fuck out of my head?!! God. Even her side profile is getting under my skin. I just want to reach out and feel her. In any other circumstance, I would've already been shooting my shot. For the most part, I'm pretty fucking confident. I mean, I'm not fucking ugly. I know that. But something about this woman has my confidence lacking sometimes. It's like her presence fucking scares it away. What is wrong with me?

"God help me" I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Just a little prayer", I articulated in a low voice.

Jamie rolled her eyes and scoffed. "We're almost there."

A few minutes later, the driver stops at a random point in the middle of the woods. In my head, something about this seemed a little fishy. Like the whole don't go off into the middle of the woods with a person you've known less than a week thing. But I also knew that Jamie wouldn't hurt me. I do trust her a lot more than I probably should in this situation, but she does work for my dad and my dad wouldn't place me in the care of just anyone. Jamie steps out of the car and reaches her hand out to help me out as well. There were sticks and rocks all over the place. I looked down at the ground in hesitation.

"I'm not wearing the right shoes for a hike, Jamie", I told her.

Before another sentence could come out of my mouth, she grabbed my arms and turned around, placing my arms around her neck from the back.


I listened to her and jumped up with her help holding onto my arms. I wrapped my legs around her torso.

"Hold tight. I'm going to let go of your arms, love."

I maintained my grip and she moved her hands from my arms down to hook them under my legs and keep me steady on her back. I smiled to myself. I liked feeling so taken care of. She started walking towards what looked like a small body of water. It kind of looked like a pond, but it also had a stream running through it.

"Oh, it's a crick" I said with confidence.


"This thing here in front of us. It's a crick."

"As in a cricket?" She questioned in genuine confusion.

"No silly. The water. It's a crick."

"You sound like you're on CR-ACK" she scoffed, still walking forward.

"Y'all don't call them cricks here?" I asked her.

"I have never once heard that term. Interesting, you Americans and your made up words", she chuckled.

"Don't knock us all. Y'all were so unbearable that we had to literally start our own country to get away" I teased.

"Fair enough. Though, I must not be all that bad since you can't keep your eyes off of me."

I rolled my eyes at her flirtatiousness. "You're the one who fucked me..twice."

Jamie stopped walking. "Keep talking and those will be the last two times" she said gruffly.

I closed my mouth real quick. Jamie chuckled and started walking again. She finally stopped once we reached the crick. There were a bunch of giant boulders sitting on either side of the water. She set me down and guided me over to the boulders. She leaned against one that was as tall as her waist-level. Following suit, I climbed on top of one of the boulders next to her and sat down criss-cross applesauce. Fun fact: I FUCKING LOVE THAT TERM. It's so cute.

"What are you smiling about" she asked as I was thinking about a fucking sitting term.

"Nothin'" I muttered quickly.

She nodded. "You asked me to take you to my favorite place. I used to come here all the time when I was a kid. My family had a cabin not too far. I haven't been here in a while, but I'm glad I'm back."

I smiled at her explanation. "That's so sweet. Is the cabin still here?"

She glanced at me and tightened her lips. "No, it's not. It caught fire. Only bits and pieces were left of the place."

My eyes sunk. "I'm so sorry, Jamie" I cooed.

"It's alright love. That was ages ago. My favorite part was this place here, anyway."

I nodded and stared at the water. "It's very peaceful."

"That it is", she agreed.

Always, Love (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now