Chapter 33

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"I am so over all of this waiting. Can't we just leave already?", I whined.

"No, not yet. I must speak with a few gentlemen, so keep busy for a moment, darling", Jamie said as she began walking towards a group of three men who all looked as if they were also guards. She started up a conversation with them and I could feel the tinge of annoyance reddening my cheeks. We've been at this party for so long. There's nothing that I'd want more than to be able to leave. That's when I saw Dana. As soon as our eyes met, she made her way over to me from across the dance floor.

"Are you alright?", she asked.

"No, actually. I'm so bored and I don't know anyone here. I just want to leave." I huffed and crossed my arms. My social battery has been completely drained and then some.

"Let's go, Mj. I'll take you home."

"You drive youself?" I asked in amazement. That seems like a new concept in this inner circle.

"Yes, I drove here. I'll let Jamie know that I'm taking you home."


I sighed in relief as soon as Dana stepped away. I was so happy to be leaving that I didn't even care about the fact that it was with Dana. If I had to listen to another conversation about this organization and all the hush hush secrets that no one is actually willing to share, then I was going to go insane. That's one thing that I actually value about Dana; she tells me things. She doesn't sugarcoat things often. She's usually a straightshooter when it comes to news and "secrets". I'm sure that she'd tell me anything that I'd wanna know. I watched as she made her way over to me once again. She raised her eyebrows briefly and nodded her head towards the door. I followed close behind her. Once we got through the front door, it felt like I could breathe again. It was almost as if my body was recharging itself.

"So which one is your car?", I asked trying to make conversation.

"This one over here", she said as she pointed to a sleek black convertable.

"Of course this one is your car, speed racer." I rolled my eyes. She's always been more on the dare-devil speedy side of driving. "Drive safe please."

"I have precious cargo, so I'm forced to, princess."

There was a silence that fell upon the car on the ride home. "You are aware that I'm with Jamie, right?" I blurted out quickly.

She came to a complete stop at the light and turned to look at my face. "I'm very aware, Mj."

"So you can't flirt with me like that."

"What are you and Jamie anyway?"

"I don't know, but we're together. I just feel like I belong with her."

I noticed Dana shift uncomfortably in her seat. The silence became apparent once again. I tried to break it before things got more awkward. "I really hope that we can be friends. Especially since your're going to be living so close to me and you know the fact that you're also one of my guards now."

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. I'm okay with just being friends.." I swear I heard her mutter something else under her breath.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"I didn't say anything."

I gave her the side eye. "Okay.."

We arrived at the house and Dana handed her keys off to the valet. "Thank you", she said graciously as she tossed him the keys. This time the doors of the mansion were already open and there were butlers waiting for us in the foyer. They welcomed us in and asked if there was anything that they could do for us. However, all that I wanted to do was go back to my room. The two butlers were extremely understanding. They urged me to go up to my room and rest while I waited for Jamie to get back. On my way to my room though, I noticed that Dana was following really close behind me. Once I got to my room door, I stopped and turned to face Dana. "Why are you following me?"

She tried to hide a grin, and coughed to cover up her chuckle. "My room is actually right next to yours. Your room is between Jamie and I's." After dropping that bomb, she took off and walked right into the door located next to mine. Great! I am sandwiched between the two people who are at each other's throats over me. This is a great situation that nothing can go wrong in. Why does everything have to be so difficult these days. I thought being rich was supposed to be easy. I sighed as I walked into my room and kicked my shoes off. I slipped off my dress and tossed it somewhere on the floor as I made my way to the bathroom. I started the shower and let the water run for a moment until it was the perfect temperature. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water seep into my hair as I combed through the strands with my fingers. The water and silence felt so nice after the chaos-packed evening that I've had. I lathered shampoo into my hair and massaged my scalp before rinsing it out and doing the same with the conditioner. I then lathered soap onto my skin and washed away the claustrophobia I was feeling. Right as I stepped out of the shower, I heard a knock at my door. I quickly threw on a towel and shouted "who is it?"

"It's Jamie."

I ran to the door and opened it with a huge smile on my face. Unfortunately, I was not met with one back.

"What's wrong?" My voice was full of concern.

"Tomorrow morning, I will be leaving."

I could actually feel my heart sink in my chest. "What do you mean you're leaving?"

"Your father is going to America to check on a rival family's current power standing. He requested that I assist him in his travels as his second in command. That being said, he will be hiring a plethora of guards to make up for me not being here."

"But I feel safer with you here", I said with sadness laced in my voice.

"I know, love. I'm not the biggest fan of this arrangement either, truly." I could see the hurt in her eyes as she broke the news to me. I wanted to make her feel better.

"Is there anything that I can do to make you feel better?" I asked with my big doe eyes.

"Yes, actually." She looked me up and down before licking her lips. "You can take that off."

Without a second thought, I dropped my towel. She took a step towards me and I maintained eye contact with her. She grabbed me by my waist and leaned down to kiss me. Her hands traveled up to grip my chest. I moaned softly and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I gasped lightly at the sensation and I could feel her chuckling against my mouth. The kiss began to get heated. My hands were gripping tightly onto her shoulders, trying to pull her as close as I could possibly manage. Jamie and I both jumped when we heard a knock at the door. She quickly calmed down, but I was frantically reaching for my towel. I ushered Jamie through the hallway that connected our bedrooms before I shouted out to whoever was waiting outside of my door.

"Who is it?!" I called out.

"Dana", I heard in response. I sighed and went to my bathroom to grab a robe instead of a towel. I then walked back over to my bedroom door to open it for her.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I just had to do this one more time." She quickly leaned in and kissed me. I gasped out of shock and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. As soon as what was happening registered in my mind, I pulled away.

"What the fuck" I spat out in disbelief. She walked away before I had a chance to say anything else. I walked back over to my bed and took a seat, pondering the situation that just took place. 'What the fuck'.

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