Chapter 27

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"Mia", a raspy voice spoke close to my ear. My eyes slowly fluttered open and revealed the image of Jamie laying next to me, looking over my features. Upon me waking up, she began messing with my hair again, attempting to subdue and pat down the tangled, unruly strands.

"We must get you ready now", she spoke again.

"Oh right..we HAVE to go to that?"

"Yes, Mia.

I rolled over on top of her and wrapped my arms around the back of her neck, hovering over her with my body still completely exposed. Her eyes looked over my body. "If you don't cover up, we may never leave this bed", she leered. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her. She moved her hands down from my waist to my ass and squeezed it. I winced slightly. There was most definitely some bruising. For some reason, the thought of her leaving bruises on me turned me on. Jamie lifted us both up from the bed and began walking over to her bathroom with me hanging on her like a koala bear on a tree.

"I don't wanna go" I muttered against her neck as she continued walking.

"I know. But we must."

She put me down and left for a moment to grab towels. She started the shower and we quickly washed the scent of sweat and sex from our bodies.


"Mia, hurry we-", Jamie began to say until she walked into my bathroom to see me doing my makeup.

"Bloody hell" she uttered.

I blushed slightly, seeing her eyes locking onto my face through the vanity mirror.

"You are gorgeous, darling. Chop chop. We must get you into that dress soon enough."

I turned around to face her. She was leaning against the door with her arms crossed, still watching my every move. Not even a second later, there was a knock at my door. Jamie and I both looked very confused. Jamie walked towards the door and opened it with curiosity. I was listening from the bathroom.

"Yes, erm hello Miss Morelli. Is Miss James here?", the butler's voice spoke.

"Yes, sir. Though she is currently busy. Is there an issue?" Jamie expressed on my behalf. I stepped out of my bathroom to see what was going on.

"Ah! Miss James, you have visitors awaiting you downstairs. Friends of yours."

I walked closer, very confused, and questioned the man as Jamie took a step back, also very confused. "Friends?" I asked.

"Yes! Mr. James thought it would be nice for you to see your friends before such a stressful event. You have two hours to spend with them before the ball. Shall I send them up?"

Jamie shot me a look of confusion. "Who are these friends?" I inquired.

"I'm unsure of their names, Miss. Shall I send them up?"

I was temporarily stunned, so Jamie stepped in. She was obviously very curious so she answered for me. "Yes, send them up."

The butler left and Jamie closed the door. She looked at me. "So...who shall I expect to walk through the door?", she asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"I honestly don't know. I don't have any friends."

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Before Jamie or I could even open the door, it was bust open. Two girls walked through with beaming white smiles.

"Oh shit" I verbalized in fear. I looked over at Jamie who was sporting a blank expression.

"Long time no see, Mj" the first girl said. I looked them both over. I was still frozen in place. They looked exactly the same.

The first girl's name was Dana. Dana had light brown hair that fell in waves about midway down her back. The waves were effortless as always, with no sign of frizz. Her skin was light, littered with freckles, mainly on her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were a piercing shade of icy blue. The second girl was Bella. Bella had raven black hair that was pin straight and just a little shorter than Dana's. Her eyes were a darker jade green. Her skin was slightly tanned with no trace of blemishes. Both girls were on the thinner side, but not sickly thin. Dana was first generation Italian and Bella was Latina, so they both sported curves as well.

After a moment of silence, Jamie cleared her throat. I snapped out of my daze and looked over at Jamie. We were all standing in a triangle in equal distance. Jamie was standing to the right of me and Dana and Bella were both standing near the door, staring at me.

"Jamie, meet my ex-girlfriends, Dana and Bella."

Her eyes went wide and she nearly choked on air. I rushed over to her to make sure she was okay. She put her hand up to signal that she was fine. That's when I turned back to the girls.

"How did you guys find me?"

Dana gave me a pained look, but answered anyway. "Your mom set this all up. She told your dad that you probably missed us. Did you miss us Mj?", she smirked. Bella bit her lip and spoke.

"No kisses for us?"

My eyes went wide. "What the hell do you guys want?" I demanded. I glanced over at Jamie to see how livid she was. Her jaw was clenched tight and so was her fist.

"Right. She acts like we're strangers", Dana replied to Bella. "Just one kiss" Dana continued as she began walking towards me. Jamie was quick to stand between us.

"I don't think so." Jamie spat out.

"Who's this hottie, Mj?" Bella said as she started walking closer as well. Jamie raised her eyebrows at the girl's audacity.

I spoke up, grabbing Jamie's hand to try to calm her down. "This is Jamie, my um..uh..well-". She cut me off. "Trained assassin, skilled in killing, even better at getting away with it." She reached her other hand out for the girls to shake, however they only took a step back in slight fear.

"Interesting", Bella muttered. "You've replaced us already?"

"There was nothing to replace" I stated truthfully.

"Ouch" Dana said as she scrunched her face.

"I broke up with you guys months ago. What is your deal?" I continued.

Jamie looked back at me. "Wait, you dated the both of them at the same time?"

"Yes", I responded.

"And fucked us at the same time too" Bella added in.

Dana turned to face Jamie. "Doesn't she have a nice body?"

I grabbed Jamie's arm quickly and tried to hold her back. She looked back at me with one of pure anger. She hated them. Which, I didn't blame her. They were being bitches. But normally they weren't like that. I'm guessing they felt threatened by Jamie. Either way they were being way out of line, which I didn't appreciate.

Jamie was dressed in a tight fitted black suit with her white hair pulled back into a slick bun. However, I was still in my silk robe, waiting to put on my dress until my hair and makeup was finished. I knew that nothing good was going to come of these girls being here.

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