Chapter 16

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After dinner, Jamie went back to her room and left my dad and I alone to talk. I felt liberated in a way, now that my mom was gone. She was never the best parent, but it had always been me and her. She was the only thing I had, so I tried to hold onto her as long as I could. But being here, in this amazing home with my dad and Jamie makes me feel so safe. I have never in all my life felt this protected. I resent my mother for that. I could've had a good life, but she took that from me.

"How has your first day in England?", my dad asked.

"It was...eventful" I said, drawing out my words.

"Oh? And what was your favorite part?"

"Me and Jamie went to a cute little café before coming to see you because I slapped and punched the woman at the front desk the first time we walked in. So that was nice. They have good pastries" I said cheerfully.

"Mia, you hit her?"

"She was rude. She disrespected me and I snapped. I have a little bit of a temper" I said defending myself.

"Well I see you've inherited my temper" he laughed. "I'll take care if it tomorrow. Finding a replacement should be easy enough."

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped a little. I didn't know he was going to fire her. He noticed my reaction.

"No one working for me will disrespect my daughter in any way. It's okay, Mia. Don't worry about her. She knew better."

I nodded. "Okay" I replied skeptically.

I smiled and looked down at my ring. I started to miss Jamie.

"So, how are things going with Jamie?" he asked, noticing my behavior.

"I really like her. She makes me feel safe" I confessed.

"I knew she would be a perfect fit. She's very passionate, as well as very loyal. She will try to protect you by any means necessary."

"She's very protective" I said in agreement.

"Yes she is. So you're content with your accommodations? I see that you are wearing one of your new dresses. If there's anything you don't like, I can contact the personal stylist to come bring you what you'd like."

"Everything is perfect. Beyond perfect actually. Thank you, dad."

He smiled. He seemed so incredibly happy. It was nice to see him feeling better after the situation with my mom.

I looked at the time on my new phone. It was now 10:42pm. I wanted to go back upstairs and take a break from all of this dinnertime craziness.

"I think I'd like to go up to bed, if that's okay with you?" I said lightly.

"Yes, of course darling. Today didn't end how I hoped it would. But I'm glad that I'm able to be your dad again."

"Me too. May I hug you?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, I'd like that" he said with a thankful smile.

We both stood up, and I walked over to hug him. Being in my dad's arms felt just like I'd hoped it would. I finally felt like I had the dad I'd always wanted. We pulled back from our hug and said our goodnights.

I made my way back upstairs and into my bedroom. Once I got into my room, I kicked my shoes off and let down my hair before flopping onto my bed. While laying down, I untied the front of my dress and shimmied it off before throwing it onto the floor. I laid there on my back for about 5 minutes, before I heard a knock at the door that I shared with Jamie. I lifted my head and looked towards the door.

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