Chapter 5

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I couldn't handle this anymore. I didn't even respond to her. I got up to my feet. Jamie was watching my every move.

"What are you doing, Mia?"

I didn't respond, I just looked back at her and kept walking forward slowly.

"Love, where do you think you're going exactly?" She asked sternly.

I could tell she was getting more and more frustrated. I turned around and said "don't you have to follow me? What if I get hurt?" and pouted my bottom lip.

Before I could say anything else, her long legs strode over to me in less than three seconds. Before I knew it, she had me backed up against the cabin wall. She was leaning her hand on the wall to support herself as she looked down at me.

"You're not going anywhere, darling. You are meant to stay in this cabin, here. Don't get any ideas. Do you understand me?" She seethed. Wow, short temper. Got it.

"Yes, Sir." I said slowly before reaching out to touch the arm that was hanging by her side.

I watched her sharp jaw clench even tighter. I moved my hand down her arm, until I reached her hand. It was bigger than mine and she was wearing a silver ring on her thumb. I grabbed her hand and moved it to my waist. She looked down, curious as to what I was doing, and then back up at my face.

I smiled innocently at her as I moved her hand down closer to my curves.

"Mia, what are you doing?" She asked through her clenched jaw.

"You said that if I needed anything from you, that all I had to do was ask" I stated, biting my lip.

"Yeah? And what is it that you need from me?" She asked, squeezing my hip.

My breath hitched in my throat at the feeling of her touch.

"I need you to come closer to me"

"Is that all?" She asked.

I nodded my head and she leaned down so that our noses were almost touching. I looked at her for a few seconds. Her piercing hazel eyes looking directly into mine made me feel a burning in my core.

"Why do you need me this close, love?" She asked with a grin.

"So I can do this", I answered. I gripped onto the front of her suit gently enough as not to rip it, and I pulled her close enough to fill the small space between us. Her lips cascaded into mine, and it was just what I needed to feed the fire in my core. Her lips were soft and plump. Despite her look, she is such a gentle kisser. After a moment, I parted my lips and she slipped her tongue into my mouth with such precision and control. I could tell she's done this before.

Our kiss only got more heated. My body was on fire, I didn't want to pull away. I let go of her suit and wrapped my hand around her neck. Almost like it was on queue, she picked me up with my back still against the wall. I wrapped my legs around her waist and continued to kiss her. My body couldn't handle the fire anymore. I moaned into her mouth because of how good it felt being so close to her. We were snapped out of our little make out session when we heard my mom's thick Texas accent talking Jason's ear off about absolute nonsense. I jumped down and Jamie took a few steps back to allow me enough room to walk back to my seat. She followed soon after, and then my mom burst through the door.

"Oh my goodness. Mia, I have never had a better vegan lettuce wrap!" She basically screamed.

"Was it also happy hour?" I asked, amused.

"Why yes, actually. How'd you know, honey?"

"Daughter's intuition I guess" I sighed.

She plopped back into her chair and passed out almost immediately. Once Jason saw that my mom was asleep, he let us know that he was going to go check in with the pilot. We didn't have that long to go before we were in London. Just four more hours.

After a half an hour of silence, I started asking questions again.

"So, are you from London? Your accent is very thick."

"No. I am from Manchester." She said.

"I like your accent" I confessed to her, blushing.

She turned her body to face me. It was a few long moments before she said anything. I was starting to get nervous. She seemed like she was studying me again. Then she finally broke the silence.

"Hm.. maybe I'll just have to whisper into your ear a bit more then" she said smugly.

I tried to hide my smile. After a while, I ended up falling asleep again. When I woke up, our plane was landing.

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