Chapter 12

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"Are you ready to go back?" Jamie asked.

I looked down at our table. Her coffee was cold, and my pastry was half eaten. I took a deep breath in. I was incredibly nervous.

"Yeah, I guess" I said.

Jamie kissed my cheek, and picked me up with her as she stood from her chair. I giggled and then lowered my feet back down to the floor. Jamie slid her hand down my arm until she reached my hand. She interlocked our fingers, and we began walking back to the building.


We stood in front of the building. It was time to go meet Mr. James. My fingers were still interlocked with Jamie's. I squeezed her hand for comfort. She leaned over and whispered "don't swing at anyone, darling."

"I'll try" I said with uncertainty.

Jamie shook her head, laughing and we walked inside. The woman who was here an hour ago was replaced by a young man with dark hair and pale blue eyes. We walked over to the front desk again.

"Good afternoon, mate. We are here to see Mr. James." Jamie said loud enough for her words to be heard clearly by the man behind the desk.

"Yes ma'am, I will page Mr. James right away."

He picked up the phone behind the desk, and dialed three numbers. I tugged on Jamie's arm and she leaned down so I could quietly ask "he's not dialing 999 for me assaulting Claire, is he?" I must have looked absolutely terrified.

Jamie burst out into silent laughter. There was a tear in her eye.

"I'm glad that you find this funny" I said with a pout. I let go of her hand and crossed my arms.

"I'm sorry, darling. You're just adorable. He is not calling 999 on you. He is ringing Mr. James office number, 327." She lifted my chin. "Please don't be mad at me, love" she said before leaning down and kissing me. I couldn't stay upset. She pulled away and chuckled at the smile plastered on my face.

The guy at the front desk let us know that Mr. James is ready for us. Jamie guided me to the elevator by using the small of my back. Once we got inside the elevator, Jamie pushed the button for the 22nd floor.

Despite us traveling 22 floors, the elevator ride was only like 5 seconds long. I was surprised when Jamie led me out of the elevator. There was a common area in the middle of the floor, accessible through a doorway a few feet in front of the elevator. There were also two hallways; one to the left and one to the right of the elevator. Jamie took my hand and led me through the left hallway, all the way to the very end. The door had a giant plaque on it that read "Mr. James". I took a deep breath as Jamie knocked on the door three times.

A sound went off coming from the doorknob. The doorknob flashed green, and Jamie opened the door. She stepped inside first and I followed. The office was huge. The farthest wall was just constructed completely of glass. Like in Jamie's room, there was a wall that was just a very big library completely full with classic looking books. At the farthest end of the office, right in front of the windows, there was a beautiful wooden desk. It looked like it was very well made. The desk was clean and organized, as was the rest of the office. There was a man at the desk. As soon as he saw me, he stood up from his chair.

"Mia" he said somberly. His voice was full of emotion. He walked up to me slowly. His face looked as if he could burst out into tears at any moment. Jamie stood at attention near the door. I studied the man's appearance. He had a full head of thick salt and pepper colored hair. His skin was tan, like mine. He had very strong facial features. His eyes were dark like mine, and his eyebrows were also thick and dark. Despite me not being biologically related to this man, we sure do look a lot alike. Really similar, actually.

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