Chapter 10

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There was a black car outside waiting for us. The windows were darkly tinted, and the paint job was pristine. Jamie opened the door for me and I scooted into the car. She got in after and closed the door. She signaled the driver to start moving the car, and we were off to the tech headquarters. The driver let me know that the ride would only be 20 minutes, but that was more terrifying. That's so soon. 20 minutes isn't a long time at all.

I looked over at Jamie. Her expression was nothing but serious, and she was keeping an eye on our surroundings. I want to know why everything is so high security. The woman that I want is literally a trained assassin. What the hell is my life right now.

I just looked out of the window for the remainder of the car ride.


The car stopped on a busy street in the center of London. Jamie and I got out and started walking towards the giant building that was Lachlan's tech company. It looked like the entire building was made of just this reflective chrome colored metal, and glass.

As we were walking, a man approached me. He looked to be in his late twenties. He had shaggy brown hair and stubble covering the lower half of his face. His physique was slender and he was about Jamie's height, about 5ft,11in. I was walking next to Jamie, but he just completely ignored her and walked up to me.

"Hey baby. Let me get your number. I saw your ass from all the way across the street. You know I could make you feel good" he said smugly before attempting to touch my face.

Immediately, Jamie intercepted his hand and gripped his wrist. I looked over at her and she was seething. Her face was red, and her eyes were darts. She began to squeeze his wrist so hard that I heard it crack. The veins on her hands were popping out and becoming more visible. The man was screaming in pain.

"If you ever fucking touch her" Jamie began to say and then slammed him into the brick wall next to us. "I will fucking kill you."

Her right forearm was pushing into his neck against the wall. The man looked like he was about to pass out, so she let him go. He stood still, regaining his breath and strength for a moment while Jamie was walking away. But he locked his eyes on her and pulled a switchblade out of his pocket. I screamed.

"JAMIE, HE HAS A KNIFE" panicked.

She turned back around to face him. She looked to be calm and collected. He was still walking towards her when she pulled back her suit jacket and retrieved a handgun from a hidden holster. She pulled the gun on him, and he dropped the knife and put his hands up. I was terrified. I didn't know that she was carrying a gun.

"Run." Jamie said in a cold tone.

The man took off, sprinting away. Jamie came back to stand next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, and we walked over to the large building that was only a few feet away from where we were. Before we went inside, Jamie stopped me and grabbed my arm gently to keep me still.

"Are you okay, love? I do apologize for what you saw. I don't ever wish to scare you" She said.

"I'm okay" I replied. "I was a little scared. I thought he was going to hurt you. I didn't know you carry a gun" I said.

Jamie sighed. "Love, I am a trained fighter. If anyone tries to harm you in any way, I am meant to make sure you are safe. Sometimes people have weapons. I do carry a handgun. My job is to protect you by any means necessary. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head and reached out to grab her hand. "I understand" I said. 

"Good. Shall be go up to meet Mr. James now?"

"Yes" I said nervously.

"Alright. Let's get going then, yeah?" She said before squeezing my hand gently and leading me inside.

Always, Love (girlxgirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon