Chapter 9

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Our lips moved in unison and my body felt like it was on fire once again. Her tongue felt so good against mine. After a few minutes of making out, I started to get antsy. I really wanted her. I started lightly grinding my hips.

Jamie brought her hands down to my hips, and then traveled farther to my ass. This was just firing me up more. I broke away from the kiss.

"Please", I said, out of breath.

Jamie, whose lips were now swollen and extra plump, stared into my eyes for a moment, intentionally making me wait.

"Please what? What is it that you want, love?", she asked with that smirk plastered onto her face.

"I want you" I said impatiently.

I was burning really bad, but she was having fun watching me struggle.

"Want me to what?", she questioned, playing dumb.

I got so frustrated and impatient. I needed her touch. "I want you to fuck me." I said in a sweet voice. I guess that was all that she needed to hear because right after I said that, she flipped us over in a single, swift motion. She was on top of me with one hand supporting her weight against the bed, and her other hand slowly moving up my shirt. 

I wrapped my legs around her waist to try to bring her closer. I felt her grin against my lips. Her hands came up to my bra. She wrapped her hand under my back and unhooked the strap with ease. I raised my back just a little and took off my shirt. She helped me take my bra off. As soon as my chest was exposed, she took both of my wrists in the hand she was using to hold herself up, and pinned them down. She brought her other hand up, and squeezed one of my boobs. I moaned quietly into her mouth. I wanted more of her.

Not long after, she pulled away from our kiss. I whimpered at the loss of her touch. "Shh" she said before bringing her lips to my neck. The fire in my body was ignited again. I wanted to reach down and hold onto her hair, but she still had my wrists pinned. I squirmed a little, but she wasn't phased. She continued kissing my neck, and then proceeded to kiss down my chest. She took one of my nipples into her mouth and gently grazed her teeth against it. It felt so good. My body was almost overstimulated. She let go of my wrists and continued to kiss down my body until she reached the fabric of my jeans.

She looked up at me with those piercing eyes, and began to unbutton my pants. She started pulling my jeans down, but before she got too far, there was a knock on my door.

"Shit" I whisper yelled.

"It's okay, love" she said to me.

I frantically pulled my pants all the way back up and buttoned them. Jamie handed me my shirt and bra, shamelessly staring at my half naked body with a smirk. She bit her lip and just sat back and watched as I got redressed. On the way to the door. I patted my hair down so that it didn't look like I was just making out with my bodyguard.

I opened the door to find William.

"Hello, Miss James. I am to inform you that you are to be taken to the software headquarters. Mr. James is awaiting your arrival. Ms. Morelli will accompany you, and is instructed to stay by your side at all times. You are to not leave her sight. If you will excuse me, I believe your mother requested my presence. I will leave you to be on your way." He said politely.

"Merci beaucoup. je ferai sa connaissance. Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît faire savoir à ma mère où je vais? Je ne veux pas partir sans lui dire" I asked.
(Thank you a lot. I will make his acquaintance. Will you please let my mother know where I am going? I don't want to leave without telling her.)

William raised an eyebrow in slight shock. "Oui, Mademoiselle James." He said in response.
(Yes, Miss James.)

He turned to leave and I closed my door once again. I turned around to see a very surprised Jamie.

"So, you speak French?" She asked inquisitively.

I looked back at her. "I thought you were supposed to know everything about me already Ms. Morelli" I said teasing her.

She started walking towards me. "I guess there's still a few things left to uncover." She said before picking me up and throwing me over her shoulder playfully.

"Jamie what are you doing?!" I laughed out.

She began walking towards the door. "I'm sweeping you off of your feet" she said with a smile.

"Wait" I said before she reached the door.

She set me back down onto my feet. "What is it?" she asked with a hint of concern.

"Before we leave, I want to see your room. Where will you be staying?" I said innocently.

She chuckled and made her way over to my closet. I didn't even notice there were three doors there. I'd been too distracted. The first door lead into a gigantic walk in closet. The door was a resort-style bathroom. But the third door was a short hallway that lead into another room. I was very intrigued. I followed her through the hall and ended up inside of her room. She turned around to see my reaction as I looked around.

The walls were dark. It was a huge contrast compared to my pale yellow room. The ceilings, just like in my room, were exceptionally high. There was an enormous book shelf build into the wall. It took up the entire wall, and the every shelf was completely filled with books. I turned to the left to see her California king size bed had its elegant dark wood headboard against the wall. Her sheets were dark. There was no television in sight. Whereas my room had a giant flatscreen tv opposite go my bed. Based on the bookshelf, I'd say that she's content with just reading.

"Woah" I said aloud.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"I do. It's so dark and kinda mysterious."

"Hm..dark and mysterious. Is that what you think of me?"

"You're definitely mysterious. And maybe a LITTLE dark. So actually, yes. What do you think of me?"

"So far, I think you're a promiscuous little thing."

I frowned, slightly. She's not wrong, but I don't want her to think of me ONLY in that light.

"That makes me sound like a whore." I said quietly.

Jamie walks closer to me and tilts my chin up to look at her. "I was joking, love. I think you're gorgeous, and also adorable when you get all shy around me."

She leaned down and got really close to my face, staring into my eyes intensely and said "Oh and also, I wouldn't mind if you were MY whore."

I sucked in a breath. She makes me feel things everywhere's. My entire body is effected my her. She noticed my reaction and grinned. Before she could lean back up, I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed her. She brought her hands down to my waist and picked me up without breaking the kiss. She walked over to her bed and gently laid me down before hovering herself over me. She pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes.

"We have to go now. You've now seen my room. Did you get what you wanted?" She asked.

"Not yet" I said before kissing her one last time and then scooting off of her bed. We made our way out of the room and back down the stairs. Once we reached the foyer, Jamie punched in a code and then scanned her hand and the big doors opened.

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