Mother's Day

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Carina and Amelia wake up the next day in Seattle to the smell of espresso, bacon and pancakes. Oh and how the smell of espresso takes her back to Italy.

Carina wakes up rubbing her eyes, a little confused. Mark isn't that kind of guy that does things for other people. Victoria is a little young to know how to cook. Who else would make something like that? She walks downstairs to leave Amelia to sleep a little longer.

"Andrea?" Carina asks, seeing her brother and hearing her two little girls giggle.

"Sí sorella, Happy Mother's Day" Andrew says.

"Grazie fratello"

"Good morning family" Amelia says whilst coming down the stairs.

"Morning mommy and mama!" Victoria says, running over to hug her moms.

"Mmm, it smells amazing down here" Amelia says.

"Sí" Carina nods in agreement.

"Sorella, I made you espresso. Amelia, I made you your favorite coffee. I also made pancakes and bacon with the help of Victoria and Iris" Andrew says.

"Grazie Andrea" Carina says, sipping her coffee. "Mmm"

"How's it taste?"

"Mmmm perfetto" Carina says. "It takes me right back to Italy"

"Mommy, mama, Riri and I brought you necklaces with your names on it. With the help of zio Andrea of course!" Victoria says.

Iris giggles as she's being tickled by Andrew.

"Thank you, family" Amelia says.

"Sí, grazie" Carina says.

Amelia and Carina decide to go to the park down the street. Whilst being there Carina decides to walk to the ferryboat dock. She closes her eyes leaning against the railing, closing her eyes and listening to the water and the ferryboats. Everything is taking her back to Italy today. She misses her mamma and she knows Amelia misses  hers too.

                    Italy; Mother's Day, 1991

9 year old Carina is in her room drawing her mom a picture. Today is Mother's Day. She learned how to cook from her zia (aunt.) She's making her mom's favorite dish which is cacio e pepe. Little 2 year old Andrea is playing with his toys on the carpet. Their father is not there as usual.

"Mamma, ho fatto qualcosa per te (Mom, I made something for you)" Carina tells her mom.

"Sí piccola, che cos'è? (Yes baby girl, what is it?)" Lucia asks.

"Ho fatto la cacio e pepe per te, mamma (I made cacio e pepe for you, mom)" Carina tells the older brunette whilst holding up the dish.

"Grazie Carina, Lo adoro (Thank you Carina, I love it)" Lucia says, coughing harshly.

"Prego mamma (You're welcome mom)" Carina answers, concerned.


A little later that day, Vincenzo comes home, his eyes bright red.

"Ciao tesoro, mi hai preso qualcosa per la festa della mamma? (Hi honey, did you get me something for Mother's Day?)" Lucia asks her husband.

"Ah no, Lucia, dimenticavo (Oh no, Lucia, I forgot)" Vincenzo acts.

"Come dimenticare che è la festa della mamma?! (How could you forget it's Mother's Day?!)" Lucia shouts.

Vincenzo just stays silent.

"Anche i nostri bambini di 9 e 2 anni sono più affettuosi di te! (Even our own 9 year old and 2 year old are more loving than you are!)" Lucia adds.

Vincenzo just decides to stay silent. "Beh mi dispiace che valga tanto come lo sono i nostri figli! (Well I'm sorry that I'm not worth a lot like our children are!)" He shouts back.

Carina and Andrea are upstairs covering there ears to block out their parents' shouting.

Andrea starts shaking when he hears their father stomping up the stairs and he runs to hide in the corner.

Vincenzo walks up the stairs and sees little Carina, rage clear in his eyes. "Piccola idiota! La mia vita sarebbe stata molto migliore se tua madre non fosse rimasta incinta di te e del tuo inutile fratellino (You little idiot! My life would've been much better if your mother hadn't gotten pregnant with you and worthless little brother)" He tells the small female brunette before slapping her across the face, a big red hand mark appearing on her face.

Carina tries to be strong and not break when her father walks away. She hates that man, but she looks so much like him. The face. The dark brown eyes. Is everything he says true?

                               Present Day

Carina's deep in her thoughts. The only think that breaks her out of those dark moments of her childhood is the little small voices of her two little girls.

"Ma!" Iris giggles, reaching for the Italian.

"Mama, you okay?" Victoria asks.

"Sí piccola, I'm okay" Carina answers, taking the smaller brunette who's reaching for her.

"Good! C'mon mama let's go play!" Victoria says, excitedly.


"Babe, are you sure you're okay?" Amelia whispers.

"Sí bella, I'm okay" Carina says.


Later at home after Victoria and Iris are asleep, Amelia and Carina lay in bed vertical from each other, nothing covering them except for their blanket. They're laying there in silence until Amelia speaks first.

"Are you sure you're okay, Carina?" Amelia asks her wife.

"Sí bambina, I was just thinking about my dark childhood, that's all. I am fine" Carina answers.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Amelia asks.

"Amelia, bella, I am fine. I'm use to it. I'm just...glad I don't have to live in Italy anymore, Sí?" Carina tells her wife.



A/N: Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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