Chapter 9

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I should have known we would be going back on a ship. Yet somehow that thought managed to escape my mind. Honestly, what was I expecting, a plane or something?! Great. More seasickness for me. I hope they have pills, at least. America should know to bring some. After all, he is my big brother. Then again, he is rather forgetful.

Even if he didn't, then they should have brought some. Maybe he told them and he forgot, but someone else remembered. After all, they should at least know about the person they're trying to kidnap, shouldn't they? So they should know I need seasickness tablets.

Actually, I don't really care who brought them right now as long as I get some, and soon. I can already feel my stomach twisting with seasickness. Then again, maybe it's just the fact I'm being carried bridal-style in England's arms with Japan watching. Ouch. That thought just made the pain a whole lot worse. Nope, it was seasickness. Now it's both. Great, I'm just making things worse for myself here.

I growl as Japan and I are taken on board the ship and Japan is taken by the crew. Every time he's shoved roughly I shout at them from England's arms to leave him alone. I can sense England getting irritated with bossing his crew about, which makes me smirk. It worries me slightly, though, because he might hurt one of us. That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop. I like bossing his crew about to wind him up. Plus, they pay attention to me, which is a bonus.

Eventually, America takes me from England, which I'm glad of as I trust my big brother more, and carries me bridal-style like England did. Scared of what's going to happen and hating the sea, I actually snuggle into his chest a little, making him chuckle and England glare at him. He eventually leaves England and descends the stairs. Once he's in the lower decks he takes me to my cabin room, which I happen to notice has two beds, one a lot larger than the other. America sits me down on the larger bed. "Who am I sharing with?" is the first thing I ask him as he sits down next to me.

America just smiles, wrapping an arm around me. "Well, since I've done so many horrible things to you recently, I thought I might as well give you this treat. You'll find out soon enough." He kisses the top of my head in a fatherly way, making me giggle a little. He chuckles, leaning back and looking down at me again. "Settle down, OK? I'll come by later to check on ya." He stands up, taking a few steps. Then he turns so his side is facing me and turns his head to face me properly. "And just remember- the hero is always on your side!" he says in his usual cheery voice, winking at me with his signature grin and thumbs-up.

I laugh and give him a thumbs-up as he walks to the door and leaves, closing the wooden door behind him. Then I get up myself, walking over to the oak desk and dumping my satchel against one of the legs of the wooden chair, before taking my war belt off and setting it with the swords down next to it. Then, I shrug my jumper off and drape it over the satchel, belt and swords, making sure they're well-covered.

Finally, ignoring the pain that's now built up in my side once again, I kick my boots off, shoving them against the chair and flopping back down on the bed in my trousers and almost sleeveless black shirt with my head on the pillows. Tracing the gold swirls around the top idly with a finger, I close my eyes and sigh, bringing my legs up to rest on the bed as I lie in the middle, on my back, facing the ceiling.

I hear the door creak open again, but don't bother to move or even open my eyes. I hear a small cry as someone is shoved in and the door slams before the person trips over the edge of the bed and lands on top of me. Squealing in fright and surprise, my eyes fly open to find Japan lying horizontally across my body. My eyes widen and my face heats up in a blush. A-America! my mind squeaks as I realise what he arranged. God damn you, brother!!

Japan gets up with a slight groan, his eyes closed in an expression of pain that tugs at my heart, one hand rubbing his head and the other holding him up. "Uh...K-Kiku?" I stammer, my eyes wide and my face still bright red.

He looks up. "Hai?" he asks, using the Japanese word for yes, before he seems to notice exactly where he's lying. His face turns a deep red too and he scrambles off me quickly. "S-Sorry, Zubicu-chan! I didn't mean to!" he says quickly. I laugh, waving it off.

"Aw, Kiku-chan, you know you don't have to apologise. You got shoved, I can't blame you. And how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Sasha?" I ask, looking at him. He smiles and nods, sitting back down on the bed by my waist.

"So, we've been kidnapped. Why did you come back for me? Why didn't you run?" he asks. I freeze, not looking at him and instead turning my head to face the wall. Oh, great. Not good. How do I tell him? Wait, tell him what? Hmm. Odd.

"I-It was because I didn't want to leave a friend behind, did I? And after all you did for me, I just felt really guilty." I say hastily, avoiding his gaze and the questioning that's sure to come. "After all, you did stop me from dying of blood loss with this stupid wound." I feel his weight leaving the bed and slowly, so as not to make any noise that's too loud, let out a sigh of relief, glad he left it at that.

I turn my head to face the ceiling again, and close my eyes once more, resting a hand on my chest. "Kiku-chan, have I ever mentioned how much I hate the sea?" I tell him, partially to complain and partially just to break the awkward silence that is now settling over us. I hear him chuckle.

"Yes, about a hundred times at least, if I remember correctly." I giggle at that comment. "I'm sure someone will have seasickness pills for you. Namely, America-san." he reassures me. I nod, smiling, and gently push myself into a sitting up position, swinging my legs over the bed  to rest on the floor. Leaning back on my hands slightly I look down at my feet.

"Kiku-chan, what do you think will happen to us?" I ask, suddenly worried for our safety. Mainly his, as I have a vague idea what will happen to me. But Kiku was just brought along for the ride,right? Just to keep me from escaping? Normally that would tell most people he would be safe, but for me it just increases my worry. They don't really have any other use for him, so what will they do to him?

He shrugs, showing he knows as much as me. That really doesn't help. Standing up, I walk over to his smaller bed and sit down next to him, sensing his worry. Vaguely reading his surface thoughts, I can sense he's thinking about the same things as me. "Hey, whatever it is, I'm sure we'll be fine. Whatever happens, I promise I'll stay by you, OK? And this time I swear I'll stick to this promise." I say, remembering how I nearly broke the last one I made to him.

He nods, smiling. Suddenly, I feel a light pressure on my hand. I look up to see him linking his pinky finger with mine. "Yubikiri?" he asks. I nod, entwining my pinky finger with his, and we shake them, smiling at each other.

"Yubikiri." I agree.


A/N: As far as I know, Yubikiri means Pinky promise in Japanese. This needs confirming, though.

God, I can never spell ceiling!! It's one of those really annoying words. xD

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