Chapter 10

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I sit on the side of the table against the wall, leaning my left side and head against the wooden inside of the giant pirate's ship, one leg on the table in line with my body and both my arms wrapped around it, holding it up and bent at the knee. The other leg hangs off the table, resting on the velvet-chusioned chair that's currently tucked under the desk. My head leans against the wall as I stare out the porthole at the sunlit sea. For once it's midday and I can actually notice it. It's beautiful, I realise, glad I'm not doing something like running or rescuing.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm actually a little glad England kidnapped me. On this passage to England I'm taking, I have a chance to rest and gather my thoughts. I can think over the past few days, and plan ahead for both me and Kiku. However, I find my gaze isn't really focusing on anything outside as I'm deep in thought again. Kiku left a while ago to start work on the ship, and I'm kinda worried for him...although I still don't know why. I've never been this worried about a friend before. I guess it's because our lives have never been hanging in the balance as badly as his is now. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I can imagine life without my best friend.

I blink slowly, fighting the urge to retch and fall asleep as my stomach bucks inward suddenly. Instead, I swing my leg off the table and slide off onto the floor. Rubbing a hand against the back of my head I make my way to the door. As soon as my hand touches the handle it swings open, America barging in, grinning. "Hey, Zubicu!" he grins, waving a packet of something in front of my face. Since I can't see as he's waving it at twice the speed I can flipping run, I reach up to grab it but he whips it away from me. "Ah ah ah! Sit down first." he says, and I obey, plopping down on the bed. He sets a glass of water in my hands and shows me the packet. Seasickness pills! He pops two out of the packet and drops them into my outstretched hand and I shove them in my mouth, downing them with the water quickly, before setting the water down and hug tackling my brother.

"Thank you so so so so so so much! You don't know how much I needed these!" I cry.  He laughs, hugging me back before setting me down and holding me at arms length with his hands on my shoulders, looking at me.

"Oh, I think I do. You drove to the island on a speedboat, and now you're on a ship? I know about you and the sea, you know." I giggle at that and nod. "Anyway, I was gonna give you a tour of the ship if you're ready?" he asks. I nod. He leads me out and onto the deck of the ship, and I'm taken round a tour of the whole boat.

About an hour later, the tour finishes and I'm dragged back to my room. I sigh as I'm shoved in and told to change into the dress on the bed. It's a light yellow, with faint flower patterns on it. I growl, rubbing the fabric between my fingers and recognising England's work. Typical England, making me dress 'like a lady' Dress like a lady my ass. Eventually, though, I relent as I decide if I want to stay on his good side and keep Japan here I should wear this, and change into it. When I find out there's a corset involved I nearly scream. Once we're back on land I swear I'm going to murder him for this. Even so, I manage to get into it.

Leaving my old clothes on the bed, I walk out and find I've been left to wander wherever I want to. I decide to walk up to the deck to look around again, and do so, struggling to both walk and breathe with this death wish around my chest and stomach. I walk over to the railing, and turn round to face the ship again, leaning my back against the railing and holding it with both my hands on the edges on either side of my body. Sensing a sea breeze, I turn my head up and to the side to catch it. It gently blows my short, light brown hair out behind me. My green eyes sparkle in pleasure as I smile slightly, a rare occurence to happen at sea.

I tilt my head back slightly and close my eyes as the rocking of the ship brings a memory back- Spain's singing. I listen to his voice as it plays through my head, smiling. As a child, when I moved to Romano's house Spain would always sing to us, especially if it was one of those days when Feli was allowed to visit. I loved hearing him sing.

"Sa-uh, Zubicu-chan?!" asks a familiar voice, shocked, jolting me out of my dream. I open my eyes, lifting my head up to see Japan looking at me in shock. For a moment I wonder why he didn't call me by my human name, before I remember we both agreed not to refer to the other by their human name outside of our cabin room. I realise it's the first time he's seen me in a dress and act normal, turning my head back out to the side and leaning on the rails. "Oh, Japan-chan. How's things on the ship?" I ask casually. He shrugs.

"Work is hard here, but it's a lot easier when I know you're always going to be there." he says. I stifle a giggle.

"Aw, Japan-chan, that was so cheesy!" I squeal, giving in to the giggle and turning to look at him again. Getting off the rail, I walk toward him and wrap my arms round his neck. "But I'm glad you think that. In all honesty I don't know what I would do if you didn't." I say, resting my chin against his chest to look up at his face. He smiles warmly, wrapping his arms around my waist and rests his forehead against mine. I blush, although I don't know why.

"You know, Zubicu-chan, you look very pretty in a dress." he states quietly. My face goes several shades deeper red in embarassment and I pull away from him, trying to hide my blush. "J-Japan!" I stammer. He merely chuckles before a voice barks at him to get back to work. His eyes widen and he turns round. Before he leaves, though, he looks briefly over his shoulder at me. "I'll see you later, OK?" he asks quickly. I nod, smiling, and he runs off. Sighing, I return to my previous position against the ship side.

I close my eyes and allow the sea breeze to gently tease my hair out behind me as Spain's singing once again returns to my head. I find myself wishing I could hear it again. Maybe I should ask England- no, I won't ask that bastard for anything! Why should I?! He captured me in the first place, so I have no desire to pester him. Besides, he might punish Japan. I open my eyes at the thought and look down onto the deck. I smile when I see he's still safe, even if he is working hard. Leaning back on the railings, I can feel myself relax as I watch Japan work, making sure nothing bad happens to him.

Zubicu- a Hetalia fanfic.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant