Chapter 37

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"Yaaaaaaaagh." I yawn, lying on my back with my feet to the sea.

Sukrutra chuckles, lying on her front facing the sea, looking back at my face. "What's wrong, Zubicu?"

"Being here is so boring. I forgot how bad it was." I moan., staring up at the sky. England said I'd been working too much recently, and said I needed to go down to the beach in my country to relax a while. Sadly, it wasn't really working, especially when I heard loud female laughter as someone skipped up the beach.

I groan. "Dammit....I can't relax like this!" I grumble.

Sukrutra chuckles again. "You don't have to. Take a look."

I sit up, leaning into Sukrutra's side as a wave of dizziness suddenly washes over me. When it clears along with my vision I look to see Tanegashima skipping along the beach, laughing with her pet Triop on a lead. I smile. "Tami!" I call.

She looks up and sees us. "Hi!" she laughs, letting go of the Triop's lead.

I smile. "What are you doing here, of all places?"

She laughs. "Oh, I was just having a laugh on the beach with my Triop. I thought it was hot and sticky, so it would be nice to just go down to the beach and chill out. " she says, shrugging slightly, and giving a lick of her cold ice cream. I look at it and identify it as bubblegum flavour. She smiles. " Want some ice cream? I can buy yah some if you want... "

I smile, and shake my head. "Nah, I'm good, thanks." I lean back on my hands and look up at the sky. "Say, have you signed any other alliances? I'm curious."

She shakes her head. "Why?" she says, before her gaze drifts to my curl. Before I can react, she calls, "Hey! You got something on your head!" before tugging it slightly. However, this was enough. As soon as she tugs it, I freeze, straightening up as my eyes widen and my face goes bright red. She sits straight up. "What's wrong?"

"P-PLease don't touch that!" I stutter. Sukrutra starts laughing next to me, making me glare at her.

Tanegashima tilts her head to the side. "Erm...why?" she asks, fumbling with the Triop's lead, which was now tangled around her legs.

I force myself to return to my normal position as I explain. "Y-You's, um... a way to t-turn me on." I say quickly, my blush flaring up again at the last words.

She tilts her head to the side again, still confused. "Turns you on?" she asks, confused.

I blush even more. "Y-Yeah..." I say quietly.

Sukrutra laughs. "Not confident here, eh Zubicu?" she chuckles.

I glare at her. "Oh, shut up."

Tami stays rigid for a moment, before turning her head away. !I... Have to go... It's too hot here anyway... " she says, like she's just remembered something that upsets her.

I smile, then, curious, I read her surface thoughts; she's thinking about how I signed an alliance with Flicrote. My face falls and I give her a sad smile. "So, you think the same as everyone else, then." I say deflatedly.

She growls. "It doesn't matter anymore! I knew I couldn't trust you." she blurts out, before running off, clutching her Triop tightly against her.

I watch her go. When she's disappeared, I sigh, turning to Sukrutra and flopping back down on the sand. "How do I tell her?"

Sukrutra looks at me, her face almost sympathetic, which ticks me off a little, but I don't show it. "Tell her what?" she asks.

"You know full well. hat I'm not signing an alliance with Flicrote." I say.

"Well, you do have a World Meeting tomorrow. You could simply announce it then; after all, everyone else belives the same thing, as you said. It'll clear up views, and if you're lucky Russia'll pass on the news. I could always go tell him to pass it on myself."

I chuckle, remembering Sukrutra isn't as afraid of Russia as I am. "Alright then. I'll try it."

My phone starts ringing. I pick it up. "Hello?"

"Zubicu! You'll never guess what!" an excited voice practically screams down the other end of the phone. I wince, taking it away from my ear.

"What is it, Flicrote?" I ask.

"I managed to persuade my boss! We don't have to sign an alliance!!" she screams. I swear, someone on the other side of the beach would be able to hear her.

I laugh. "That's great!" A few moments of silence pass between us before I frown. "Hey, Flicrote. You coming to the World Meeting tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I have to. Canada's dragging me along. He says there's something important that's going on." Flicrote replies, serious.

My stomach does a flip. "W-What is it?"

"I dunno." I can practically see the shrug she gives on the other end. "Apparently it's real important, it'll affect all the new countries, and that's all he's telling me. He says all the new countries are going to come, even the micronations like Sealand."

I sigh. "Sealand? Why him? You know what he's like." I say irritably.

"So, how are you and Tanegashima getting along?" she says hastily. I growl quietly, knowing she's avoiding the question.

"We're doing just fine. Hopefully even better after tomorrow's announcement. Now, quit evading the question. What is going on, Flicrote?" I snarl.

All I hear is a long beeping noise from the other end. I growl in frustration, snapping the phone cell shut and stuffing it in my satchel. "I give up!"

Sukrutra sighs. "Alright, I think we should go home. You need a fight to calm down."

I nod. "Do me a favour and take me to Japan's house, will you? I need to practise my swordfighting anyway."

Sukrutra nods, and I climb onto her back, lying down. She stands up and pads off, taking the path that leads to Japan's house, walking at a nice, even pace. I just lie there on her back, my own back facing the sun, the side of my face against Sukrutra's warm, soft fur as I stare out at the path going past us. My eyes droop gradually as I begin to relax. It's about an hour or two's journey from here to Japan's house, so I have enough time to sleep. Plus it's likely Sukrutra will take breaks after about an hour, so that gives me extra time. Either way, I doze off before I know it.

Zubicu- a Hetalia fanfic.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora