Chapter 12

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Updating might slow down soon as Mother isn't very happy with the amount of time I'm spending on the computer, and I'm starting to run out of ideas. So if I fail to update one day you know why.

~Sasha (Wolfie)


I smile, letting Kiku pull me into him even more with those words. I raise my head cautiously to look up at him again and he gently presses his lips to mine. As it wasn't sudden and I kinda expected it after the words we've just exchanged, I'm not as shocked as perhaps I would normally be by sudden contact with anyone, or him at any point before this event. Despite that, I'm still a little taken by surprise, but soon I find I'm kissing him back.

Eventually, we're both forced to pull away for air. Smiling up at him, I peck his lips one more time before getting up from his lap. Noticing night has fallen yet again, I suggest we change for bed. He agrees and we go to our seperate areas. I dig through my satchel for pyjamas. Once I've found them I change into them, before flopping down on the bed. Whispering a goodnight to Kiku, I drift off.

~About a week later, in the morning~

Walking around my room after taking my seasickness tablets, I change back into the clothes China gave me. There is NO WAY I'm wearing a fricking dress again. Ever. I don't care what anyone says about it, I hate them. A week is enough to suit my entire life of wearing the stupid things, and that's how long I've been putting up with them for. Not even Japan and his compliments can make me wear one again, I. Am. DONE. With them. Besides, China's clothes are much more comfortable and remind me of home.

I pick my war belt with my swords up, pull it round my waist and fasten it into position before twisting it so the swords are in line with my hips, before picking up my satchel and slinging it over my head. Digging through it, I pull out my hairbrush and brush my hair so it falls to about two centimetres past my shoulders in crazy curls, only a little more tame than normal but still enough to look pretty good. When I'm done I put my hairbrush back in my bag and walk out the door, closing it- gently- behind me. Kiku is always gone in the morning to work on the ship. I, however, am entitled to go where I please and do what I wish, and generally make good use of this rare freedom as I know it won't last for long.

I take advantage of this once more, walking round the ship until I find out where Japan is working- up on deck again. I walk up top and growl when as soon I come out from under the cover of the deck above me, I discover it's raining. Despite that, I keep walking forward. The next thing I know I hear the loud boom! of cannonfire and feel myself being tackled to the ground. I look up and see Japan. My smile quickly disappears when I see the fear in his eyes, and let him pick me up. "What's going on?" I whisper fearfully, before once again cursing how feelings have to be contagious with me. If he wasn't scared, I wouldn't be either!!

"Conquistador Spain is here and Pirate England is going to attack him. My orders were to get you below." he says. I nod and swallow, reaching to take his outstretched hand, before suddenly my eyes fly wide open in realization and my hand stops in its tracks.

Papa's here....attacking England's ship? When he knows I'm aboard it?

This is what I've been waiting for!! This is why Spain's voice has been haunting me- because I knew he was coming! I quickly grab Japan's wrist and pull him close to me. As I stand on tiptoes, I tilt my head up to reach his, whispering a plan into his ear. He nods, and I pull away from him, giving him a cheeky smile and trying to hide my worry.

Suddenly, his expression changes to one of worry. "Wait, you're not going to go through with it, right? You were joking, weren't you?" he asks. I shake my head- I'm deadly serious. "But what if we get caught? You know how Pirate England is about this."

I shrug. "Look, Japan, I have no choice. If we don't go with Papa, we have no idea when we can next escape here." I say.  "Besides, you won't be at risk with him." He sighs and eventually nods. Grinning, I tug him along through the rain, running along the deck until we reach the main mast. Another shot goes off and we duck down instinctively. As we get up Pirate England runs past.

"Lass, get down below quickly! It's too dangerous for someone like ye tae be up 'ere now." he says. I nod and drag Japan by the wrist as I begin to run again, but we don't go below as we've been told to. Instead, we run up the stairs at the back of the ship to the wheel. I run to the side facing Conquistador Spain's ship, dragging Japan after me, and let go of his hand when I reach the side.  I lean over the railings, waving frantically.

"Papa!" I call. "Spain, it's me!" I see someone come to the front of their ship and see us. Turning back, they shout to lower a bridge-thing across. Moments later one crashes down by us, momentum smashing it through the railings and resting on the deck.

Grinning, I gesture to Japan, who hesitates, looking at me. I gesture impatiently to him, shoving him slightly. He gets on the bridge quickly before me and then, crouching down slightly with one arm extended toward Spain's ship, turns back. He's holding out a hand to help me up. Taking it, I climb up beside him. He grabs my wrist and begins to run across the bridge, with me following close behind.

Suddenly, I find that he tugs me after him as he puts on an unexpected turn of speed. My eyes widen as I stumble a little, but soon settle into a familiar pace and sprint after him across the bridge to Spain's ship. We both jump off at the same time and land on the deck. They pull the bridge back across quickly. I lose my balance with the landing as I'm not the best at running across planks and jumping, much less at sea, and stumble forward, but Japan grabs me and pulls me into hs chest. I giggle a little, pushing away from him.

The plan was a success.

I run to the side of the ship with Japan still holding my wrist and see America leaning against the railings of England's ship, watching us sadly as we sail away. Reading his surface thoughts I see he wonders why we did this. He feels betrayed and upset and I feel like a horrible person now. Leaning over the railings myself, I wave to him using my whole arm, calling out that we'll be fine, and apologising for everything and thanking him for taking such good care of me despite me just being a burden.

"I'll miss you!" I call, "But I'm sure we'll meet each other again sometime! If you don't find us, I'll find you! Just don't bring England! Love youuuuu!" I yell, really forcing my voice out on that last word, and then we're pulled out of earshot and all I can do is watch my big brother disappear into the distance. Suddenly, I feel a pain in my chest- heartache, something that's all too familiar recently. I'm being seperated from my brother again, just after being able to see him for the first time in three or four decades. As Japan turns me around and pulls me into a hug, I break down and cry, gripping onto the fabric on his shirt tightly as my body is wracked by endless sobbing.

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