Chapter 23

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As I walk down the street, I pull my hair out of my collar, making Crimson have to flutter about a bit on my head to stay in place. I giggle as I feel her feet hopping about on my head like she's on hot coals. Eventually, I manage to sort it out so she can't get her feet tangled in it. When I finish I notice Romano is staring at me.

I look at him out of the corner of my eye, and raise an eyebrow at him. "Yeees?" I ask curiously.

He blushes at being caught out and looks away quickly, turning his gaze to the floor. "Ah, nothing. I was just wondering why you were doing that." he says. I giggle slightly, hiding my laughter behind one of my hands.

"Well, as much as I don't really care much about looks, I don't exactly want to look like an idiot or that I was in a rush, do I?" I ask. He admits that he has to agree. I smile and we keep walking.

After about five minutes we arrive at the huge building that this week's World Meeting is going to be held in. I stiffen a little when I realize I'll have to face Japan again. My fists clench and I pause on the doorsteps, trembling violently, teeth and shoulders clenched and head down. A hand is rested gently on my shoulder, and I look up to see Romano smiling sadly at me. "Hey, get it together, ragazza. They'll kick his ass for you if you want them to. I will, if need be. 'Cause that's what friends do." I laugh a little at how he acts, nodding.

As he opens the door, I scoop Sukrutra up in my arms again for comfort, and when I've told Crimson to stop making a bird's nest out of my hair- which Romano finds very amusing. Alright, I see the joke, but try having it being your hair a bird's decided to make it's home in and then tell me if you laughed.- I finally go inside. Romano follows as we walk together down the hallways to the meeting.

We walk straight in and I just manage to jump the to the side to avoid being glomped by Italy, who instead ends up tackling his older brother behind me. A lot of swearing and such quickly ensues, and Germany shouts at them to stop it. Quickly, they part, and I take Romano and lead him to his seat, before settling in mine next to him and letting Sukrutra sit on the table in front of me. I stand up and Sukrutra barks a couple of times for everyone to be silent. They do so, and turn to look at me.

"Right, so let's get this meeting started. I want it orderly this time, OK? If you want to object to somebody's ideas, raise your hand. DO NOT shout out, and most CERTAINLY don't start fighting." I say, looking pointedly at England, France and big brother America, who quickly drop their heads and look guilty. I smile and turn to the others. "So, we'll go in a clockwise order around the table, starting from Romano and Italy, ending with me. Make sure you know what you're going to say before it gets to you, and don't talk off topic." I say. "Romano, Italy, please begin."

After that, the meeting goes ahead with little disruption. The most we get is England and France fighting a little. I quickly put an end to that by drawing my sword and pointing it at them threatingly. France, remembering the last time he was on the end of that blade, quickly shuts up and settles down. England doesn't need to be on the end of it to know not to mess around, and quickly does the same. Then we had Prussia randomly yelling about how he was 'so awesome' halfway through his speech. Eventually, it ticked me off too much, so I just pointed my sword at him and told him to "shut the hell up and finish your speech or let the next person talk, dummkoph!" I called him an idiot in his own language to annoy him. Which worked. Germany was proud of me.

When we finally finish the meeting, Romano and I walk out, only for me to bump into a solid wall and take a few steps back. Romano starts shaking behind me with anger, and I sigh. I look up to see it was Prussia I bumped into. Behind him stand France and Spain. In other words, I've been found by the BTT.

Sukrutra hops in front of me and stands in a defensive stance facing the BTT, planting herself between me and them. She snarls up at them, bristling. France starts chuckling, then Prussia, and eventually Spain follows suit. Soon, they're all laughing. I sigh and look at Romano, who shrugs. I simply nod, then step forward and bend down next to Sukky, stroking her back and soothing her. She calms, and we simply walk round the BTT and out the door. I smile down at Sukky, now trotting at my feet, and she looks up, blue eyes sparkling, and barks at me. I giggle.

When we reach home, I flop down on the couch, only to have Sukrutra jump onto my stomach, black paws digging into me as they try to grab a hold. I cough, sitting up at the sudden weight of the huge mohran on my front as I push her off me. "No, Sukky, don't do that!" I groan. She whines and whimpers out an apology, licking my hand gently in apology. I can't stay mad at her for long, so I smile weakly, still wincing, and gently pat her head as I sit up. She yips and wags her tail, making me laugh.

Romano walks in and sits on the sofa opposite me. "Hey, you OK?"

"Yeah, I just jumped on her stomach and she's a bit winded now, but she's fine!" Sukrutra chimes, making us both laugh. Someone pats my head, making me grab their hand and pull it down so I can see who it is. I pull Spain down into my face. He rolls his eyes.

"I know, I know, don't touch the Zubicu." he says. I laugh and let him go so he can stand up again and walk back round.

"Actually, I was curious to see who it was, but yes, don't touch me. It's like the phrase 'don't feed the venticuna'. Dangerous if you disobey." I joke. They both grin at me. Spain plops down on the sofa next to Romano and slings an arm over the back of his shoulders. Romano quickly adopts a look of disgust, and shoves his arm off, making me laugh.

I watch them for a bit before spreading my arms out along the sofa. "Hey guys, why am I getting special treatment? I feel left out here!" I whine. They look at me, smiling still, before plopping down on the sofa on either side of me and crushing me in a hug from either side. I laugh and push them away slightly, and we start a playfight.

Ah, our typical life. I finally feel better.

Until Sukrutra decides she's feeling left out and decides to join in too.

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