Chapter 44

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25th March, 1875.

That's my official birthday. I was created before that, before America gained independence in fact, if memory serves, but that date was when I gained my own independence from Spain. Official birthdays are apparently regarded as being when you gain independence from the country that raised you. Nobody remembers the exact date when I appeared, just when I gained independence.

Most people don't even remember how I gained independence, but others, like Romano, Spain and I remember it clearly. America doesn't remember it at all even though he helped me, but Canada remembers it faintly. Once you have your war of independence, you never forget it, whether you win or lose. In my case I was lucky and won, but that was only after I got help from America and Canada since I was getting my ass kicked pretty badly. Back then I was weak, but after my independence I trained with my brothers and became strong.

I still remember the conversation Conquistador!Spain and I had. Conquistador!Spain was who I fought when gaining my independence.

"Zubicu.....are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Spain, I'm sure. I've fought so hard for my freedom, do you really think I'm going to back down now I've nearly got it?"

He chuckled. "You always were a strong country. I'm not surprised this happened. But now? You're still so weak."

I snarled. "I'm strong enough to handle myself. Besides, my brothers are here to help me."

"'re still as determined as ever." Spain said with mock sadness. "But I'm still rather determined to keep you as my colony."

His army charged forward again. Yelling a battle cry I raced forward, leading my own army, America and Canada on either side, along with one more country. My younger sister, Akanha. She was a sub-country of mine also fighting by my side for my freedom in order to become an official part of me. In land terms she was on the southern end of me. I was to take her in and make her top city, Silohn, my capital once we won. I kept her close by my side as much as I could, but at one point during the fight she was taken. I heard her scream and whipped round to see some of Spain's men closing the gap between us two, catching a glimpse of her in the arms of two other men dragging her away.

She was only a teen country.

After that I fought with even more vigour, quickly knocking down Spain's enemies and pushing the conquistador himself onto the floor, pointing a sword at his throat. He was panting rapidly, as was I. As soon as he saw the steeled, angry look in my eyes, unlike any I'd seen before, his own expression turned into one of fear. I lean over to his face, ever so close, snarling.

"I've had just about enough of this, Spain." I hiss. I stand up, keeping my sword pointed at his throat and therefore him pinned on the ground. With one foot on his chest I look up, my cold gaze sweeping the army before me.

I then speak loudly and clearly. "My people have slaved away for long months and years, fighting for their freedom from the empire under which we are ruled. We have fought for three years and nearing six months. Along the way many lives have been lost, and we shall remember their sacrifice to make our country a better place. Now, I am proud to stand here and declare our victory. We have worked together and freed ourselves from the bonds which have enslaved us! Therefore, I am proud to stand here as a nation of my own control, and take up my own culture, language and religion, to further raise my country from the rubble it was once in into a creation of magnificence!"

Pressing my foot on his chest firmly, I raise my spare sword toward the sky and shout. "I hereby free myself and my people from the grasp of Spain! I, Zubicu, former colony, hereby declare my independance!"

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