Chapter 18

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Over the course of the next month or so that we were at sea for, I stayed mostly above deck, or hanging out with Spain or Flicrote. Canada had to work as a crew member, like Japan did. Romano worked in the kitchens, which I found cute. Of course, he yelled at me if I told him that, which just made me laugh. One day, he pointed out my hair is becoming more of a bronzey colour now, so I kept an eye on it. It did seem to be changing. I didn't pay much mind to it before, but ah well.

Now we've landed on the shores of Spain. The others look up from the sand and wait for me. Suddenly, I appear at the edge of the railings. With only one hand gripping it, I swing clean over and drop down, landing neatly on the sand in one swift move. I stand up and dust myself off. "That was fun!" I chime, walking over to the others and standing next to Japan. I beam. "So, now what do we do?"

"We go back to my house, of course~!" Spain chimes, matching my happiness at being back in Spain. I laugh.


"Will you two stop with the squiggly things?! One Spain is hard enough to put up with!" Romano interjects, yelling at us.

"Don't break the fourth wall!" I yell back. We all laugh, and Spain leads the way to get back to his house.

"Ah, Sasha, I just remembered that I have a surprise for you when we get back." Flicrote says, walking beside me. I blink, my expression saying 'wha?' She frowns. "What, you don't even remember Sukrutra? You know, you left her behind when you had to run." My eyes widen in realization and I suddenly feel really guilty. Of course! With all the things that's been happening recently, I completely forgot about the little girl!! "Anyway, she's at Spain's house waiting for you to come back." I smile and thank her.

When we finally reach Spain's house, he holds the door open for us like a gentleman. The others walk in, thanking him, and I follow, with a slight nod of the head, smile and thanks. As soon as I sit down on the couch in the living room my vision is suddenly blocked by a ball of golden fur and exicited yapping. I laugh. "Whoah, Sukrutra! Calm down, girl!" I say, pushing her away from my face so that I can see. She wags her tail excitedly and barks again. "Good to see you again too." I say while laughing. I stroke her soft, golden fur on her back as she settles in my lap, facing Canada who sits on my right, and stares at Kumanjirou. She blinks in confusion.

"Who are you?" she asks the little polar bear. The shocked expression on his face makes both Canada and I laugh.

"I'm Kumanjirou." he answers. She frowns, tilting her head to the side as though thinking, before shaking her head.

"No, I don't remember you. Have we met before?" she asks. I look at Canada and he shrugs. Neither of us know when she learned to speak. Ah well, at least communication with her will be a lot easier now.

Spain walks back in and laughs when he sees Kumanjirou and Sukrutra sitting and talking to each other on their owners' laps. "I see Sukrutra found you, Zubicu." he says, sitting down across from us. He chucks something yellow at me. I catch it and see it's a kituna fruit. My eyes widen in delight and I quickly bite down on it, the sugary water filling my mouth. I hold one end out to Sukrutra, and she bites it off, making little 'nom' sounds as she eats it. She loves it as much as I do.

"Spain, where did you get these?" I ask through a mouthful of the delicious fruit. "I never knew you had kituna!"

"Ah, since you left to live by yourself. I knew you like them, so I bought some in case you visited again and I always keep a fresh batch here." he explains. I beam and thank him in any case, continuing to eat it.

~ * Time skip- Evening * ~

I sit on the edge of the bed in my old room, the one I had when I stayed over at Spain's when I was little, in my pyjamas. Sukrutra lies curled up in my lap. I lean back on one hand, gently stroking her golden fur with the other, looking down at her. "Hey, Sukky, I've been thinking." I say, calling her by her nickname. She gives a small questioning 'hmm?' I smile.

"Well, when I was on England's ship, I treated him rather harshly. He did make an effort to make me happy, but I kept brushing his efforts off....I was wondering...maybe, if I gave him a chance, we could be friends?" I ask, looking at her. "I mean, he's a nice enough guy, and he's the only other person I know who can see creatures like Flying Mint Bunny. He taught me a few spells in magic, too, not the usual cirus tricks either. Plus, he's got a good singing voice." She snorts at that last point.

"And that's the only reason to make friends with him?" she jokes, her silky voice comforting me. "I think you should try to start over. Don't attack him or whatever, and try being friendly to him for once. Maybe suggest you want to start over as friends. After all he's done to help you I'm sure he'll accept. If he doesn't just explain what you just told me. He'll understand, don't worry." she says. I nod, smiling, and flop back on the bed, settling down. She curls up on the pillow by my head, and I scrtach behind her ears gently.

"That's great advice, Sukky. I'll try it. Thank you." I say, pulling the blankets over me. I pull her light pink mini blanket over her, and she soon falls asleep. I watch her side gently rise and fall as I think over what she said.

"Just tell him how you feel. I'm sure he'll understand." I sigh. "If only, Sukrutra....if only. I wonder if we can be friends...." Soon enough, I worry myself to sleep.

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