Chapter 26

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BTW, Anya Braginskaya is the name for Fem!Russia, according to the website I looked on. If it's wrong please correct me and I'll change it THANK YOU. Also, I only agreed to include her because my friend Midnight told me to. Otherwise I wouldn't be a genderbender. xD Oh, and if any of the description is incorrect, it's what she said I should put in. I made it special because Midnight is special. Love you too.



 I look up. "Who is it?"

"A-Anya!" he gasps. My face pales at the mention of Russia's female form. From what I hear, she's even worse than Belarus and her male form, COMBINED. If Russia hates me, she'll hate me too. And she's here to visit.

In other words I'm screwed.

By the time I've come to my senses, Anya is standing in the doorway to the room we're in. She has a black scarf around her neck, almost exactly like Russia's. I wonder if Ukraine made one for her too, so they could match. I notice she's carrying a wooden spoon in her hand. I raise an eyebrow, until I see the blood. Suddenly, I remember what Spain once told me about it.

The pain Anya can deliver through one hit with that thing is like Russia's faucet pipe...but ten times worse.

I shudder and just hope she doesn't see me. But she does, sweeping straight over to the bed on which I lie, helpless, as she inspects me.

"Hmm. Ivan did a good job." she says. I growl, looking at her.

"What do you want?!" I snap, anger flashing in my eyes. "You want to attack me too? Russia's bad enough!" I sit up, wincing against the pain. "Come on, come fight me! I can take you any day!"

America runs over to my side, forcing me back down. "Zubicu, cool it, dude! That's not smart, you're still not better as it is!" he cries.

As soon as I'm lying down again, I start shaking from the pain I'm suddenly being put through. I hear Anya doing something and growl, forcing my eyes open, only to see her putting some cream on the worst of my wounds. She sighs, standing up.

"I dunno what Russia was thinking but it wasn't smart." she says coldly. "He should have left you to me, but now I can't 'cause you're injured."

I shrink away slightly at the sound of her voice. "You have compassion?!"

"No, I just wanted to have a bit of fun. But I can't do that when you're not even going to put up a good fight, can I?" she asks. I growl, but then she points the spoon at me, a dark glint in her violet eyes. I shrink back. "Shut it, Zubicu. You may be powerful, but I'm stronger than you are. Even Ivan is scared of me when I get angry, so watch your step, da? Especially when you're in this state."

I growl. "When Russia leaves me alone....I'll be strong enough to take you in a fight." I challenge.

She chuckles. "Oh really? I'll leave you with this parting gift." With that, she raises the wooden spoon above me and drives it down into my stomach. I scream as the pain explodes inside me. Spain was wrong- it's far more than just ten times worse than Russia's pipe. She smirks. "Think it over." With that, she's gone.

I can't even make any sort of noise in repsonse. My face is contorted in pain, as I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut so as not to let any sound or tears out. My arms are wrapped around my stomach tightly. Anya, huh? I think over what I know of her. She collects bugs in jars in her room. She's the female form of Russia. Mean, spiteful, and vicious, always carries a wooden spoon around her, and like her male counterpart, hates me. Typical.

America rushes to my side. "Zubicu! Dude, you OK?!" he cries. I smile at him through the pain.

"Hey,'s alright....I'm fine...." I manage to get out. "Heh....that hurt..."

America smiles, genlty petting my forehead. "Well, I dunno what to do to help ya, dude." he admits.

"Just leave me be. I'll be a minute....I'll come downstairs..." I say. He nods and leaves. I sit there, getting my breath back. WOW, that thing can pack a punch.

Eventually, I'm able to move. It hurts, but not as much as earlier. I get up and head downstairs. Anya is sitting on the sofa, much to my distaste. I plonk myself down on the couch opposite, between America and Romano, who're both shaking, and stare at her. "So." I say. "Why are you here?"

She smirks. "You're like Poland. He isn't afraid of Russia, just like you're not afraid of me. Shame."

I stand up, pointing my sword at her. "What did you just say?!"

She laughs. "You really think you can fight me?" She stands up, approaching me and forcing me to back down. "I'm the female form of Russia. I'm practically him and Belarus combined. I'm even more powerful than America and even worse than all three of them. Do you really think you can take me down?" she hisses, now so close to my face I can see the madness flickering behind her violet eyes. I hiss and sit down. She smirks, standing up. "Good." She sits back down again.

"Now then, I came here because I heard you were being kept hidden from my male counterpart, since he's trying to invade you. I decided to help stop that threat, since Russia really isn't worth your time- or rather, you're not worth his."

I hate this girl already.

She leans forward so her left elbow rests on the same knee, resting her chin on her hand as she looks to the side, her eyes closed and her smile annoyingly smug. "So, I'm going to make a deal with you. If you agree to leave Russia be-"

"I've been doing that already, nimrod!"

She flashes me a glare, causing me to shut up. "If you agree to leave Russia be, I'll help you get him off your back. Deal?"

I think it over. America, Canada, Spain, Romano and I could probably take him by ourselves. But having her on our side couldn't hurt, could it? Then again, it'll be like having Russia himself with us, which wouldn't be any good. I sigh, and nod.

"Fine. I accept your deal." I say. America and Romano both look at me like I'm a ghost, which makes me sweatdrop. That's a familiar look that they normally give Canada.

Anya chuckles, holding out her hand. I take it, and shake it firmly. She gives me a dark glint as she digs her sharp nails in. My eyes widen as the blood trickles down her fingers. She looks at my reaction, and once again chuckles darkly, a dangerous glint entering her eyes that sends a shudder down my spine.

"Welcome to the team, Zubicu." she says in a dark, lilting, dangerous voice. "I hope you enjoy your stay~"

My eyes widen even further at her voice, leaving me genuinely scared. What have I gotten myself into?

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