Chapter 30 (WOW!!)

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I just felt like putting that in. xD I never thought I'd get THIS far!!! I'd better say now, thanks goes out to Midnight for all the behind-the-scenes support (mainly bugging me about when the next part is gonna be out) and repeatedly reminding me that she's still reading it (again, same method as before) So yeah, thanks goes to her. And also for the whole Tanegashima idea, and writing out that letter from the country for me. Oh yeah, 'Nante za jigoku' is Japanese for 'What the hell' xD

~Sasha (Wolfie)


The next day, I wake up to find strong arms wrapped around me. Blinking, I look up to find Romano, sound asleep, hugging me against his chest. I squeak in surprise, pushing my hands against his chest and shoving him away from me as I register his arms touching my back. I end up falling off the bed, because he's HEAVY!!! Too many tomatoes and pasta, probably. I give a small 'Oof!' as I hit the ground, and look up to see Romano peering over the edge of the bed at me, eyes still hazy with sleep. He suddenly realizes what's going on too, and his eyes widen in fury as he pulls the blanket up to his shoulders.

"Idiota ragazza!! What the hell are you doing in my bed?!" he yells. I wince at how loud his voice is, before glaring daggers back at him, propping myself up on one elbow.

"I could ask the same thing!! How the hell did I end up in your bed?!" I shout/snap back at him with equal force. Since neither of us can think of anything to say we just stay there. Him with his head leaning over the edge of the bed, glaring down at me, and me on the floor, propped up on one elbow with my body therefore turned toward the bed, glaring up at him. Spain chooses to come in after about two minutes of staring each other down like this.

"Romano, I heard you let Zubicu sleep with you last night because of the storm- oh, hey Zubicu!" he says, suddenly noticing me.

I blink. "That's what happened?"

He nods. "Si. I caught you wandering the halls last night and asked you what you were doing, and you told me you were going to sleep in Romano's room because of the storm."

I frown, but then sigh. I guess that is true, because we're both afraid of storms. But I've always been the worst one. I nod, standing up. "Alright then. Either way, I'm going to be meeting a new country soon, so I should really go back to my room." They nod and I levae them in peace, walking back to my own room. Before I enter I hear a clearly embarrassed Romano yelling at Spain, and chuckle.

Afetr I've changed I walk downstairs and get myself some breakfast. I get two kituna fruit out of the cupboard, and a frying pan from the pan cupboard. I begin to fry the kituna fruit up. Whilst that's going on, I roll the left sleeve of my jumper back, revealing the chain around my wrist. I frown, tugging at it.

After all these years it still hasn't come off, huh? I ask myself, and sigh as I play idly with the chain hanging off, about eight links hanging loose from the main chain, fastened tight around my wrist so I can't move it at all.

I shudder and go back to frying the kituna fruit. It's quite hard to do, but they taste really nice when they're done if you cook them properly. In my country they use them as a healthy substitution for doughnuts, to ensure they don't get too fat or whatever. They taste similar when they're fried, because the sugary water spreads throughout the whole fruit and makes the flesh sweeter. Also, it softens the skin so you can scrape it off if you want and still be able to enjoy the fruit.

But, the skin is high in fibre- both Germany and Prussia tell me this is the same case in potato skins- so most people choose not to, and keep the skin on. Besides, everyone who lives in my country likes the skin.

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