Chapter 31

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DUDE, I never thought I'd get this far. I kinda lost the plot and went a bit boing-boing today, so I might sound a bit crazy for a while. xDDDDDD 

Anyway, I WAS gonna put this on hold at chapter 30 for a while whilst I worked on DWW, but some encouragement (pestering) from Midnight (again) got me off ma lazy butt and do some goddamn writing

.....Wait. That makes no sense, I'm sitting on ma butt right now typing this. DUH. *smacks forehead* Anyway, this is ANOTHER victory for Midnight. xD I can't get a break, eh? Ah well.

~Sasha (Wolfie)


America and I hang out for a while longer. At one point we actually ened up playing a game of tag, which is very fun. When that's over, we watch a movie for a little while, and then we go and meet up with Canada.

I hug tackle my older brother as soon as he opens the door to his house while I'm literally yelling the news. Of course, he doesn't understand because I'm talking too fast. So I have to calm down and tell him I've changed my human name to Sasha Jones. Again. He was happy with that. But then I brought up the question of what my middle name should be.

"Because, America's called Alfred F. Jones, so I should really have a human middle name too, right?" I say, detaching myself from Canada and starting to walk between my two older siblings as we head to the park. Canada nods. "But I don't know what to call myself."

He frowns. "How about Sasha W. Jones?" he asks. "W stands for Wellwood, so-"

I cut him off. "That's a great idea, but I think the W should stand for Williams. Sasha Williams Jones. Because your surname is Williams, so it's only fair I have both of your surnames in my name, right?" I say.

They both stare at me in shock.

"Dude, you'd really do that for us?" he asks. I pout, turning to the side and folding my arms.

"I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it because it sounds better than Wellwood." I say indignantly.


After a little bit, I look back around to see America staring at me with one raised eyebrow.

I sigh. "Alright, alright. Yes, I'm doing it for you." I look up, pointing a finger at them. "But I'm still doing it because it sounds cool too, OK?"

They both laugh. "What about yourself? I mean, shouldn't you have a part of your name that's unique?" Canada asks.

I smile. "But I do! My first name is unique enough, and I feel more comfortable if my name has parts of my family in it." I explain. They seem to think this over for a while, before both agreeing to it.

Eventually, we reach the park. I feel like a little child again, walking between the two of them. America spots a set of three swings, side by side, and we run over to them, practically racing each other. America gets there first and sits on the end, with me next to him, then Canada, holding Kumanjirou on my lap. I gently swing back and forth, smiling up at the sky.

"Ah, I feel like a little girl again. Changing my name sure can have its effects on my age." I say, and laugh quietly to myself. They both smile at me. We just sit there for a while, idly chatting and catching up on news. Apparently a lot's been going on with Canada and Flicrote. In all the excitement, I completely forgot about her. Canada gets worried when I tell him about Russia, but then I reassure him that he stopped when I ended up in hospital. Anya didn't stop him, but Belarus told me he chose to stop as something made him not want to kill me.

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