Chapter 43

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I yawn, rolling over and straight onto the floor. Grumbling, I sit up, rubbing the back of my head which is now hurting rather badly. Sealand looks at me.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I nod. "Yeah..." Standing up, I smile at him. "How are you feeling?"

He smiles. "Much better, thanks! Are you sure I can stay here?"

I chuckle. "I'm fine with it, but we'll have to check with Romano and Sukrutra first since they live here too for the duration of the war."

"It seems like everyone's fleeing to here..." Sealand says, looking at the floor sadly. I rest a hand on his head and he looks up at me confused.

"No, we're not." I say with a slight chuckle. "Sukrutra and I were staying round Spain's shortly before this started. He got Romano, America and Canada over to look after us while he was gone and make sure I didn't go running after him in the war." I explain.

Sealand nods. "You'll still go, though, won't you?"

I shake my head. "No, I have you to look after now, don't I? I'll only go to war if anyone tries to attack us."

He nods and hugs me round my waist, shocking me a little, then I smile. "Are you hungry? We should go and get breakfast." I ask him gently. Again, he nods and pulls away, holding my hand. I smile and lead him to the stairs, taking him down into the kitchen and letting him sit at the table.

"Where are the others?" Sealand asks curiously.

"They'll be down shortly." I reply, walking over to the cooker. "What do you normally have for breakfast?"

"Cereal." he replies. I nod and pour some for him, setting it down in a bowl in front of him. He quickly starts eating, and I smile as I set about cooking pasta for myself and Romano. Sukrutra feeds herself somehow. She usually disappears before dawn every day to feed and comes back when I'm doing the dishes. Although sometimes I'll keep her in and feed her myself to save her the effort. While I set the water to boil, I start working on the pasta sauce, getting two plates out and multiple spices. I carefully begin to mix them all together to make the sauce. When the water's boiling I put in the pasta and begin to cook that. The sweet aroma must have wafted upstairs, because Romano comes stumbling into the kitchen before long. He plonks himself down at the table as I serve the pasta to him, then pour the sauce over it, before carefully setting a fork down. He picks it up and begins to shovel the pasta down. I chuckle and place a simple glass of water by him, then give Sealand a glass of milk, before setting about cooking fried kituna.

"Ay, ragazza. What's he doing here?" Romano asks through a mouthful of pasta, jabbing his fork at Sealand.

I sigh. "He ran away from England and came to hide out here for the duration of the war. I decided to babysit him."

Romano nods. "Do I have to too?"

I shrug. "Only if you want to. Since I'm already playing Mummy to him I'm fine with you playing Daddy." A choking sound comes from behind me as Romano chokes in surprise on his pasta. I giggle, sitting down with them and eating my kituna. Romano finsihes his food quickly and leaves the table to go and get dressed, leaving me and Sealand eating by ourselves.

"Zubicu, what are we gonna do?"

I look at him, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Eh?"

He sighs. "Jerk England and Spain are going to get into major trouble like this. Neither of them can afford the war." he says. "Plus Spain might get seriously hurt."

My expression changes to one of surprise. Despite us being technically on different sides, he's still caring more about Spain on my side than England, on his side. I nod.

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