Chapter 48

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Shoutout to MidnightBackup for this! :D Also, sorry about all the P.O.V switches, but I thought this was how it worked best xD

~Sasha (Zubicu)


*Tanegashima's P.O.V*

I heard the door slam and instantly realised it was Russia back from fighting. I drop the kitchen knife I was using to chop the vegetables on my foot in surprise, and start cursing. 

"Borsch is on the table, Ivan." I mumble, before running into the hallway  to greet him. I gasp slightly as he stumbles in, his violet eyes huge and scared. I hug him tight, "Oh god I've missed you." I mumble, scared for him as well. I look up to see his face battered and bruised with scars and blood. Around his eyes were black and blue marks, and his clothes were cut to ribbons. He stroked my hair.

"Hello my marktosha." He laughed, his eyes wide still and his mouth twisted slightly. This wasn't his real laugh, or his real smile.

In that second I realised what horror he had seen at war.

I nuzzle my face into his coat, and stay there. To my surprise he didn't tell me to get off and stop being a soft idiot, he just let me hold him tight.  It was as if he was paralysed, oh so vulnerable and scared.

Not like the Russia I knew at all. "Come on sunflower, lets all have dinner..." His voice cracked slightly and trailed off. 

I heard  Latvia scuttling in the kitchen and yelled at him angrily. "WHO TOLD YOU TO BE IN THE KITCHEN BLYAT?!" I heard him mumble some sort of apology and scuttle out the kitchen, bumping into a wall in the process. 

I sigh softly. "Please don't go back to the war..." I whisper into his coat, soft unlike-me tears rolled down my cheeks.

He patted me on the head silently.  "I have to sunflower. But don't worry. I'll be safe, Ok? Safe from that American Bastard..."

I smile. "Come on, let's sit down and eat."

"Da..." He mumbles and walks into the kitchen.

I follow him in. "Like I said. Borsch is on the table."

Russia smirks slightly. "Looks nice."

It's rather awkward talking to my big brother since he's been  at war most of the time and also this is his only day off and I can't help but worry what's going to happen the day after and the day after.

"Those American troops are tough. Tough. We were outnumbered. That's why I was so Blyatted up when I came back." Russia mumbles, rubbing his hands over  the cuts and gashes mostly on his face.

"Hey lets not talk about this shall we? I mean it's your only day off and you'll be back to war tomorrow and then you'll be gone. So let's make this day last. No point wasting your time talking about America."

I optimistically point out, my voice cracking in some parts as I tried not to cry. 

We all couldn't escape the inevitable truth, could we?

*Zubicu's P.O.V*

I smile at America as I hand him his cup of coffee, watching my tired big brother run a hand over his forehead. I move to the back of the sofa behind him, and gently massage his shoulders and neck. "Hard day, huh?"

"Yeah..." He sighs in relief at the ease of pain in his stiff muscles and settles into the sofa. "Russia's a douche, man."

I chuckle. "He's not that bad once you get to know him." 

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