Chapter 50

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Sukrutra lifts her head, letting out an almighty howl that strikes visible fear into the armies before us, before lowering her head to stare at Flicrote's mount across from us. A big, ugly vulture, as big as Sukrutra herself, but with jet-black, white-tipped wings that spanned her entire body on its own. It truly was a disgusting sight. Flicrote looked no better, in bright gold armour perched on the thing's scrawny neck. Clearly, this was more for show. I raise my right sword to point skywards as my left arm extends out to point at the armies and a battle cry rips its way from my throat, mingling in with Sukrutra's as our armies leap forward, colliding in the middle in a bloody mess. Sukrutra carries me free upon seeing Flicrote is also free, and chases after them. We eventually catch up, Sukrutra dropping me to the ground to lunge and latch onto the bird's giant feet, and dragging it to the ground. I catch a brief flash of gold before the bird comes crashing down.

I quickly run over as Sukrutra latches onto its neck, a fierce struggle ensuing between the two. Ignoring it- if I tried to intervene, I'd most likely be batted aside and killed before I could land a hit- I run over to where I see a glowing gold lump on the ground. Flicrote. My eyes narrow in anger as I draw my swords, now humming with the anticipation of being used, my run slowing to a walk as my armour shifts around me. Finally, I reach her side, and violently kick her so that she rolls over. Anger blinds reason as her front becomes exposed to me, and I attempt to rip her armour off there and then, not caring that I am literally about to exterminate the land upon which I stand. Her eyes snap open, and in a flash she's up, levelling her sword at me, her chestplate half-off already.

"The hell do you think you're doing, Zubicu?" she snarls. I glare back at her.

"Something I should have done a long, long time ago, you bitch." I spit, making her flinch. Back in the human world I was friendly enough but she knew my temper when the venom appeared in my voice, and she's been here long enough to know I haven't changed that much. However, her face soon turns into one of determination.

"I'll end you before you even get the chance." With that, she leaps at me. I sidestep her, tripping her up. She stumbles, but recovers- only to recieve my elbow to her back and knee to her legs. She topples down and I place one foot in the center of her back, smirking.

"Ah, you really have lost your touch, my old friend." I tease as I begin to strip her armour. "Such a pity, too. You were always so focused on design that you never realised how impractical this is. Even my finest blacksmiths can't make this into anything useful. You can't rely on your mount to do all the work." Finally, I've finished, and smirk again. "Honestly, I'm disappointed. I came into this war expecting to have a little bit of a challenge. You've let me down, Flicrote."

I see the spark of hope flash in her eyes and laugh, kicking the blade out of her hand and far away. "Nope. I'm not an idiot, you should know that. I'm not gonna give you another chance."

"You'll die anyway. This island will dissolve shortly after I do." she gasps. I chuckle.

"Oh, if only you knew, Flicrote. First of all, you've connected to the mainland over the past century. It's easy to just be considered an extension. Second of all, even if you hadn't connected, it takes at least a week for the country to fully dissolve, and it would start at the top first, whilst we're at the bottom. You're out of luck, my friend." I chuckle. "I thought you would've known this. Ah well. It was a pleasure knowing you. Goodnight." I almost sing, and then drive my blades into her back. Her scream rings out, but is cut short as I slash her neck, turning into a bubbling gurgle, before dying as she falls limp. I step off her, trying to hold in my laughter at how oddly pathetic she was, before turning around. My eyes widen at the horror, all elation instantly forgotten.

Before me, Sukrutra lies on the ground, her armour almost completely ripped off, pinned to the ground by Flicrote's mount. The vulture is still attempting to kill her as she fights with every ounce of strength in her, despite the fact that she's bleeding from multiple wounds. The vulture itself is missing a wing and the other is broken, and multiple chunks of feathers and skin are missing, but it still has enough strength to pin the giant mohran. I race over, leaping over my giant friend's side and driving my sword into the creature's cheek as it descends. It rears away, screeching, and I yell back at it. Sukrutra slowly crawls away behind me as people run up to carry her off. Thinking I've driven it off her, I smile.

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