Chapter 28

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Beep. Ugh, shut UP!! Stupid alarm! I try to move to turn it off, but can't. What...wait a minute. I open my eyes and look around. I'm on my back, countless machines strapped to me and IN me, and a breathing mask over my face. I look at the ceiling and see white. Am I in Heaven?

No....if I was in Heaven, I wouldn't have all these things strapped to me. I look around as best I can again and try to think. Suddenly, I remember what happened yesterday.

Ah, crap. I'm in hospital.

I look to the side of the bed and see Romano sitting on one side, holding my hand. America is on the other side, also holding my hand. Both are asleep. I smile gently at how long they must have been sitting there, waiting for me to come round. I wonder what happened. I read their thoughts and find out.

~ * What happened (Omniscent P.O.V) * ~

Romano waited nervously, pacing back and forth outside the door that contained Zubicu. Inside, the nurses and doctors were fighting to keep her alive. His fists clenched. How could Russia be so cold?! That wasn't like him! And then for Anya to not only stick to a deal, but go and attack her male self, that was crazy! What the hell was going on here?!

America sighed. "Romano, dude, sit down. You're starting to annoy me." His voice sounded flat, devoid of its usual cheer. Clearly his sister being in such a state affected him more than it did Romano.

It did. America was beating himself up inside for not stepping in earlier. If he had done, maybe Zubicu wouldn't be in hospital right now. Maybe he could have stopped this from happening. He was the hero, right? He thought back to that day, the day they signed the deal. The promise he had made;

America watched Zubicu struggle to manage a smile. She did, though, smiling up at him even though it clearly caused her pain. "Yeah... of course. My hero big brother will...always protect me....right?" she managed to get out. He had to admire her. Even though she was in so much pain, she still fought through and refused to show it.

He nodded, resting a hand on hers. "Yeah." he said. "Always. I promise."

The smile his little sister had given him then....he'd give anything to see it again right now. To have her come out of that room, walking by herself, and say it was alright. For her to comfort him, no, the both of them, like she had always done.

But she couldn't. She was in there, dying, and there was nothing they could do. It killed them inside, to know she'd done so much for them and now, when she needed them most, they couldn't do anything.

Finally, the nurse came out. "We have good news and bad news. The good news is she's stable and will pull through. The bad news is that she's unconscious."

America nodded. "Good, thank you. Can we go in and visit her?" The nurse nodded, and instantly both of them stood and went into the room.

They were shocked at what they saw. Zubicu had never looked weaker. She was a mess, lying on the bed with all sorts of machines strapped to her and a breath mask over her mouth and nose. Her eyes were closed. A heart monitor beeped steadily by her bed.

Romano moved over to sit beside her, holding her hand. "Zubicu...I'm sorry. I should have helped you when you needed help, but I stayed back and let you end up like this." He dropped his head to gently rest on her hand. "Please forgive me."

America pulled up a chair on the other side of her bed, and held her hand. "Hey sis, you gotta pull through, right? You're going to, I know you will. You're really strong, much stronger than to be brought down by something like this. You'll definately make it through, right?" he said nervously. Of course, she didn't reply. They just sat there in silence for a while.

~ * Now (Normal P.O.V) * ~

I look at them both, and smile, leaving their thoughts and returning to my own. They must have been so worried for me....I suddenly notice Romano is staring at me. I try to speak, but find that I can't, so just smile to show I'm awake.

His eyes widen and suddenly he throws his arms around me, crying into my shoulder. "Z-Zubicu! I was so worried..." I bite back a scream of pain and instead wince, but smile again. He suddenly notices and hope back into his seat. "Sorry."

I have to admit, when he's worried he acts like his brother. It's sweet. I smile and touch his hand reassuringly, but the slight movement makes me wince in pain. He looks at me questioningly. "Hey, why aren't you talking?"

I frown, then open my mouth and try to talk, but the mask blocks me from doing so. His eyes widen and he nods in understanding. I smile sadly. He rests a hand on top of mine gently, and smiles.

"It's OK. You'll be able to talk soon." he says. I nod, then notice my big brother America has finally woken up. I smile at him.

"Hey, dude, you're finally awake! Man was I worried!" he says. I simply smile again- I can't do anything else and that realization makes it soon become forced. I feel useless.

The door opens again, and in comes several other countries- England, Spain, Canada, Prussia,  Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Italy, amongst others- all bearing gifts. They set them down on the tables by my bed, then all take their seats. I look at them all, shocked. Why did they come? They all stare at me. I shake my head to indicate I can't speak. Murmurs ripple round the group and the stupid ones who can't get it get shouted at by England.

I close my eyes and just listen to them all arguing. It's quite comforting to know they're all here and concerned about me. After a while, England and Spain seem to notice I'm tired as they shoo everyone else out before taking a seat next to me. Then they sing a gentle lullaby to me, their voices blending in a beautiful way. Eventually, I fall victim to their voices, and fall asleep.

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