Chapter 34

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She nods, with a nervous smile. "Yeah, I am, and you must be....Zubicu! Right?" she asks. I laugh and nod.

"Yup, that's me." I say. I glance at the faucet pipe and pickaxe, and raise a questioning eyebrow.

She sighs. "Sorry. Russia gets so worried when I go out to meet new countries. He's always scared they might attack me." She chuckles, and I do too.

"Well, there's no need to worry, although I can see why he would." I reply.

She sets her backpack down. "It's kinda that we've met each other, right?" she asks. I nod, smiling.

"Yeah, it is. Especially with all you lot here." I say to the others. "They were all nervous about you, since you're Russia's little sis and all. See, they were afraid you'd turn out like him. He's not nice to any of us." I explain. I look at Sukrutra. "Hey Sukky, catch." I throw the remaining half of the kituna fruit to her. She catches it in her jaws and eats it. I chuckle before leaning forward. "So, I suppose we'd better introduce ourselves. As you know, I'm Zubicu. These here blondies," I say, jerking my thumb to the right at America and Canda, "are my bros America and Canada."

"Who?" ask the others. I facepalm and ignore them. 

"This is Spain. He raised me, so we're quite close." I say, pointing to Spain. He nods and waves a hello. "And this is Romano. We're best friends."

I look at Romano, who's looking elsewhere. "Romano? Helloooooo???" When he doesn't respond, I sigh, then grin, gesturing a one-minute sign to Tanegashima. Then I turn  to face him again, and pounce on his back in a hug-tackle. "WAKE UP!!"

He cries out, falling off the sofa and taking me with him. All of us are laughing except for Romano as we get back up. I see Tanegashima is giggling too, and smile as we take our places again. Then I reach up a hand to rest it on Sukrutra's head. "This here dog is Sukrutra. She's a mohran, one of the native species to my country." I say. "Here, I wanna show you something." I gesture to Sukky to stand, and she does. "She's huge!! Look at this!" I stand up too, brinigng my head level with her back, jump on her back, and my feet are lifted clean off the ground as she stands up properly. I laugh.

"So anyway, I had a lot of fun exchanging letters with you. You're a new country, right?"

She nods. "Yeah, and I heard of you from Japan. I wanted to sign an alliance."

America tries to do a wolf-whistle but gets a kituna thrown at his head. I hop down from Sukrutra and walk back to my seat. "I can handle that. But first thing's first, let's get a few things straight. These might upset you a little, though." She takes a deep breath and nods.

"If you've only heard good things about Russia and nothing about any other countries, then he's been controlling your media. Forming an alliance with me grants you freedom from that, but I can't say that's a good or bad thing. Plus, he won't be very happy about this, which leads on to my next point. You can't say a word of this to your brother, OK? If he finds out, he'll be so mad. He'll come after me, but I'm more concerned about what he'll do to you. You see, Russia and I are arch-enemies, so that's why I said it'd cause problems. You are probably his most treasured possession at the moment. Forming an alliance with me will cause him to start worrying. I can teach you about the outside world, but there's no guarantee it's a good thing." I explain.

She looks down, for a long itme not saying anything. Then she looks up, her eyes cold. "WHAT did you say about big brother Russia..?" she asks, her gaze shifting back to the floor. "I've only heard good things about him since he's only done good things for me! Dammit!" she says, and then her cold green eyes soften slightly. "Of course....I'll sign an alliance with you. But....But...Just cut it out with Russia!! He's having a hard time at the moment with Germany." She sighs, and I see the grip on her pickaxe tighten. "Don't think of him as such a damn bastard.." she whispers.

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