Chapter 21

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A small gasp slips past my lips as I stare at the gorgeous little crimson bundle of feathers sitting in my hand. Said bird flutters up and sits on my shoulder before rubbing itself against my cheek. I giggle a little at its affecionate behaviour, before turning to look at Prussia. He smiles warmly.

"I thought you might like her." he says. "The awesome me saw her and chose her as the perfect gift for you." he says. I smile, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, she's amazing!" I squeal. He chuckles and hugs me back, before pushing me away from him gently. I look up at him, sitting back down properly.

"What did you decide to name her?" he asks me. I frown, tilting my head to the side and looking up at the bird as I think for a moment, before smiling as I come to a name for her.

"Crimson. After her feathers." I decide. Crimson caws in agreement, flapping her wings. I giggle as she lands on my head, being careful of my curl- huh? A curl? When did THAT get there?! Ah well. I reach a hand up and gently pet Crimson, making sure not to brush against my curl. I may not know what it does, but I have a pretty good idea and don't really want to find out in the middle of the party. She snuggles into my hand, and I giggle again. Well, life should be a lot more fun now. I've always liked birds.

~ * Time Skip (A week later) * ~

Not much has happened over the past week. The only thing really worth mentioning is the day after the party. Romano and I were cleaning up the mess the others had left behind the day before, and we ended up bumping heads together. When we pulled apart, our curls accidentally got tangled together. Of course, since neither of us could do it without....hurting, shall we say... (I know what it actually does, but I don't want to say) the other, we had to yell for Spain.

When he finally arrived, he took one look at the state we were in, and our faces, which were a mix of anger and pain, then cracked up, spending a good five minutes laughing at us before he eventually managed to regain his composure enough to help us.

Of course, we were both rather pissed off with him for the rest of the day for that. But whereas Romano was just Romano and kept swearing under his breath whilst cleaning, I took it out on the cleaning itself and just listened to him cursing Spain, Germany, and pretty much every country in the world. Sometimes Romano would insult someone like America or Canada, and then I'd yell a swear or two at him myself, but for the most part I kept quiet and did my work. By late afternoon, we were done. Yes, that is how much mess there was.

As soon as we were done, Romano went to take a siesta while I put the equipment away. Typical.

I stayed awake. Spain was already having his siesta, so I decided to do some dusting. I wasn't going to leave this house in such a state, and I was in a helping mood today in any case. As soon as I picked up my duster, though, Romano grabbed my arm.

"Hey Zubicu, why don't you take a siesta too?" he asks. I smile and shake my head.

"Thanks for the offer, Romano, but I won't. I still have work to do. After this I have a huge pile of paperwork that needs sorting out. You go enjoy your siesta now, k?" I ask. After a moment's hesitation, he nods and walks off. I smile and set to work.


About an hour later, I'm about halfway through the huge white pile of my paperwork. Crimson rests on my right shoulder, watching me work, while Sukrutra has decided to take a nap on my lap. Normally I wouldn't let her since my lap is naturally slanted so she'll fall off unless she digs her claws in which is VERY painful, and it's just annoying in case I need to get up, I have to move her first. But since I'm too busy to stop and push her off, and too tired, I just let her.

One pile on my left is of completed paperwork, but just the size of the uncompleted pile on my right is enough to give me a headache. I sigh when I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I say without looking up, and keep working. The door opens and shuts, before footsteps approach my desk. They stop behind me, and look over my shoulder at what I'm doing. From the opposite shoulder, Crimson caws a greeting to the person. Since I don't want to look up, I instead read their surface thoughts.

I wonder how I'll tell her....There's no way she'll forgive me, is there? Well, if he won't, then I guess it's up to me to.

I wonder what this person is thinking about, when they clear their throat. I finish off the sheet of paper I was signing and put it on the finished pile, before swivelling around in my chair to see none other than England. He's fidgeting nervously, which cuts off my greeting. Instead I tilt my head to the side.

"Hey, what's up, England?" I ask. He looks up at me.

"It's Japan. You know how he's been avoiding you more and more recently?" he asks. I frown, nodding. It must be bad if he's like this. Now I'm curious and I want to know why. Besides, if he's come to see me rather than my brother or something, then that means it's gotta be serious, right?

"You know why or something?" I ask. He nods slowly.

"Yes, but I'm not sure I want to tell you. You see-" I cut him off before he can explain why he doesn't want to.

"Look, you wouldn't come here unless it was important, right? You'd send my brother or Canada-"

"Who?" Cue the facepalm.

"CANADA.  CA-NA-DA. My second brother." I say, sounding out his name so maybe this time he'll remember. "Anyway, you'd send one of them instead. But you came, so I want to know. Why has Japan been steering clear of me?" I press.

He sighs. " together with Greece, and now he's in a relationship with Greece."


Hurrah for OOC-ness!!! xD

Zubicu- a Hetalia fanfic.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن