Chapter 39

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Long chapter alert~! And serious OOC-ness. Gomennasai!


~Sasha (Wolfie)


I wake up with a start, get up and get dressed. I wear quite baggy clothes that I won't mind getting messy, since this morning is just for setting up. The actual festival's in the evening and goes right through the night into the morning. Yeah, we do long parties. I chuckle slightly as I dress in a simple green t-shirt and torn blue jeans, now baggy with use. Normally I won't wear these, but hey. After today I'll throw them out anyway.

Looking around after sorting myself out I spot Sukrutra isn't in the room. I sigh, guessing she'll be downstairs getting breakfast already. I walk out and nearly bump into Romano. Quickly I stagger back into the doorway and look at him. "What are you doing up so early?"

He sighs. "Sukrutra came in and woke me up. She said I needed to go to prep or whatever. Plus, you told me yesterday, remember?" he asks, giving me an 'are you serious' look on the last question.

I sigh. "I know, I wasn't thinking straight. I need to go to prep with Sukrutra, but you only need to show up to the festival this evening. Go back to bed, I know how much you love to sleep in." I say with a chuckle, lightly pushing him back towards his room. He smiles slightly before going back to his room. I hear his snores after only a couple of minutes, and smile sadly. I wish I could fall asleep as easily as him. Quietly, I sneak into his room to see he's sprawled across the bed, blankets on the floor. Sighing, I pick up the blankets and cast them over him gently. Making sure he's comfortable, I giggle quietly to myself at how cute he looks when he's sleeping, then exit the room, careful not to wake him.

Sukrutra finds me in the kitchen, making pancakes. I've pre-blended kitunas to make kituna juice which I like to drizzle over the top of them. Once they're done I put them on a plate, spread chocolate through a strip in the middle, then roll it up and repeat the process with the second one. Then I take the blended kituna juice and drizzle it over the pancakes. After that I quickly eat them and look at the time. "Shizz, I'm gonna be late!"

I run to the door, getting my shoes on. I open it and let Sukrutra out, before exiting myself and shutting it quickly. I turn around and am about to run before I'm lifted clean off the ground by the scruff of my shirt. Sukrutra lifts a paw up as she flings her head back, throwing me onto her back. I grab her fur before I slide off and hold on as she starts moving. I swear she's grown bigger again, because I feel tiny. Nope, it's just me. Her back is still as high as the top of my head. I think it's just that most mohrans are the same height as a wolf and she isn't.

Eventually we finally arrive. Sukrutra lets me down off her back and we run in, ducking and weaving through the buildings and all the other people carrying stuff around. Quickly I run up to the main guys in charge, and smile, adjusting my clothes and flicking my hair over my shoulder. I give a closed-eye smile, tilting my head to the side and saluting. "Here!"

The men raise their eyebrows at me, but we soon get down to work. I find myself having to lift scaffolding, hammer nails into place, deliver messages and guide people around. Here, you see, I'm not a country, not a figure of importance. I'm just another worker who needs to help out. This is why this is one of my favourite places; because they treat me as one of them. Not different, like someone special. It takes ages to work and I swear it's harder than last year, but by noon we're done. I go home to get some rest in before tonight. 

When we get home I check on Romano. He's still sleeping like a baby and the blankets are off again. I chuckle to myself quietly and fix them for him, before going to my own room and changing into a simple red silk robe before going to bed.

Zubicu- a Hetalia fanfic.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ