Chapter 42

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"BUONO TOMATO, BUONO TOMATO, BUONO BUONO OOH! TOMATO! RED ON THE BOTTOM AND GREEN ON THE TOP, TOMA-TOMA-TOMATO!" I yell as I skip in a very lively fashion down the hallway. Drunk. As. Hell. Allow me to explain.

After the little event yesterday America decided it would be fun to have a party. I was strictly against it, so that didn't happen. As punishment, however, America then challenged me to a drinking competition the following morning. I wasn't allowed to back out. About five full glasses of Pina Colada later and we find me here. Romano is once again chasing after me.

"IDIOTA, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THAT SONG?!?!?!" he screams. America laughs and Canada just chuckles.


"Remind me why you recorded that, America?" I ask as I hand Canada back his phone. He starts pressing buttons on it.

"Dude, who wouldn't? You're a hilarious drunk!!" he replies. I death glare him.

"Ok, and that's that deleted." Canada says softly. I smile at him.

"Aw, but dude! I was totally gonna use that to blackmail these guys!" America whines.

At that I promptly storm into the kitchen. I can hear the others wondering what I'm doing.

Until I return with a frying pan in hand. "Kekekekekeke~" I chant quietly, like Russia's "Kolkolkol" but my own version.

Only then do they seem to remember that Hungary is my older cousin, and that I spent a lot of time with her when I was younger. America's eyes widen, his face pales, and he turns tail and legs it as fast as he can run down the corridor. I chase after him, wielding the frying pan.

It's another hour or so before we've all calmed enough to sit down. Romano's pulled me onto his lap and is just kinda holding me there with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist so that I don't go attacking America for the blackmail attempt, even though I can tell he's pretty pissed off with my brother too. Tanegashima and Russia have left off to their new house now.

"So, how'd you think those two are?" America asks. I know he's asking about Spain and England. I'm not surprised. England is like his best friend and raised him, too. It hurts him as much as it does me that he's gone to war.

I sigh. "I'm not sure. I wish they'd just stop. It's England's fault, though. He threatened to attack Romano and I. Papa had no choice."

America growls. "England didn't charge at Spain for no reason like that! He wouldn't just randomly threaten you two!"

"Then what did he do?!" I snap back with equal vigour.

"He's being pressed for time! Someone spread a rumour around that Spain was going to attack me!! So in return, England has to go and threaten the two countires dearest to your dad, which just so happen to be you and Romano, to get him to fight him instead!"

I snarl. "You're just making this up. It's not likely any country will spread any bloody rumours around."

"It is! I'm telling the truth!" America yells at me, clearly angry.

"So you're blaming Papa?!" I yell angrily.

"Yes I'm blaming Spain! It ain't Iggy's fault!" America yells.

I go to stand up, growling, to attack him again, only to get pulled back and restrained by Romano, who's glaring daggers at America. He's being restrained by Canada, who's remarkably strong considering how invisible and quiet he is. Even so, they're struggling to hold us both back as we shoot glares of pure hatred at each other, fighting against them. Canada gradually drags America to the door and out of it as Romano drags me out into the back garden and throws me down on to the swingseat. I jump up but only to have Romano slam into me, pushing me back down onto it and leaning over me, his face close to mine. I look at his face. He's death glaring me again. The fire of anger at Papa being blamed for this is still raging, so instead of backing down I stare him in the eye with equal defiance.

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