Chapter 45

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When I wake I discover a cabin boy sitting next to me. "Oh, you're awake!"

"Uhhh...." I groan, sitting up and wincing, holding my head in pain. The boy quietly pushes me back down onto the pillow.

"Miss, you hit your head badly. You shouldn't move so quickly." "Where are we?"

"On Spain's ship, miss. He found us, but he isn't very happy!"

"Oh, really? Darn. How long was I out?"

"A few days, miss. You and the little boy we found you with slept heavily."

That catches my attention. "Little boy? That's Sealand. Is he OK?"

The boy nods. "Yes miss, he's alright. He woke up two days ago and Captain's taking care of him, miss."

I chuckle. "There's no need to call me miss. You can just call me Zubicu, you know." I say, looking at him. He blushes in embarrassment and looks down.

"Y-Yes miss, I mean, Zubicu."

I laugh, ruffling his hair. "Aw. Mind telling me where my stuff is?"

"Just over on the chair." He helps me sit up and then get up slowly to go to them.

My satchel's sitting on the chair, with my coat draped the back of the chair and hat sitting on top. My war belt is leaning against the legs. I grin, slinging my coat on and cinching my war belt in place, before putting on my satchel and settling my captain hat on my head, careful of the injury. "Valuksot. You're a great cabin boy. What's your name?"

"Alex, miss."

"Well, Alex, I need to negotiate with my carer, or your captain. Am I allowed to leave my room to find him?"

"Not yet, Zubicu, but Sealand did request to see you. I told him you were still sleeping."

I frown as he leads me down the corridor. "How were we sleeping so long?"

Alex looks at me. "The medic had a look at you two when we got you on board. It seemed you'd been hit and knocked unconscious."

"That's odd." I muse aloud. "When I checked the boat before I went to sleep that night there hadn't been anything in the surrounding waters that could have posed a threat."

"Pardon me, Zubicu, but you didn't leave a guard on duty. You were drifting on the current, which means you could have run into all kinds of trouble, including England's ship. We know he took down your crew already-" he added quickly, cutting me off as I opened my mouth to speak. "-and it's made our Captain keep an even sharper eye out now one of his relatives have been hurt." At this point we stop outside a door. Alex knocks, then opens the door and holds it open for me. I smile, thank him quietly, and walk in. He shuts the door behind me as I confront the bed.

"Zubicu!" Sealand sits up, but groans in pain. Alex is at his side instantly, pushing him back down onto the bed, telling him in a stern yet concerned voice that he needs to stay down. I sit carefully on the bed next to him.

"Hey buddy. What happened?"

"Well, when I woke up you were asleep and I was on a blanket, and we were in the middle of the ocean, and there was this warship near us. I thought we were saved because it was Spain's, so I signalled to it. But it wasn't Spain's ship, it was someone else's ship, and one of the guys came down to take our stuff. I knew they'd recognise you so I woke you up and you defended me, and scared the ship off, but they ditched the guy. He hit you over the head with a wooden club while you were getting me to the back of the boat and you just fell. I shoved into him and he was caught off guard and fell off the boat, but he tipped it so I lost my balance and fell over, and I must've hit my head too because when I woke up a day had passed and I'd woken up here. Alex here took care of me, as did Spain." He smiles and Alex returns it nervously. "Alex reminds me of Latvia. They're both shy."

Zubicu- a Hetalia fanfic.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat