Chapter 17

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After breakfast, it's the same things over and over, and I'm thrown into a daily routine- wake at dawn, dress, wash, wait until Spain calls and follow him to breakfast, eat, then Japan goes to work on the ship and I go either back to my room or to classes of some sort. Mostly though, Flicrote, Canada or Romano will help me escape classes. Then it'll result in us exploring somewhere on the ship or just hanging out in one of their rooms while we hide from the people who are meant to be teaching me. That lasts until midday, and then it's back to our room to change and cool down for half an hour, before we get called down for dinner. After dinner, we're allowed to do whatever until evening. There's a curfew bell as soon as the sun sets. When that goes we have five minutes to get back to our rooms. When it goes a second time, if we're not in our rooms by then we're punished. We change into pyjamas and wash again -normally not in that order unless I failed to skip classes and by that point am too tired to think straight- and are meant to go to bed, but Kiku and I often stay up. I write a journal/plan thingy. He just watches me write or makes a manga book. It's funny.

I yawn, leaning back against the chair as I stretch and stretching my hands above my head. "Kiku, how long do you think we'll be here for?" I ask, looking at him.

He shrugs. "A while." I give him a 'you don't say' look. He sighs. "A month at least. Longer than we were going to be for to get to England, as the way we took makes Spain further away." Again with the sarcastic look. He facepalms. "You know, you really are troublesome sometimes, Sash."

"Yay, you called me by my nickname~!" I cheer, hugging him. His eyes widen in shock at the sudden contact and he pats my back awkwardly, blushing.

"Did you have Skittles again?" he asks me. I nod eagerly. He sighs. "I must remind Spain not to give you those."

I pout. "But Kikuuuuuu~! You know how much I like them!"

"I also know how hyper they make you."

Cue the glare of doom. "Kiku! You can't ban me from Skittles too!" I whine, tugging at his shirt slightly. He sighs and rests his forehead against mine.

"Fine." he says simply. I smile and hug him again. "As long as you stay calm and restrain your hyperactivity when you have them." I nod, still smiling. Then, I get up from the chair, flipping the journal closed. I put the feather quill back in its holder and, walking over to the bed, flop down on it, pulling the blanket over me. "You can stay up if you want, but I'm tired so I'm gonna hit the hay." I mumble.

"Alright. Oyasuminasai, Sasha-chan." he says gently. I smile. "Oyasuminasai, Kiku-chan." I reply quietly, and fall asleep.

~ * Dream flashback * ~

I walked alongside Prussia to the meeting. Prussia, Spain and Romano were the only people who had seen me growing up, and they had insisted upon keeping me a secret from the others until now. I was 11 when Prussia took me in- I was now 18. Not even Germany or Italy had seen me for the past 7 years. I'm not sure how they had managed to keep me from the others without them even being vaguely aware, but they had. As we paused outside the room I looked down at the iron bracelet on my wrist. This had been here since the start of my life as a country, and I could always draw comfort from it. I did so now, and looked up, standing strong and tall as Spain opens the door, holding it open for us. Prussia stands on the left of me, and Romano just behind. We enter and my hands tighten around the swords at my hips, resting in the war belt Prussia crafted for me. My gaze swept round, taking in all the people in the room, when it landed on two familiar faces. My eyes widened at the same time as theirs. " it really you?" I breathed. Prussia smiled at me, and Romano shoved me lightly  as Spain closed the door again, sitting down in what must be his seat. I took the hint and ran to them, hugging them both tightly as they wrapped their arms around me in a fierce hug. Laughing, I pulled away to look at them. "It's been so long..." I said, looking at America. He smiled.

"Zubicu, meet Canada." His eyes widened at the fact his brother remembered him, and I giggled.

"Who the bloody hell are they?!" someone snapped, making me whip round, growling, my hands flying to my swords at the sound of the negative voice directed at me, my posture changing to that of someone ready to fight. A man with blonde hair and green eyes raised an eyebrow at me. "Whoah, I was only asking. Calm down." he says with a heavy British accent. I growl, my grip tightening as I recognise him. Britain.

"That's Canada." America sighed as Romano and Prussia walked over to me. Gently, Romano took my hands and tried to remove them from my swords. I tensed and looked to Prussia, who nodded, resting a hand on my shoulder gently. I was always told by Spain and Romano that he was really annoying, but he's always like a father to me. "It's OK." he said, loud enough for the others to hear, but still comforting. I instantly relaxed, nodding, and allowed Romano to take my hands away from my swords. Judging by the other's expressions they don't show this much care to anyone that often. He held up the wrist with my iron bracelet on and showed it to the others as they introduced me. They introduced themselves. I noticed the man with a long dark ponytail known as China seemed rather nice, smiling at me. I smiled back at him. The silver-haired, purple-eyed man called Russia seemed a little scary, but I'm pretty sure we could get along. When I was told to take my seat, I made sure to avoid Britain, to his clear annoyance and confusion, and sat between my brothers. America pulled me onto his lap and I giggled as Canada moved up one to fill my seat and ruffled my hair, being sure to avoid a large curl of hair on top of my head just behind my fringe. Looking at theirs, I noticed it was about the same length as Canada's, and in the same position as America's- pointing up, then curving over and going sideways. I wasn't sure what it did, but he obviously knew and it couldn't be anything good. I leaned my head on Canada's shoulder, and then sat bolt upright again when I saw the Axis. They all changed so much! Especially Japan. Italy comes over and hugs me like he did before. My eyes widened and I quickly pushed him off, remembering what happened last time and feeling glad that Prussia and Romano trained me to be strong enough to fend him off.

...OK, maybe they haven't changed that much.

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