➤ new school

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        𝐑𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 a few minutes ago. Not before exchanging numbers with (M/n) and giving him a quick forehead kiss(something he used to do when they were kids).

(M/n) knew that Rin improved tremendously and wanted to train him to become just like him, even though his training was brutal. Rin agreed because it was (M/n). Who could say no to him?

After Rin left, (M/n) put up his soccer ball and went inside his house. He ate his delicious dinner and went straight to his room to shower.

His mom conversed on the phone with the school nearby. She informed him that he started next week.

Although he was excited to be playing a different sport, he couldn't help but feel weird about starting school in the middle of the year. Would he even make any friends?

(M/n) sighed and laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was thinking about all his friends from Karasuno he would be leaving behind, but the thought of winning a World Cup made those thoughts disappear. He sensed some sort of ego growing on him as he closed his eyes and he fell in a deep slumber.

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        𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋, 𝐀 week passed since (M/n) first discovered his new love for soccer. During this week, he would meet up with Rin every day to have his training with him, which as always, was a lot of hard work.

Training with Rin, though, seemed to make him stronger. He evolved much faster and the effects were showing as he was almost at Rin's level. Rin found it crazy how good (M/n) was after just one week. Hell, (M/n) himself was.

He would, from time to time, play a little soccer with his new friends, Nagi and Reo. And they were surprised to see how good (M/n) was now. It was like everyday he became better and better. Surpassing them both in no time.

(M/n) also invited Bachira over to show off his new skills. Bachira stared at (M/n) in amazement. He begged (M/n) to teach him, but the (h/c) boy refused because, where's the fun in that?

But now, it was finally his first day at his new school. How exciting...!

"(M/n)! Hurry up, or else you'll be late!" His mother yelled from downstairs.

He already received his uniform and quickly threw it on. He brushed his clothes out to at least look a bit presentable as the new kid.

"Coming!" (M/n) called out, grabbing all of his belongings and rushing out his room. He practically threw himself down the stairs and bolted to the kitchen to grab an apple.

"Bye mom, I love you!" He said, leaving the kitchen and running out the door. "Love you too!" She yelled out to him, but he was already gone. "That kid..." She mumbled, shaking her head.

Once (M/n) left the house, he saw Bachira getting on the bus to go to his school. Bachira waved bye and (M/n) waved back as he watched Bachira climb on the bus and it took off in another direction.

With a sigh, (M/n) continued his walk to school. It only took about 5 minutes for him to reach the school's gate.

He stared at the large school for a moment before resuming his journey inside. There, he saw students whispering things and he knew damn well they were about him.

"Hey, isn't that the volleyball prodigy from Karasuno High?" One student barely whispered.

"Yeah, yeah! You're right!"

"Damn, he's more shorter than I imagined."

"I know right? But you know, he's kind of cute...What was his name again?"

"(M/n) Hinata, I think."

At the sound of that name, two certain students snapped their heads in the gossiping students' direction and sure enough they saw him. The person they have grown so fond of. (M/n) Hinata.

With quick steps, they made their way over to the boy and engulfed him in hugs. (M/n) was surprised at first, but once he realized who it was, he relaxed in their arms.

"Reo, Shiro!" He exclaimed when they both, finally, let him go. "Man, am I glad to see some familiar faces around here!"

"I didn't know you were coming to our school." Nagi said, actually looking away from his phone. "Now I have my gaming buddy with me."

Reo slung an arm around (M/n)'s shoulder and started walking. Nagi followed on the other side of (M/n), with his nose back into his phone.

"You haven't got your schedule yet, have you?" Reo asked him, guiding them to the principals office.

"Uh, no I haven't."

"Well, the principal is right there in his office. Nagi and I will be out here waiting on you. 'Kay?"

"'Kay!" (M/n) nodded and wandered into the office with Reo and Nagi keeping a close eye on him.

When he came back, Reo examined the piece of paper and his face immediately brightened.

"Are we soulmates or something because you have the exact same classes as Nagi and I!"

"Really?! That's awesome!" (M/n) practically leaped in the air from excitement.

"(M/n) is in the same class as me? Nice." Nagi spoke. Although his voice sounded like it held no emotion at all, he was actually really happy.

"You're signing up for the soccer club, right?"

"He has too. He's super good."

"Of course I am!" (M/n) smiled. "Just show me where it is!"

With that, the trio made their way to where the soccer club sign up sheet was located. Reo and Nagi kept their excitement in, but with (M/n) transferring to their school, it was the the best thing that happened to them.

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        𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄! Rin had his arms crossed, slightly glaring at the boy who was collapsed on the grass. He was tired. Rin wore him out with his firm coaching but he stared at the shorter boy like he expected more out of him.

"(M/n) get up. If you don't keep practicing what I told you, then you'll stay a noob."

"So mean! I'm tired, Rinnie." (M/n) whined and pouted like a little child.

Rin's glare changed into a soft expression. Of course, he couldn't stay mad at him. "I apologize for being so strict, (N/n), I just want you to reach your goal."

"And I will! Trust me!" (M/n) gave him a closed-eye smile. Well, that's what he tried to give him, but due to exhaustion, he looked like an animal in heat. Rin had to look away quick or else-

"We'll end training for today." Rin muttered.

"Yay!" (M/n) jumped up with joy.

"Let's begin the yoga aftercare."

"Oh..." His joy died down because even if it is aftercare, Rin still has hard stuff for them to do.

(M/n) internally cried as he tried pleading with Rin for them to skip over it for today, but Rin refused.

And so, after they were done with everything, (M/n) actually passed out. Rin was surprised a bit and made a note to himself to improve (M/n)'s stamina.

He picked him up bridal style and carried him to his house. All the while, taking occasional glances at him. He was just, oh, so gorgeous. Rin wanted (M/n) all to himself.



let rin cook

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