➤ second selection vi.

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        𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 two days, (M/n)'s team was still a team of four. It seemed as though no one wanted to compete with them.

"Hey, you guys," Aryu said with sparkles floating around him. "How about a match with us instead?"

"It'll be fun~!" (M/n) added with a smile.

(M/n), Bachira and Aryu were in the cafeteria while Rin was off, most likely training. Aryu and (M/n) took it upon themselves to ask other teams of four if they wanted to go against them while Bachira ate.

"What? Aren't you guys in like the top 3?" One said.

"I'll have to pass on that offer." Another spoke.

"Let's go."

They kept asking, but no one wanted to play. (M/n), however, liked the feeling of being feared. It made him feel powerful, which he was.

"How many teams declined us now?" Aryu flipped his hair. "This place is filled with a bunch of scaredy cats."

"Tell me about it." (M/n) muttered, returning to Bachira.

"No one wants to play against us!" The (H/c) male whined.

Bachira patted his lap, ushering (M/n) over, who held no complaints.

"I didn't want to play against those guys anyway. I was planning on waiting to go against Isagi's team when they've reached the fourth stage."

"But what if they don't advance?" Aryu questioned.

"They will." Bachira took another bite of his food, occasionally rubbing his hand up and down (M/n)'s thigh affectionately.

"Not to get off topic, but where's Rin?" (M/n) took notice of his disappearance.

"Probably training." Aryu shrugged. "You know him."

(M/n) gasped and quickly got up from Bachira's lap. "Without me?! No fair!!"

"Wait on me, (N/n)!" Bachira called out, throwing his plate, which landed on Aryu and ran behind him.

"What the hell?! Bachira, you unstylish creature! How could you ruin my perfectly glam face and hair?! Do you want to die, huh?!!?!?!?! Come here, and I'll kill you in style!!"

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        𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 Rin was always hell. (M/n), of course, knew this. But Bachira, however, didn't know what was in store.

Rin had a growing hatred for Bachira, so when Bachira wanted to join the training, he decided to give him something worse than hell.

(M/n) could notice how hard Rin was being on Bachira and decided to stay out of it. He laid down on the grass and listened to them bicker.

"For someone provoking, you're lukewarm, front bangs."

"But this is fun, right?" Bachira held a bright smile despite what Rin just said.

"Sigh...a dribble like that's so reliant on instinct won't work against me."

"I'd say the chances are fifty-fifty!" Bachira grinned at (M/n), who lazily held up his thumb. "Never know if you don't try."

"I do know." Rin bent down to pick up the ball. "Your dribble looks like you're having fun but afraid of fighting alone. It is a soccer looking for someone."

Bachira's eyes widened, and his smile long dropped. (M/n) sat up and shook his head at Rin. He wanted to go over there now and comfort Bachira but decided to do so later.

"That lukewarm ego won't make my heart dance."

"Okay, Rin. That's enough." (M/n) stood up and grabbed Bachira, who was frozen. "Come on, Meguru! Let's go hit the showers!"

"No, wait..." Bachira got out of (M/n)'s grip and returned to Rin. "Do you also have a monster inside you?"

"Huh?" Rin raised an eyebrow. "What are you on about, bowl-cut?"

"Not like a real monster. Like an image of the soccer that you want to happen. I think that every amazing player has one."

Rin was silent momentarily before he narrowed his cold, teal eyes at him. "Hell, if I know. Because that childish nonsense controls you, your playing is cowardly and lukewarm."

(M/n) glared at Rin's retreating figure while placing a hand on Bachira's shoulder.

"Go play soccer with that monster for all your life. Meanwhile, I'll become the best in the world."

Bachira was now completely enhanced by Rin. Never in his life has someone told him something like this. Noticing Bachira's frozen state, (M/n) grabbed his hand again and led him towards the door.

"Come on, Bachira..."

When all three of them returned to the hallways, they were surprised by a visitor they hadn't expected.

"Yo, Bachira. I've been looking for you."

"Isagi..." Bachira whispered.

"Like we promised, I've come to steal you back."

Isagi then turned his attention to the other two males with egoist eyes. "Let's play, (M/n), Rin."

"Haha, you're on~!" (M/n) smiled brightly.

Usually, the smile would make Isagi's heart flutter, but he decided to ignore those feelings for now due to the circumstances. In his mind, he didn't have time for a crush he wasn't even sure about. Or, did he...?



oops, where'd my motivation go-

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