➤ second selection iv.

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        𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐊 (M/n) as he, Rin, and Aryu sat and waited in the next room.

Aryu couldn't keep his eyes off of (M/n), while Rin couldn't keep his glare to stop turning in Aryu's direction. Well, it's not like he cared if he saw it anyways.

(M/n) laid out on the floor, staring up at the ceiling while sighing every 5-10 minutes. It was getting tiring.

"Ugh, I'm so bored. There's literally nothing to do!" (M/n) whined.

"We shouldn't have to wait too much longer."

"I sure hope so."

"Hey, (M/n)!" Aryu stood up with a bright smile. "How 'bout I style your very stylish hair to pass the time?!"

"Ooh, sur-"


"Huh, Rin? Why not?????"


"That's not very glam, Rin." Aryu tsked, shaking his head in disapproval while also twirling a string of his hair with his finger.

"I don't care," Rin said coldly, crossing his arms.

Before anyone could utter another word, the automatic door slid open revealing three figures. (M/n) jumped with joy at the sight of them.

"Nagi, Meguru! And you too, Isagi!"

'That damn boy again...' Rin's face held a look of disgust as he stared at Bachira.

As soon as the three of them stepped foot in the room, Ego appeared on the screen.

"The second selection's third stage starts here." He held up three of his fingers. "It's a 3v3 battle."

Isagi gulped at the thought of playing against (M/n) and Rin, Bachira smirked devilishly at the (H/c) male, and Nagi held his usual emotionless face.

"The 3rd stage is a mini-game-styled battle with the three of you teamed up with just now. Both teams will have Blue Lock Man as their goalkeeper, and the team that scores 5 goals first wins. And, that winning team will pick one member from the losing team and steal him for your own, forming a 4 man team."

"Ooh, it's just like that one thing..." (M/n) muttered.

"Yeah, like uhm..." Bachira also couldn't think of the name.

"Red rover." Nagi simply stated.

"And by rising up in the stages, you'll increase the number of teammates by one each time. The team that creates a team of 5 and reaches the 5th stage will have cleared the second selection."

Ego then started explaining what would happen if you lost the 3v3 and other things. The name of the game was 'The Rivalry Battle.' It peaked (M/n)'s interest quite a bit.

"I see...so there are still other teams of 3 who will come here later." Bachira recapped.

Nagi shrugged, "Seems so."

Isagi felt a bit of relief flow through him at this news. Maybe he didn't have to go against such strong players this early.

"Since we steal someone by winning," Nagi started. "It might be good to fight against those who have members we'd want to get."

"Exactly." Ego said. "The key to clearing this stage is picking your allies. And to represent that--new Blue Lock ranks are being announced."

(M/n) heard a little beeping noise come from his arm. Looking down at it, he saw that his number was '2.'

"And of course, there's no fakes this time. Your rankings will be in the order in which you cleared the 1st stage. And of course, your ranks will once again be updated based on the results you show in matches."

Ego talked with them a bit longer before finally turning off the TV, ending the lecture.

Isagi and his two companions started talking among one another while (M/n) and his two companions talked as well.

"Ahh, this is so exciting now, right Rin?!"


"But who will we go against?"

"Definitely ranks 4, 5, and 6, right?" Aryu continued twirling his hair. "That'd be the most stylish."

"Why not Isagi and his crew? I mean, they are right there and we wouldn't have to wait long. Plus, who's to say ranks 4, 5, and 6 are teamed together."

"Fair point, but if we play and win against those potatoes over there, I will not look beautiful at all."

Rin sighed, putting one hand on his hips. "Shut up. It does not matter who the opponent will be. I just want to win quickly and go forward."

"Huh?! Your face might be stylish enough, but who do you think you are ignoring me here?" Aryu got up and glared harshly at Rin.

"Hey, guys! No fighting, alright?" (M/n) stood in between them, holding out his hands.

"Don't misunderstand." Rin started walking away. "Us three only happened to team up because you were the first to clear and show up. To me, you're just stepping stones. You guys, and this 'Blue Lock' as well."

(M/n)'s eyes widened at the statement. He knew Rin had changed quite a bit, but surely he didn't mean to offend him, right?

"'If you keep winning, you'll get into Japan's U-20 team.' I'm here to just take advantage of that system. It's all so that I can become Japan's representative and overcome my brother. To crush Itoshi Sae...is everything to me."

(M/n) understood him now. He was still on about beating Sae. Of course, he didn't mean what he said. In fact, (M/n) knew that as soon as the two would be alone, Rin would apologize.

"Even your praising is stylish?" Aryu pointed a finger in Rin's face. "I guess you're good enough to be my teammate, then."

"Can't believe I'll be playing with such amazing guys!" (M/n) teased. "I'll be dead weight for sure!"

Isagi stared at the ground for a minute. His ego was telling him everything he needed.

"Bachira, Nagi...sorry."



"You're fine with whoever, right?" Isagi stood in front of the three men with dark eyes. "Let's do it."

"And that's the way to go~" Bachira clapped his hands. "(M/n), I hope you're ready to lose to me again~!"

"Bring it." (M/n) smirked.

Rin stared into Isagi's soul. "Yeah, anyone's fine."

When Rin said that, a few noises were made and the door opened. The screen showed (M/n)'s team and Isagi's team with the words 'Match Make' at the bottom.

It was time for the Rivalry Battle!



i feel like the chaps are starting to get boring-
what do you think??

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