➤ introduction iv.

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        '𝐓𝐀𝐆?' (𝐌/𝐍) thought to himself as he actually started listening to Ego this time. He didn't see what tag had to with soccer, but he was excited to play anything as long as his foot got to touch the ball.

Everyone suddenly looked up when the ceiling opened and a ball dropped to the ground.

"The time is 136 seconds. The player with possession is 'it.' Whoever is 'it' when time runs out...can get the fuck out of here."

(M/n) came out of his hiding spot behind Chigiri and stared at the ball with sparkles in his eyes. While, Ego on the screen took a few seconds to simply stare at him.

When they both made eye contact, Ego had a look of confusion and slight shock. (M/n) stared back at him with dotted eyes.

Ego then cleared his throat to continue. "And of course, no using your hands. Those are the rules..."

The screen then flashed Igarashi's chibi profile, name, and showed his rank, as well as the time located at the bottom of the screen. Igarashi was slightly nervous when he saw that he was the chosen one.

"'Tag' is but one of the many exercises pro players warm up with. This 'egoism test' I have devised will provide great insight into the selfishness behind these strikers. Prepare and attack. This isn't your average game of 'tag.'"

The timer then started and a few of the males in the room started shouting.

"The hell?! A test as soon as we move in?! It's not even football!"

"Oh shit! The door's not opening?!"

"300th...So the worst player is the first to be 'it...'" Igarashi placed his foot on the ball. "I have to do this...so whoever gets expelled, don't hold it against me."

"W-Wait a sec.." One of the guys say, "Do you really believe what that guy said?! That thing about the U-20...That must've been a bluff!"

"I dunno for sure, but what if he was telling the truth?! I'll do it...If I lose, I'll have to become a monk at the temple..."

"WooO! Go Igarashi!" (M/n) cheered. In his eyes, the monk looked like a badass side character right now.

Everyone started to tense as the timer kept ticking, well except sleeping Bachira.

"O' GREAT BUDDHA!" Igarashi yelled, kicking the ball to Isagi, but he easily dodged it with a sweat drop. The monk gritted his teeth as he started aiming for everyone after that. "Shit! This is way too hard!"

"Ne, Igarashi-kun! If you want, you can hit me!" (M/n) waved his arms around like a little child to get his attention.

Igarashi grinned, kicking the ball towards (M/n) with all the power he had in him. But (M/n) simply stepped to the other side with a giggle.

Igarashi's eyes widened, as he quickly went to go retrieve the ball. "(M/n)?! What the hell?!"

"What?" (M/n) questioned innocently, "I said you could hit me, but I never said it would be easy!" He giggled again, jogging back over to Chigiri.

"Agh, fuck! I can't hit anyone!!"

Igarashi was sweating a waterfall at this point. He was afraid of getting eliminated this early. However, his nervousness died down when he noticed someone still sleeping.

(M/n) quickly caught on, but he did nothing since he knew Bachira could defend himself. He had a feeling that the latter wasn't even truly sleep.

"Haha!!! That's the guy! Lucky me, he's still sleeping!!"

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