➤ first selection iii.

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        𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 match was finally over with. Everyone was exhausted, besides (M/n), and were knocked out sleep.

Even Nagi, who wanted to play on his phone so badly after he got it, went straight to sleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

(M/n), though, stared up at the ceiling with bored eyes. He was never really tired and it was rare for him to be the first one asleep. Though he was always the last one to get up.

As he continued to stare upwards, he soon heard a low growl. He looked down and heard it coming from his stomach.

"Hm? Guess I gotta feed you, huh?" He whispered to his stomach, slowly getting up out of the bed as to not wake up anyone.

When he got to the door, he looked back at Nagi and Reo who were still fast asleep before walking out of the door with a sigh.

No matter how many times (M/n) may have went to the same cafeteria over and over again, it still took him quite a while to get there. 

But once he was in sight of it, he hurriedly walked towards it only to be met by two other figures.

Walking a bit closer, he identified them as the people who were in his previous team, Z. They were sitting down with a delicious slab of steak placed in front them. (M/n)'s mouth watered at the sight.

He skipped over to the two, waving his hands around. "Yoichi, Kunigami! Long time no see!"

Both males snapped their head over to the boy, staring at him with wide eyes. "(M/n)?!" They both yelled, shocked.

"Shh~" (M/n) shushed them, putting his index finger over his mouth. "Don't want to wake up the whole building, do you?" He sat down in front of them, giggling.

"Right, sorry." Kunigami scratched the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed.

"No worries! Whatcha two up to?"

"Just talking!" Isagi answered. "What about you, (M/n)?"

"I was just feeling pretty hungry." He shrugged.

At this, Kunigami was quick to speak up. "Would you like a piece of my steak?"

(M/n) nodded happily, giving him a closed eye smile. "Yes, please!"

An unwanted blush crept on the two boys face as they stared at (M/n)'s happy figure.

Kunigami immediately cut a piece of steak off for (M/n) and placed it on a nearby napkin, handing it to him afterwards.

(M/n) licked his lips and stood up to go get a fork. When he came back, Kunigami and Isagi had engaged in a conversation.

"You deserve half the credit for that goal, so I'm gonna give you half of this too."

"What?! Are you sure?!" Isagi's eyes almost popped out of his skull while Kunigami placed the steak on Isagi's bowl. "Oh meat, how I've missed you...! No more natto!"

"Oh, Isagi? What did you do to receive such praise from Kunigami?" (M/n) questioned, watching Isagi stare at the steak in awe.

"During our match with Team X, I just passed the ball to him, helping him score a goal." Isagi shrugged.

"Ooh, nice!" (M/n) gave them a thumbs up, munching on the tasty steak.

"By the way, I'm asking just to be clear...But why did you pass it to me back then?"

"Hm?" Isagi looked over to him, saliva still dripping from his mouth.

"I mean, being honest here and all, Raichi was in a better spot than I was. So I was surprised you passed it to me instead, since I was also being marked by a defender."

(M/n) listened to their conversation, completely intrigued by what Isagi would answer. This was the probably the most quietest (M/n) has been in a good little while.

"Ah, back then I passed it unconsciously, it was basically a reflex. But now that you ask me...if I had passed to Raichi, he still would've had to deal with Barou...But even so, it was like I could smell the goal coming from your shot."

"Smell the goal, huh?" Kunigami glanced at him, thinking to himself.

"But, what mattered in the end was that I couldn't score on my own. I don't have...any weapon like that."

(M/n) placed his fork down and stared at Isagi. "You're funny, Isagi."

Both Isagi and Kunigami looked at (M/n) with confusion.


"From what I'm hearing you basically followed your instincts. That seems like a talent, if you ask me!"

Isagi felt his cheeks getting hot at the compliment and praise he was receiving from (M/n). He really liked it.

"And that 'smelling the goal' stuff you were talking about most likely is your weapon, which is really cool!"

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Kunigami agreed, taking a bite of the steak, his face morphing into something else at the taste. "So good...!"

(M/n) giggled at Kunigami's reaction and turned towards Isagi.

"Hey, eat up, Isagi! It'll get cold!"

"Ah- right." He stabbed the steak with his fork and put it in his mouth. And just like Kunigami, his face changed into an indescribable expression. "It tastes like heaven!!"

"Haha, doesn't it?!" Kunigami smiled.

(M/n) couldn't help but to stare at the ginger haired male. On the outside he looked tough and intimidating but he was actually a softie.

With a smile, (M/n) spoke, "Awh, what a good guy you are, Kunigami!"

Kunigami's eyes widened and his heart rate increased. He looked away with a blush stretching across his face.

"And look! You're blushing!" (M/n) pointed out in a teasing manner.

"Shut up...I'm not blushing.." He mumbles, completely in denial.

"But you are!" (M/n) laughed out loud, turning over to Isagi. "You see it too, right?!"

Isagi nodded while chuckling. "Don't tell me you don't know how to take compliments."

"I swear to god...why did I even come here." Kunigami muttered, rolling his eyes. He quickly changed the topic by holding out his fist to Isagi. "Let's win our next game."

Isagi smiled, fist bumping him. "Yeah!"

"So we're gonna ignore how Kunigami completely changed the topic?" (M/n) spoke up with dotted eyes.

"Shut up already!" Kunigami stood up with an irk. He was getting ready to jump on top of the table, but Isagi barely held him back.

"This is my time to leave-- Thanks for the steak! And Bye-bye! Good luck tomorrow!" (M/n) shot up and ran to the exit.

"Get back here!"

"Bye (M/n)-"



this may be the longest arc so buckle up

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