➤ first selection x.

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        𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 had finally arrived, to which (M/n) was very thankful for. He was beyond starving at this point. And as soon as the food was placed in front of him, he quickly said thank you and started eating as if he hadn't ate in years.

Sae chuckled a bit while watching the boy. "Slow down, (N/n). The food's not going anywhere."

"I knjow bhut it's sfo good!!" (M/n) cried with literal tears in his eyes. "Stop talking with food in your mouth, idiot." Sae replied, rolling his eyes. "It's disgusting, you know?"

(M/n) blushed from embarrassment and swallowed his food before speaking again. "Sorry-- It's a really bad habit of mine." Sae nodded in response and continued eating his food, all the while taking a few glances at (M/n) who was paying him no attention.

After a while, both males finished eating their food and (M/n) was ready for the dessert that was to come. He kept bouncing in his chair at the thought of the delicious snack he would soon devour.

Sae noticed (M/n)'s excited behavior and raised an eyebrow. "What got you so excited all of a sudden?"

"Dessert!!" (M/n) replied back happily. "That's right," Sae laughed a bit. "I almost forgot how much you love sweets."

"They're just so good though!!" (M/n)'s bright smile got even brighter when he saw the lady walk over to them with their little treats. "Sae, Sae! Look!! There they are!" (M/n) pointed making Sae's lips turned upwards unconsciously. "Mhm, I see it."

The lady set their treats down with a smile. "Enjoy and have a great day."

"You too."

"Thank you!!"

(M/n) licked his lips and slowly picked up his food. He brought it to his lips and took a little bite of it. Meanwhile, Sae had his chin placed in the palm of his hand as he stared at the male in front of him intensively.

"So, how is it?" Sae questioned when he noticed (M/n)'s silence.

"This...is...THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD--!" He began gobbling the treats up until there was no more left. Sae stared at him. Simple things like this made him realize just how much he missed him. 

After they both finished eating, Sae stood up and grabbed for the other's hand. As they exited the café, (M/n) took out his phone to check the time. His eyes widened slightly and he quickly turned to Sae.

"I'm supposed to be back already!"

"Back? Back where?"

"To this Blue Lock place!" Sae groaned. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he didn't want (M/n) to leave. "Do you have to?"

"Yeah," (M/n) sighed. "We can exchange numbers if you want?!!"

"Sure." He whipped out his phone and took (M/n)'s. They both put each other's number in and gave it back. "Welp, I better get back now."

"Yeah, right." Sae coughed, clearing his throat. For some reason something felt off to him. He just didn't know what it was.

"Hey, Sae."


"We're friends, right?"

Sae hesitated for a few seconds before answering, "Mhm."

Taking a deep breath, (M/n) thought back to what Bachira said and did that day. He grabbed Sae's collar and gently dragged him down to his level, softly pressing his lip onto his.

Sae was taken back by the action, but this didn't stop him from kissing him deeper.

When (M/n) broke away, his cheeks blushed a dark red while he looked down and continued back walking. A smirk formed on Sae's lips as he ran to catch up with (M/n).

"So what was that for?"

"To show how much I love you." He laughed like it was obvious.

"Is that so? Then I guess I should be kissing you often."

(M/n) said nothing, but smiled to himself. Sure, he had no idea how wrong that was, but Sae was cool with it. In fact, that's what Sae felt was so off. He viewed the time with (M/n) as a date and all that was missing was a kiss.

It was times like this where he enjoyed how naïve (M/n) was. He just had to make sure his lips were the only ones that touched (M/n)'s.

Once they arrived at their destination, (M/n) slung his arms over Sae's neck and they shared a quick hug.

"Call me, okay?"

"I'll try! bye-bye!"

"Bye (N/n)."



blame bachira for this lmao💀

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