🫦I Won't Bite I Promise!🤞🏻

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Tommy decided to try taking Iridiana's "advice" and help Jason out with his Martial Arts classes which he thoroughly enjoys he's also got a part-time job at the Youth Center but not at Ernie's Juice Bar or as a lifeguard and Iridiana helped him gain his license/drivers permit by letting him use her car for his test he also got to see pictures of Tecumseh (the Alusky) when he came by to the Hart house and Iridiana shows him a photo album that she had hidden in her closet which had nothing but pictures of the pup and all the statues and stones that mark his grave throughout the years... her mom carelessly broke quite a few of them.... "I still have his collar, favorite blanket and toy.... Kimberly has his leash and the last picture that was ever taken of him which was taken a half a minute before she walked him outside to go for a walk the day he died"  Iridiana tells him he hugs her gently trying his best to comfort her for he realizes she never truly got over his death or perhaps the way he died or both which is completely understandable "I spent two months not speaking.... well completely ignoring Kimberly after he died I suppose that in some way I fell into a form of depression.... I worked so hard to get him and planned so many things after I got him I had a whole schedule all thought out.... feeding, walking, training and I never really got to do any of that!.... even after I lost him I still continued to help out my neighbors and they continued to pay me for my help but I had to come up with a new reason to save up and that reason became moving out of this house when I got old enough.... thanks to my mother and my sister I couldn't stand living here, I still can't! my father is the only one I can even stand being around and thanks to his job he's hardly ever around and when he is mom's always picking a fight with him I can't be stuck trying to salvage what has been broken for far too long I need to figure out a way to live my own life and I think the only way to do that is to live on my own for even though she may not like me I believe my mother has become to reliant of me though Kimberly always has been and always will be her "favorite" child you can tell because they're so much alike in far too many ways!"  she says he chuckles though his eyes are sad for he has no idea what to say or how to comfort her especially when she sounds more lost than he is one thing's for sure he's proud of her for staying strong all these years putting up with her mothers childish antics and her sisters attitude.... which has gotten better.... "just a few more months and I can be free of it!"  she whispers he hugs her just a little tighter.... Iridiana, her friends and Khárisma help Trini, her friends and Amyntas Kimberly's boyfriend.... that's right people Kimberly and Amyntas are now officially dating so Kimberly is now "ok" with Iridiana dating Tommy she's also had a crush on Amyntas since she was five and I suppose it never went away.... clean up the park though each group works in separate areas so Iridiana and her friends.... along with Tommy who joins them a little later.... don't end up dealing with the Putties who attack Trini and crew or Rita's monster.... Iridiana and her friends walk down the hallway at school and sees Mr. Caplan slipping on some bubbles which seem to be coming from the drinking fountain and while everyone else was standing around laughing at him as he tries to stand up they walk over and try to help him up "get to class!"  Iridiana orders and the students disperse and do as they're told once they.... by some form of a miracle.... succeed in helping Mr. Caplan stand he turns and sees what looks like Jason and his friends watching the show and he yells "detention!"  Audrina and the others looks at them oddly for they can sense a darkness that doesn't belong within them around them the copy of Trini laughs as the group starts to leave "we really cleaned up"  the copy of Zack says before he and the others turn the corner "Rayna see if you can shut off the fountain, please"  Iridiana says Irayna nods then slowly walks over to the fountain just as the real Jason and his friends walk into the hallway and see the slip and slide of bubbles that their copies have made Audrina slowly walks over to Jason with sad eyes "you five, detention now!"  Mr. Caplan says Jason and the others look at him oddly Audrina whispers to Jason what she and her friends just witnessed and he looks at her with wide eyes Iridiana and her friends helps Mr. Caplan out of the bubbles he thanks them then sends them on their way Audrina looks at Jason who nods with a small smile "actually Mr. Caplan seeing that this is their first offense instead of sticking them with Bulk and Skull why don't you have them clean up the mess they made!? maybe have Jordan look after them since he's working the night shift tonight I know you have a meeting to go and it'll be impossible for you to be in three places at once so if you have one of your janitorial crew placed in charge you'll at least know they'll be well looked after"  Iridiana says "that's a wonderful idea Miss Hart!"  Mr. Caplan replies he takes out his phone and makes a phone call then a few minutes later one of the night shift janitors walks over and is placed in charge of looking after Jason and crew and the Janitor seemed all too happy about it especially since that meant he wasn't going to have to clean it up Iridiana winks at Jason then she and her friends leave Jason watches them depart with a confused expression on his face and he soon finds out why Iridiana chose this particular janitor over all the others he was just plain lazy for as soon as Mr. Caplan left Jordan the janitor opens one of the classroom doors and drags a desk which had its chair connected to it out of it then sits down and watches t.v. not wanting to get into trouble Jason and the others use the janitors supplies.... mops etc.... to clean up the bubbles Billy even takes the fountain apart to try and figure out why it was spewing bubbles, fixes it then puts it back together they stop working when they hear via a news reporter on the t.v. that the Power Rangers were causing trouble downtown and they couldn't believe what they were hearing neither could the janitor for he started yelling at the t.v. using that as their "get away ticket" outta there Jason and the others sneak into a classroom, Morph then head to where their twins were wreaking havoc and do their best to stop them.....

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