Back In Black.... Well Not Yet But Soon

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A Portal opens up under Iridiana and Tommy's feet and Divatox lathers some peanut butter on the rope that holds them and a mouse that was on that part of the rope starts eating the peanut butter Iridiana cups her hand over Tommy's and he grips it gently Divatox of course mocks him before she and her two minions leave and some Piranhatrons appear "get ready to swing"  Tommy hears Iridiana whisper he turns his head and tries to look at her "dad used to take me sailing he taught me a few things and if I've done this right the rope may loosen or since our bodies are pulling it down it may tighten even more"  she tells him he chuckles he had felt her let go of his hand and her hands start moving in a weird way which made him wonder what she was trying to do and now he knows what she was doing as Divatox predicted a few more mice joined the other one and helped it eat the peanut butter Iridiana and Tommy swing when they feel the rope snap just a little bit and they land a few inches away from the portal "you two again!"  Iridiana says when she sees the Asian American female and the bald Black male walk in "you know these two!?!"  Tommy asks "not personally but they helped me fight the Piranhatrons while you were unconscious"  she tells him he smiles he feels the rope slip off his wrist just as more Piranhatrons rush in and start a fight with the two newcomers and Tommy rushes over to help them with Iridiana not too far behind "you need to go!"  Iridiana says Tommy stops running and turns to face her "you know as well as I that your friends are in danger so go be their hero"  she tells him he looks at her then at the newcomers "I'll help them you go help your friends"  she says he nods then heads to a dark corner of the cave they're in and teleports away the bald black man looks at Iridiana oddly and she tells him "he thought he saw a few coming from a different path and went to check it out don't worry we know these caves he'll be able to find a way out"  he nods "names Iridiana"  she introduces "Theodore Jay though my friends just call me TJ and that's Cassie"  he replies once the Piranhatrons were defeated Iridiana says "you guys should go I'm going to make sure my fiancée made it out safely he tends to get lost a lot"  TJ chuckles then nods with a smile then watches as she rushes off in the direction she said the man she was with went then he and Cassie leave the cave themselves.... Iridiana heads to the campsite where Dracaena, Nova and Cochise are and hangs out with them for awhile and after the Power Rangers defeat the monster Iridiana gets a call from Tommy "he's known as TJ her name is Cassie"  she tells him and she hears him chuckle then say "thanks"  she smiles then replies "we'll see you when it's over I love you"  then she hangs up knowing he still has one more thing to do.... this time around Tommy tells his PR friends what had happened to him and Iridiana and now that he knows the names of their human heroes and it was his story that gave Kat a idea of who should take over for her as the Pink Ranger once that's over they all go to the campsite and have fun.... well all but Kat who was upset that Iridiana was there and Tommy's attention was completely on his fiancée and not her while in their tent that night Tommy and Iridiana hand one another two different yet somewhat the same envelopes that speak of their acceptance into two different colleges in Massachusetts and Tommy chuckles as they do so then becomes excited and happy that she was coming with him "now we just have to find a home of our own to live in for I'm not giving up our pups for ANY reason!"  she tells him he grins then hugs her and replies "neither am I"  a few minutes later the four (Tommy, Iridiana and the pups) fall asleep in the tent the same way they do when they are in each others bed her in his arms and the pups at their feet.... that Autumn they settle in to their new school and new home that they pick out and buy together when summer comes they head back to the campsite that their relationship started even though they weren't dating then for if you recall Tommy considered it a date even though he knew it wasn't one everyone but Kat, Kimberly, Zordon and Alpha 5 were there to celebrate with them yes even Amyntas came without his girlfriend it was a beautiful ceremony and at the end of it Sam and David released two falcons that David had been nursing to health one was a brown Falcon much like the one Tommy saw way back during both of his Spirit Quests and the other was a Gyrfalcon much like the one Tommy saw in his first Spirit Quest when he went to get his Zeo Crystal and the sight made Tommy smile.... a few years later Tommy and Iridiana had a daughter they named Zordana in honor of Zordon which was one of the happiest days of Tommy's life she was born a month after the lab on a island that he and a man named Anton Mercer worked within was destroyed....

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