A Reflection Of Ones Self🪞🧑🏻👩🏻

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Iridiana and her friends see Alpha playing soccer with a young boy and walk over to him "Alpha what are you doing here!?!"  Irayna asks "this young boy got lost and I wanted to help him"  Alpha replies she looks at the little boy and asks "are you Dylan!?"  the boy nods "your mother is looking everywhere for you! you really should have left the area you were in before"  she says "I just went to go get my ball then I got lost!"  Dylan says Irayna turns when she feels a slight darkness behind her and sees a white gorilla looking monster turn into Billy then says as she and her friends who also felt the darkness protectively keep Alpha and Dylan behind them "Alpha get Dylan out of here!"  Alpha replies "but--!"  then he sees what he thought was Billy walk over to them and says "uh-oh busted"  Irayna tells him "that's not William! now go!"  Alpha looks at her then at the Billy look-a-like then back and finally does what he's told as the girls prepare themselves for a fight that doesn't happen "I don't know how you knew but you will pay for that!"  the copy of Billy says "what can I say Billy's allergic to bananas and you reek of them!"  Irayna says sarcastically "why I oughta....!"  the monster says angrily as it turns back into it's original form and starts to attack but stops then says "yes, Lord Zedd"  he laugh as he teleports somewhere else "come on let's go find Alpha and Dylan"  Irayna says then she and her friends rush off to find their automaton friend and his new human friend.... as she was with her friends Iridiana kept trying to contact Tommy who was with Billy, Zack and Jason in Billy's lab to let him know about the new monster and when he finally answered he apologized letting her knew he had headphones on and couldn't hear his phone ringing she tells him about the monster and that Alpha was helping her and her friends watch over a lost kid in the park as well as learning how to play soccer which he found amusing "we should be fine I just wanted you to know....!"  she starts "yeah, no I'm glad you called and that you're all ok and it's really cool that Alpha's helping but why....!?!"  he says "we think he may have saw him through the Viewing Globe and wanted to be a hero like you.... and the others of course!"  she replies he chuckles "he's basically just a reflection of himself for he doesn't realize that in his own way he's already a hero.... to quite a few people!"  she says Tommy smiles "you know.... if you guys have time after you take care of monkey-breath I'm pretty sure Dylan.... the little boy would like to meet the Rainbow Brigade!"  she says he chuckles then replies with a smile in his tone "I'll see what I can do!"  they say their "I love you"s then hang up.... Tommy lets Jason and the others know what he learned from the girl he loves Jason contacts Kimberly and Trini and lets them know what's going on and they all meet up at the Command Center where they find Zordon is back to his old self and they end up going to fight the monster they heard about and now have seen through the Viewing Globe and in person to help his friends Tommy thinks back to something Iridiana told him about Alpha and he tells his friends his idea luckily Kimberly always carries a mirror wherever she goes so they could test out his theory which proved to be a big help for even though it didn't help them defeat the monster it did help them see when he turned into one of them and after the monster was defeated the Power Rangers teleport to the park and meet a very excited Dylan who couldn't believe he was meeting them and his mother finally finds him at the same time as well the mother thanks the Power Rangers who tell her to thank Alpha before teleporting to the Command Center along with Alpha Iridiana and her friends smile at the moment they were now witnessing.... a few weeks later it's Club Sign Up day Amyntas and Khárisma sign up for Kimberly's club and it seems that they were the only ones Iridiana and her friends would have signed up but they figured Kimberly would think they did it out of pity and with all the jobs they have they probably wouldn't have much time to be in the club anyway Iridiana walks over to Bulk and Skull who just picked on her sister and made her leave her booth probably in tears and smacks them both hard along the back of the head then grips Bulk's hair and pulls his head backwards then threatens with a low growl in her tone "what did I say about picking on my sister!?!"  Bulk and Skull's eyes widen in fear and she pushes Bulk's head forward making it hit the camcorder in front of Skull Skull's eyes widen even more as he looks at his friend then his girlfriends friend who he considers a friend who's eyes are narrowed dangerously as she stares back at him "sorry!"  Skull squeaks and she slaps his face making his head snap to the side then says "be grateful that's all you get Skullovitch!"  Skull nods his head with quick motions and watches as she walks away just as Bulk lifts his head up and acts like he's now dizzy which he probably is he's very lucky she didn't crack his skull open with how hard she hit him.... which is probably impossible anyway but I'm sure you get the idea.... "oh and by the way Kimberly has two members in her club you now have none! as a matter of fact you don't have a club anymore especially after I tell Mr. Caplan you bribed people just to have members!"  Iridiana says as she turns around and faces Bulk and Skull who look at her with shocked expressions on their faces then she turns back around and continues on her way out of the Juice Bar Tommy follows Iridiana out of the Juice Bar with a worried expression on his face for he's never seen her be that mean to anyone before he finds her talking with Mr. Caplan who becomes angry with whatever she tells him then he (Caplan) storms off in a huff back into the Juice Bar and yells at Bulk and Skull "yes I know I could have handled that better but I'm sick of it! I'm sick and tired of all of it!.... being forced to be the "respectful" "responsible" one all because I'm the oldest then being hated for being what I was raised to be.... by my own mother in fact! she babies the other two which is why Kimberly is dependent on her for so much which our mother LOVES she HATES that I haven't been like that since she "made" me become responsible for my own shit when I wanted a puppy as a kid! she claims she taught me but I taught myself all she did was FORCE the lesson on me! and I will NEVER let ANYONE be rude to my sister even I try not to though she made it hard at times but I swallowed whatever I could have said to her and I guess I "finally" took it out on Farkas who in a way deserved so much worse than what I gave him as a matter of fact I could have done worse but I restrained myself from doing so just.... not very well!"  Iridiana says when she sees Tommy who chuckles "and don't you tell me it's "ok" Sensei Oliver for I know it isn't!"  she says he laughs then walks over and hugs her to him and she sinks into his loving comforting embrace.... Bulk and Skull do indeed lose their right to have a club thanks to Iridiana tattle-tailing for the first time ever and they become really upset about it but are too afraid of the reason they lost their club to do anything about it luckily for the ones who were bribed into joining their club they were not forced to join any other including Kimberly's instead they were able to choose if they wanted to join one at all and which one they wanted to join and since they already ate the food they were bribed with they got to keep that too.... Kimberly gets put under some sort of jealousy spell which makes her jealousy of the fact Trini's Volleyball club got more members than her Plant/Garden club intensify to a higher standpoint but she tried her best to have fun with her boyfriend and one of her sisters friends girlfriend teaching them about the plants they were planting for though her jealousy still lived in the back of her mind being with Amyntas made things a lot better it became worse when Amyntas left to go get everyone drinks and Khárisma went to the bathroom.... not at the same time they actually went a few minutes apart from one another.... and while they were gone Zordon contacted her and she morphed then left to go help her friends.... when Khárisma and Amyntas come back and find Kimberly gone they begin to worry then come up with a plan to work on the garden together as a surprise for Kimberly to show her just how much they had learned in those few short minutes and they could see why Kimberly, her sister and her sisters friends enjoy gardening so much.... when Kimberly gets back to the Juice Bar she finds out that she had more than two members of her club and Mr. Caplan had put the wrong meeting place in the paper which made her happy she also sees what her boyfriend and her sisters friends girlfriend had done with the garden they started together which made her even happier....

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